- math involves both invention and discovery: we invent the concepts but discover their consequences
a x b = b x a
- Commutative Law(a x b) x c = a x (b x c)
- Associative Lawa x (b + c) = ab + ac
- Distributive Lawp x q =/= q x p
- in nature, wherep
represent the momentum and position of a quantum particle- different ways to describe a part of a whole: fraction, percent, decimal
- fractions always yield decimals that terminate of eventually repeat periodically
- almost all decimals are irrational and their digits look statistically random
- in the base 10 number system, there is no single symbol reserved for number 10
- 10 is marked by a position - the tens place - instead of a symbol
- dots and dashes in the Morse code were technological forerunners of today's zeros and ones
- variables are what distinguishes algebra from arithmetic
- Identity - a kind of a formula
(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2
(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd
- complex numbers - real and imaginary numbers bonded together
i^2 = -1
- The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - the roots of any polynomial are always complex numbers
- fractal - an intricate shape whose inner structure repeats at finer and finer scales
- Complex Dynamics - a blend of chaos theory, complex analysis, and fractal geometry
- mathematical modeling - making simplifying assumptions when solving word problems
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a
- quadratic formula is the solution to anyax^2 + bx + c = 0
- quadratic equation- exponential functions and logarithms are inverses of each other
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
- Pythagorean theorem - implies that space is flat, as opposed to curved- parabolas and ellipses are both cross-sections of the surface of a cone
- conic sections - curves obtained by cutting the surface of a cone with a plane: circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas
- since wave - horizontal or vertical excursions of something moving in a circle
- nature's most basic mechanism of pattern formation - the emergence of sinusoidal structure from a background of bland uniformity
Pi = C / D
A = Pir^2
- calculus is the mathematics of change
- derivative - how fast something is changing - local rate of change
- integral - how much it's accumulating - cumulative rate of change
- things always change slowest at the top or the bottom
- Snell's Law - describes how light rays bend when they pass from air into water
- when something changes steadily, at a constant rate, algebra works beautifully - distance equals rate times time
- differential equations - how interlinked variables change from moment to moment, depending on their current values
- the laws of physics are always expressed in the language of differential equations
- three-body problem - contains the seeds of chaos and makes its behavior unpredictable in the long run, hence it's intractable
- vector - a step that carries you from one place to another
- Maxwell's electromagnetic wave unified three previously unrelated phenomena: electricity, magnetism, and light
- distribution - things that seem random and unpredictable when viewed in isolation often turn out to be lawful and predictable when viewed in aggregate
- normal distribution - an idealized version of the bell curve
- power-law distribution - have heavy tails
- conditional probability - the probability that some event A happens, given the occurrence of some other event B
- the percentage of prime numbers decreases as numbers increase
- encryption algorithms rely on the difficulty of decomposing an enormous number into its prime factors
- group theory - bridges the arts and sciences; it addresses something the two cultures share - an abiding fascination with symmetry
- topology - offshoot of geometry where two shapes are regarded as the same if you can deform one into the other continuously
- geodesics - like circles, are the natural generalization of straight lines
- Georg Cantor proved that some infinities are bigger than others