Thanks for your interest in contributing to convex-js.
For anything not covered here, feel free to ask in the Convex Discord Community.
Great, please use GitHub discussions for this, or ask in Discord.
Great, please open a GitHub issue on this repository for this or share in Discord.
convex-js is developed primarily by employees of Convex Inc. We're excited to provide transparency to our customers and contribute to the community by releasing this code. We can accept some pull requests from non-employee contributors, but please check in on Discord or in GitHub issues before getting into anything more than small fixes to see if it's consistent with our short term plan. We think carefully about how our APIs contribute to a cohesive product, so chatting up front goes a long way.
Client tests can be run with
npm test
but be aware that there are integration tests, end-to-end tests, proptests, and more which test this code but are not located in this repository.
Code generally lives in the src/ directory.
There nearly-empty directories for each entry point at the top level implement the 'package-json-redirects' strategy described at /~ in an effort to make the convex npm package as compatible as possible while making the published package mirror the filesystem of this repository.