- Why Take the Course
- Topics Covered
- Included Projects
- Other Skills
- Code Style
- Development Environment
- Learn modern JavaScript from start to finish
- Learn to build thing without frameworks
- Get better at building with frameworks by understanding vanilla JS
- Learn your way around the DOM without using jQuery
- Learn how to structure applications and about design patterns
- Basic & Fundamentals
- DOM Manipulation & UI Events (NO jQuery!!!)
- Object Oriented Programming - ES5 Prototypes + ES6 Classes
- Async JS - Ajax, Fetch, Promises, Async/Await
- Error Handling, Regular Expressions, LocalStorage
- Programming Scope, Arrow Functions, Map, Set, Iterators
- JavaScript Patterns
- Around 10 Projects
- Task List (DOM & LS)
- Loan calculator
- Number guessing game
- Book Manager (OOP intro)
- EasyHTTP library (Fetch API)
- Github Finder (Github API)
- Weather App (weatherunderground API)
- Tracalorie (Module Pattern)
- CRUP App With ES6 Modules (Webpack)
- Mini Projects:
- Chuck Norris Joke Generator
- Profile Scroller (Iterators)
- State Pattern Interface
- Bootstrap 4
- Materialize CSS
- Skeleton CSS
- Webpack / Babel
- Best way to learn
- Practices get better as course progresses
- Everyone programs differently
- Download a Web Browser, E.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge
- Download a Text Editor, E.g. VSCode, Atom
- VSCode Extensions, E.g. Live Server, Bracket Pair Colorizer, JavaScript (ES6) code snippets