1.1.0harmattan61 (2025-02-27)
- Add
support, game standalone directory namedfteqw
, support HeXen II, Half-Life FreeHL, Counter Striker 1.5 FreeCS. More view in FTEQW. - DOOM 3 BFG add Vulkan renderer backend.
- Don't package source code to apk since version 61.
1.1.0harmattan60 (2025-01-16)
- Support setup max game console height percentage(0 or 100 means not limit) on launcher
tab. - Update GZDOOM version to 4.14.0.
- GZDOOM add Vulkan and OpenGL renderer backend.
- Update Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory(ET: Legacy) version to 2.83.1.
- Update Quake 1(Darkplaces) version.
- Update Quake 2(yquake2) version.
- Add use multisamples config in game.
1.1.0harmattan59 (2024-11-20)
- Support
in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. - Fix rendering on Mali GPU in DOOM 3-BFG.
- Fix rendering on Mali GPU in The Dark Mod.
- Fix stencil shadow with
= 2 in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. - Support choose a mod directory in GZDOOM.
- Add some new features options on launcher in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, RealRTCW, DOOM3-BFG, Quake 2, GZDOOM, The Dark Mod.
- Add use high precision float on GLSL shaders(cvar
) in DOOM 3/Quake 4/Prey. - Add 5 onscreen buttons.
- Add
Phobos(for Dhewm3)
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedtfphobos
(d3xp and dhewm3 compatibility patch required). More view in Doom 3: Phobos and Doom 3: Phobos - dhewm3 compatibility patch.
1.1.0harmattan58 (2024-10-29)
- Add
(ver 5.0) support, game standalone directory namedrealrtcw
, game data directory namedMain
. More view in RealRTCW. - Fix light bar indicator of player's HUD by
on The Dark Mod, now setuptdm_lg_weak
to 1 automatically. More view in The Darkmod light bar indicator bug. - Support create desktop shortcut for games or current command on
menu of launcher. - Fix stencil shadow with
= 2 on Quake 3. - Improve stencil shadow with
= 2 on RealRTCW.
1.1.0harmattan57 (2024-10-01)
- Add
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
support, game standalone directory namedetw
, game data directory namedetmain
. More view in ET: Legacy. - Add
Quake 4: Hardqore
mod of Quake4 support, game data directory namedhardqore
. More view in Quake 4: Hardqore. - Add
shader, add ambient lighting model(harm_r_lightingModel
to 4) in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey. - Add effects color alpha in Quake4.
- Fix
GLSL shader in Quake4. e.g. water inrecomp
map and blood pool inwaste
map. - Fix weapon model depth hack in player view in Quake4.
- Add player body view in DOOM3/Quake4.
- Add cvar
to control setup smooth joystick in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey. - Default enable
Standalone game data directory
1.1.0harmattan56 (2024-08-23)
- Optimize PBR interaction lighting model in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
- Fix environment reflection shader in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
- Add ambient lighting model with
0 and remove r_noLight=2 in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey. - Reduce game crash when change mod/reloadEngine/vid_restart in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
- Support switch weapon in DOOM 3(write
bind "YOUR_KEY" "IMPULSE_51"
to your DoomConfig.cfg or autoexec.cfg). - Add
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedlibrecoopxp
. More view in LibreCoop(RoE). - Add
Perfected Doom 3
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedperfected
. More view in Perfected Doom 3. - Add
Perfected Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedperfected_roe
. More view in Perfected Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil.
1.1.0harmattan55 (2024-08-05) DOOM3 20th Anniversary Edition
- Add PBR interaction lighting model(jmarshall23's idtech4_pbr)(setup cvar harm_r_lightingModel 3) in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
- Fix large shake of player view with OpenAL in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
- Add command history record manager in launcher.
- Add
to game data search path(exclude Quake1), add current game data path tips. - Optimize ETC1 compression texture cache in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey, add ETC2 compression texture support(cvar r_useETC2) in OpenGLES3.0.
- Add launcher theme setting.
1.1.0harmattan53 (2024-07-17)
- Fix GZDOOM sound.
- Update screen resolution settings on launcher.
- Add compression textures support with cvar
for low memory device(e.g. 32bits device, but load slower), and using cvarharm_image_useCompressionCache
enable caching on DOOM3-BFG.
1.1.0harmattan52 (2024-07-11)
- Add soft stencil shadow support(cvar harm_r_stencilShadowSoft) with OpenGLES3.1+ in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006).
- Optimize soft shadow shader with shadow mapping in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006).
- Support r_showSurfaceInfo debug render on multi-threading in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006), need to set cvar
to 1 to enable debug render on multi-threading manually. - Add GLES3.2 renderer support in Quake2(using +set vid_renderer gles3 for GLES3.2, +set vid_renderer gl1 for GLES1.1).
- Add GZDOOM support on arm64, game data directory named
. More view in GZDOOM.
1.1.0harmattan51 (2024-05-31)
- Add
(RBDOOM-3-BFG ver1.4.0) support, game data directory nameddoom3bfg/base
. More view in RBDOOM-3-BFG and DOOM-3-BFG. - Add
Quake I
(Darkplaces) support, game data directory nameddarkplaces/id1
. More view in DarkPlaces and Quake I. - Fix some shaders error on Mali GPU in The Dark Mod(v2.12).
- Upgrade Quake2(Yamagi Quake II) version.
- Support debug render tools(exclude r_showSurfaceInfo) on multi-threading in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006).
- Support switch lighting disabled in game with r_noLight 0 and 2 in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006).
1.1.0harmattan50 (2024-04-30)
- Support new stage rendering of heatHaze shaders(e.g. heat haze distortion of BFG9000's projectile, Rocket Gun's explosion) and colorProcess shader(e.g. blood film on mirror of marscity2).
- Support new shader stage rendering of GLSL shaders in Quake 4(e.g. sniper scope effect of machine gun and bullet hole of machine gun).
- Add control on-screen joystick visible mode in
tab(always show; hidden; only show when pressed). - Improving Phong/Blinn-Phong light model interaction shader with high-precision.
- Force disable using compression texture in The Dark Mod.
- Game data directories are standalone in Settings: DOOM3 -> doom3/; Quake4 -> quake4/; Prey -> prey/; Quake1 -> quake1/; Quake2 -> quake2/; Quake3 -> quake3/; RTCW -> rtcw/; The Dark Mod -> darkmod/ (always); DOOM3 BFG -> doom3bfg/ (always).
1.1.0harmattan39 (2024-04-10)
- Support perforated surface shadow in shadow mapping(cvar
, default 0). - Add
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedlibrecoop
. More view in LibreCoop. - Add
Quake II
support, game data directory namedbaseq2
. More view in Yamagi Quake II and Quake II. - Add
Quake III Arena
support, game data directory namedbaseq3
; AddQuake III Team Arena
support, game data directory namedmissionpack
. More view in ioquake3 and Quake III Arena. - Add
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
support, game data directory namedmain
. More view in iortcw and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. - Add
The Dark Mod
2.12 support, game data directory nameddarkmod
. More view in The Dark Mod. - Add a on-screen button theme.
1.1.0harmattan38 (2024-02-05)
- Fixed shadow mapping on non-Adreno GPU.
- Support level loading finished pause(cvar
) in Quake4.
1.1.0harmattan37 (2024-01-06)
- Fixed on-screen buttons initial keycodes.
- On-screen slider button can setup clickable.
- Add dds screenshot support.
- Add cvar
for 4:3 menu.
1.1.0harmattan36 (2023-12-31)
- Fixed prelight shadow's shadow mapping.
- Fixed EFX Reverb in Quake4.
- Add translucent stencil shadow support in stencil shadow(bool cvar
(default 0); float cvarharm_r_stencilShadowAlpha
for setting transparency). - Add float cvar
control subtitles's text scale in Prey. - Support cvar
. - Fixed weapon projectile's scorches decals rendering in Prey(2006).
- Data directory chooser support Android SAF.
- New default on-screen buttons layout.
- Add
Stupid Angry Bot
(a7x) mod of DOOM3 support(need DOOM3: RoE game data), game data directory namedsabot
. More view in SABot(a7x). - Add
Overthinked DooM^3
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedoverthinked
. More view in Overthinked DooM^3. - Add
Fragging Free
mod of DOOM3 support(need DOOM3: RoE game data), game data directory namedfraggingfree
. More view in Fragging Free. - Add
HeXen:Edge of Chaos
mod of DOOM3 support, game data directory namedhexeneoc
. More view in HeXen:Edge of Chaos.
1.1.0harmattan35 (2023-10-29)
- Optimize soft shadow with shadow mapping. Add shadow map with depth texture in OpenGLES2.0.
- Add OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb support.
- Beam rendering optimization in Prey(2006) by lvonasek/PreyVR.
- Add subtitle support in Prey(2006).
- Fixed gyroscope in invert-landscape mode.
- Fixed bot head and add bot level control(cvar
, need extract newsabot_a9.pk4
resource) in Quake4 MP game.
1.1.0harmattan33 (2023-10-01)
- Add shadow mapping soft shadow support(testing, has some incorrect rendering), using
to change fromshadow mapping
orstencil shadow
. - In Quake4, remove Bot FakeClient in multiplayer-game, and add SABot-a9 mod support in multiplayer-game(need extract resource first).
- Fix Setting's tab GUI in Prey2006.
- Add
full-body awareness
mod in Quake4. Set bool cvarharm_pm_fullBodyAwareness
to 1 enable, and usingharm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessOffset
setup offset(also change to third-person mode), and usingharm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadJoint
setup head joint name(view position). - Support max FPS limit(cvar
). - Support obj/dae static model, and fix png image load.
- Add skip intro support.
- Add simple CVar editor.
- Change OpenGL vertex index size to 4 bytes for large model.
- Add GLES3.0 support, can choose in
1.1.0harmattan32 (2023-06-30)
- Add
(by ALord7) language. - Move some on-screen settings to
Configure on-screen controls
page. - Add
full-body awareness
mod in DOOM 3. Set bool cvarharm_pm_fullBodyAwareness
to 1 enable, and usingharm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessOffset
setup offset(also change to third-person mode). - Support add external game library in
at tabGeneral
(Testing. Not sure available for all device and Android version because of system security. You can compile own game mod library(armv7/armv8) with DIII4A project and run it using original idTech4A++). - Support load external game library in
Game working directory
folder instead of default game library of apk if enabledFind game library in game data directory
(Testing. Not sure available for all device and Android version because of system security. You can compile own game mod library(armv7/armv8) with DIII4A project, and then namedgameaarch64.so
(arm64 device) or namedgamearm.so
(arm32 device), and then put it onGame working directory
folder, and start game directly with original idTech4A++). - Support jpg/png image texture file.
1.1.0harmattan31 (2023-06-10)
- Add reset all on-screen buttons scale/opacity in tab
'sReset on-screen controls
. - Add setup all on-screen buttons size in tab
. - Add grid assist in tab
'sConfigure on-screen controls
if setupOn-screen buttons position unit
of settings greater than 0. - Support unfixed-position joystick and inner dead zone.
- Support custom on-screen button's texture image. If button image file exists in
as same file name, will using external image file instead of apk internal image file. Or put button image files as a folder in/sdcard/Android/data/com.karin.idTech4Amm/files/assets/controls_theme/
, and then select folder name withSetup on-screen button theme
tab. - New mouse support implement.
1.1.0harmattan30 (2023-05-23)
- Add function key toolbar for soft input method(default disabled, in
). - Add joystick release range setting in tab
. The value is joystick radius's multiple, 0 to disable. - Fix crash when end intro cinematic in Quake 4.
- Fix delete savegame menu action in Quake 4.
1.1.0harmattan29 (2023-05-01)
- Fixup crash in game loading when change app to background.
- Fixup effects with noise and other effects in Quake 4.
- Optimize sky render in Quake 4.
- Remove cvar
in Quake 4. - Fixup on-screen buttons layer render error on some devices.
1.1.0harmattan28 (2023-04-13)
- Add bool cvar
to control mute player footstep sound(default on) in Quake 4. - Fix some light's brightness depend on sound amplitude in Quake 4. e.g. in most levels like
, at some dark passages, it should has a repeat-flashing lighting. - Remove Quake 4 helper dialog when start Quake 4, if want to extract resource files, open
->Extract resource
in menu. - (Bug)In Quake 4, if load some levels has noise with effects on, typed
to 0, and then typedbse_enabled
back to 1 in console, noise can resolved.
1.1.0harmattan27 (2023-04-05)
- Fixup some line effects in Quake 4. e.g. monster body disappear effect, lines net.
- Fixup radio icon in player HUD right-top corner in Quake 4.
- Fixup dialog interactive in Quake 4. e.g. dialog of creating MP game server.
- Fixup MP game loading GUI and MP game main menu in Quake 4.
- Add integer cvar named
for automatic fill bots after map loaded in MP game in Quake 4(0 to disable).fillbots
command support append bot num argument. - Add automatic set bot's team in MP team game, random bot model, and fixup some bot's bugs in Quake 4.
- Add
's aas file pak of MP game maps inQuake 4 helper dialog
1.1.0harmattan26 (2023-03-25)
- Using SurfaceView for rendering, remove GLSurfaceView(Testing).
- Using DOOM3's Fx/Particle system implement Quake4's BSE incompletely for effects in Quake 4. The effects are bad now. Using set
to 0 for disable effects. - Remove my cvar
, so set originalin_alwaysRun
to 1 for run in Quake 4. - Add simple beam model render in Prey(2006).
- Optimize skybox render in Prey(2006) by lvonasek/PreyVR.
1.1.0harmattan25 (2023-02-22)
- Sound with OpenSLES support(Testing).
- Add backup/restore preferences support.
- Add menu music playing in Prey(2006).
- Add map loading music playing in Prey(2006).
- Add entity visible/invisible in spirit walk mode in Prey(2006), e.g. spirit bridge.
- Optimize portal render with view distance in Prey(2006).
1.1.0harmattan23 (2023-02-16)
- Multi-threading support(Testing, NO
cvar, DO NOT SUPPORT TO CHANGE WITH MULTI-THREAD AND SINGLE-THREAD IN GAME AT PRESENT!!! ONLY CAN SETTING IN LAUNCHER!!!), using d3es-multithread. - Fixup portal/skybox view in Prey(2006).
- Fixup intro sound playing when start new game in Prey(2006) by lvonasek/PreyVR.
- Fixup player can not through first wall with spirit walk mode in
beginning in Prey(2006). - Fixup render Tommy's original body when in spirit walk mode in Prey(2006).
- Do not render on-screen buttons when game is loading.
1.1.0harmattan22 (2023-01-10)
- Support screen top edges with fullscreen.
- Add bad skybox render in Prey(2006)(Fixed in version 23).
- Add bad portal render in Prey(2006)(Fixed in version 23).
- Add
map append support in Prey(2006), but now has a bug so don't save game when player indeathwalk
status. - If not sound when start new game and load
map, try to pressESC
key back to main menu and then pressESC
key to back game, then sound can be played(Fixed in version 23).
1.1.0harmattan21 (2022-12-10)
- Prey(2006) for DOOM3 support, game data folder named
. All levels clear, but have some bugs. - Add setup On-screen buttons position unit when config controls layout.
- Android Target SDK level back to 28(Android 9), for avoid
on Android 10+.
1.1.0harmattan20 (2022-11-18)
- Add default font for somewhere missing text in Quake 4, using cvar
to control, default ischain
. - Implement show surface/hide surface for fixup entity render incorrect in Quake 4, e.g. AI's weapons, weapons in player view and Makron in boss level.
1.1.0harmattan19 (2022-11-16)
- Fixup middle bridge door GUI not interactive of level
in Quake 4. - Fixup elevator 1 with a monster GUI not interactive of level
in Quake 4.
1.1.0harmattan18 (2022-11-11)
- Implement some debug render functions.
- Add player focus GUI bracket and interactive text on HUD in Quake 4.
- Automatic generating AAS file for bot of Multiplayer-Game maps is not need enable net_allowCheats when set cvar
to 1 in Quake 4. - Fixed restart menu action in Quake 4.
- Fixed a memory bug that can cause crash in Quake 4.
1.1.0harmattan17 (2022-10-29)
- Support Quake 4 format fonts. Other language patches will work. D3-format fonts do not need to extract no longer.
- Solution of some GUIs can not interactive in Quake 4, you can try
, and thenquickload
, the GUI can interactive. E.g. 1. A door's control GUI on bridge of levelgame/tram1
, 2. A elevator's control GUI with a monster ofgame/process2
(Fixed in version 19).
1.1.0harmattan16 (2022-10-22)
- Add automatic load
when start game. - Add control Quake 4 helper dialog visible when start Quake 4 in Settings, and add
Extract Quake 4 resource
menu. - Add setup all on-screen button opacity.
- Support checking for update from GitHub.
- Fixup some Quake 4 bugs:
- Fixup collision, e.g. trigger, vehicle, AI, elevator, health-station. So fixed block on last elevator in level
and fixed incorrect collision cause killing player on elevator ingame/process1 first
andgame/process1 second
and fixed block when player jumping form vehicle ingame/convoy1
. And cvarharm_g_useSimpleTriggerClip
is removed.- Fixup game level load fatal error and crash in
. So all levels have not fatal error now.
1.1.0harmattan15 (2022-10-15)
- Add gyroscope control support.
- Add reset onscreen button layout with fullscreen.
- If running Quake 4 crash on arm32 device, trying to check
Use ETC1 compression
orDisable lighting
for decreasing memory usage. - Fixup some Quake 4 bugs:
- Fixup start new game in main menu, now start new game is work.
- Fixup loading zombie material in level
.- Fixup AI
can not move when opening the door in levelgame/building_b
.- Fixup jump down on broken floor in level
.- Fixup player model choice and view in
menu in Multiplayer game.- Add bool cvar
for controlling gun-lighting is open/close initial, default is 1(open).- Add bool cvar
for re-normalizevehicle walker
movement if enableSmooth joystick
in launcher, default is 1(re-normalize), it can fix up move left-right.
1.1.0harmattan13 (2022-10-23)
- Fixup Strogg health station GUI interactive in
Quake 4
. - Fixup skip cinematic in
Quake 4
. - If
is 1, holdWalk
key to walk inQuake 4
(Removed in version 26, using originalin_alwaysRun
). - Fixup level map script fatal error or bug in
Quake 4
(All maps have not fatal errors no longer, but have some bugs yet.).
: Player collision error on last elevator. You can jump before elevator ending or usingnoclip
(Fixed in version 16).game/mcc_1
: Loading crash after last level ending. Usingmap game/mcc_1
to reload(Fixed in version 16).game/convoy1
: State error is not care no longer and ignore. But sometimes has player collision error when jumping form vehicle, usingnoclip
(Fixed in version 16).game/putra
: Script fatal error has fixed. But can not down on broken floor, usingnoclip
(Fixed in version 15).game/waste
: Script fatal error has fixed.game/process1 first
: Last elevator has ins collision cause killing player(Fixed in version 16). Usinggod
. If tower's elevator GUI not work, usingteleport tgr_endlevel
to next level directly.game/process1 second
: Second elevator has incorrect collision cause killing player(same asgame/process1 first
level). Usinggod
(Fixed in version 16).game/tram_1b
: Loading crash after last level ending. Usingmap game/tram_1b
to reload(Fixed in version 16).game/core1
: Fixup first elevator platform not go up.game/core2
: Fixup entity rotation.
1.1.0harmattan12 (2022-07-19)
Quake 4
in DOOM3 engine support. Also see/~https://github.com/jmarshall23/Quake4Doom
. Now can play most levels, but some levels has error.- Quake 4 game data folder named
, also seehttps://store.steampowered.com/app/2210/Quake_4/
. - Fix
mod load game from save game. - Add console command history record.
- On-screen buttons layer's resolution always same to device screen.
- Add volume key map config(Enable
Map volume keys
to show it).
1.1.0harmattan11 (2022-06-30)
- Add
mod library support, game path name ishardcorps
, if play the mod, first suggest to closeSmooth joystick
tab panel, more view inhttps://www.moddb.com/mods/hardcorps
. - In
mod, add bool Cvarharm_pm_doubleJump
to enable double-jump(Fromhardcorps
mod source code, default disabled). - In
mod, add bool Cvarharm_pm_autoForceThirdPerson
for auto setpm_thirdPerson
to 1 after level load end when play original DOOM3 maps(Default disabled). - In
mod, add float Cvarharm_pm_preferCrouchViewHeight
for view poking out some tunnel's ceil when crouch(Default 0 means disabled, and also can setpm_crouchviewheight
to a smaller value). - Add on-screen button config page, and reset some on-screen button keymap to DOOM3 default key.
- Add menu
Special Cvar list
menu for list all new specialCvar
2022-06-23 Update 1.1.0harmattan10
- Add
mod library support, game path name isrivensin
, more view inhttps://www.moddb.com/mods/ruiner
. - The
game library support load DOOM3 base game map. But first must add include original DOOM3 all map script intodoom_main.script
mod file. - Add weapon panel keys configure.
- Fix file access permission grant on Android 10(Sorry for I have not Android 10/11+ device to testing).
2022-06-15 Update 1.1.0harmattan9
- Fix file access permission grant on Android 11+.
- Add Android 4.x apk package v1 sign.
2022-05-19 Update 1.1.0harmattan8
DIII4A++_harmattan. include armv8-64 and armv7 32 neon library. DIII4A++_harmattan. only include armv7 32 neon library.
- Compile armv8-a 64 bits library, and set FPU neon is default on armv7-a, and do not compile old armv5e library and armv7-a vfp.
- Fix input event when modal MessageBox is visible in game.
- Add cURL support for downloading in multiplayer game.
- Add weapon on-screen button panel.
2022-05-05 1.1.0harmattan7
- Fix shadow clipped.
- Fix sky box.
- Fix fog and blend light.
- Fix glass reflection.
- Add
shader for likeD3XP
hell level sky. - Fix translucent object. i.e. window glass, translucent Demon in
Classic DOOM
mod. - Fix dynamic texture interaction. i.e. rotating fans.
- Fix
vision effect(First set cvarharm_g_skipBerserkVision
to 0). - Fix screen capture image when quick save game or mission tips.
- Fix machine gun's ammo panel.
- Add light model setting with
when render interaction shader pass(string cvarharm_r_lightingModel
). - Add specular exponent setting in light model(float cvar
). - Default using program internal OpenGL shader.
- Reset extras virtual button size, and add Console(~) key.
- Add
key function setting, add 3-Click to exit. - Add cvar
to change general Z-Fail stencil shadow orCarmack-Inverse
Z-Fail stencil shadow. - DIII4A build on Android Studio now.
2020-08-25 1.1.0harmattan6
- Fix video playing - 1.1.0harmattan6.
- Choose game library when load other game mod, more view in
menu - 1.1.0harmattan6. - Fix game audio sound playing(Testing) - 1.1.0harmattan5.
- Add launcher orientation setting on
tab - 1.1.0harmattan5.
2020-08-17 1.1.0harmattan3
- Uncheck 4 checkboxs, default value is 0(disabled).
- Hide software keyboard when open launcher activity.
- Check
permission when start game or edit config file. - Add game data directory chooser.
- Add
Save settings
menu if you only change settings but don't want to start game. - UI editor can hide navigation bar if checked
Hide navigation bar
(the setting must be saved before do it). - Add
2020-08-16 1.1.0harmattan2
- If you have installed other version apk(package name is
) of other sources, you first to uninstall the old version apk package namedcom.n0n3m4.diii4a
, after install this new version apk. Because the apk package is samecom.n0n3m4.diii4a
, but certificate is different. - If app running crash(white screen), first make sure to allow
permission, alter please uncheck 4th checkbox namedUse ETC1(or RGBA4444) cache
or clear ETC1 texture cache file manual on resource folder(exam. /sdcard/diii4a/<base/d3xp/d3le/cdoom/or...>/dds). Clear vertex buffer
suggest to select 3rd or 2nd for clear vertex buffer every frame! If you select 1st, it will be same as original apk, maybe flash and crash with out of graphics memory! More view in game, on DOOM3 console, cvar namedharm_r_clearVertexBuffer
.- TODO:
Classic DOOM
some trigger can not interact, exam last door ofE1M1
. I don't know what reason. But you can togglenoclip
with console or shortcut key to through it.
2020-08-16 1.1.0harmattan1
- Compile
game library namedlibd3xp
, game path name isd3xp
, more view inhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/9070/DOOM_3_Resurrection_of_Evil/
. - Compile
Classic DOOM3
game library namedlibcdoom
, game path name iscdoom
, more view inhttps://www.moddb.com/mods/classic-doom-3
. - Compile
DOOM3-BFG:The lost mission
game library namedlibd3le
, game path name isd3le
, needd3xp
resources(+set fs_game_base d3xp), more view inhttps://www.moddb.com/mods/the-lost-mission
(now fix stack overflow when load modelmodels/mapobjects/hell/hellintro.lwo
of levelgame/le_hell
map on Android).- Clear vertex buffer for graphics memory overflow(integer cvar
). - Skip visual vision for
Berserk Powerup
(bool cvarharm_g_skipBerserkVision
). - Skip visual vision for
onD3 RoE
(bool cvarharm_g_skipWarpVision
). - Skip visual vision for
Helltime Powerup
onD3 RoE
(bool cvarharm_g_skipHelltimeVision
- Clear vertex buffer for graphics memory overflow(integer cvar
- Add support to run on background.
- Add support to hide navigation bar.
- Add RGBA4444 16-bits color.
- Add config file editor.