- Name: SSD1331
- Description:
- C++ Library for a OLED SPI LCD, SSD1331 Driver
- Dynamic install-able Raspberry Pi C++ library.
- Contrast , dim mode, Invert colour, scroll, rotate, sleep modes supported.
- Graphics + print class included.
- 24 bit colour , 16 bit color, bi-color Bitmaps & sprites supported.
- Hardware and Software SPI
- Dependency: lgpio Library
- NB 'spidev.bufsiz' setting must be greater than largest buffer write size. see Notes section.
- SSD1331 96x 64 RGB Dot Matrix OLED/PLED Segment/Common Driver with Controller
- Author: Gavin Lyons
In the example files, there are 3 sections in "Setup()" function where user can make adjustments. The constructor also takes a number of arguments.
- User Option constructor() Color and contrast settings
- User Option Setup() GPIO/SPI Type
- User Option Setup() Screen size section
- User Option Setup() SPI Settings
User Option 0 Color and contrast settings
Here the user can select RGB or BGR mode depending on type of display, They can also set the color contrast levels for the 3 channels (A B and C) for normal and Dim mode. The range is 0-255.
User Option 1 SPI TYPE / GPIO
This library supports both Hardware SPI and software SPI. The SetupGPIO function is overloaded(2 off one for HW SPI the other for SW SPI). The parameters set for SetupGPIO define which is used.
User Option 2 Screen size + Offsets
User can adjust screen pixel height, screen pixel width. The function InitScreenSize sets them.
User Option 3 SPI Settings
InitSPI function is overloaded(2 off, one for HW SPI the other for SW SPI).
parameter | default value | note | SPi type |
HWSPI_DEVICE | 0 | A SPI device, >= 0. which SPI interface to use , ls /dev/spi* | Hardware |
HWSPI_CHANNEL | 0 | A SPI channel, >= 0. Which Chip enable pin to use usually 0 or 1 | Hardware |
HWSPI_SPEED | 1000000 | The speed of serial communication in bits per second. | Hardware |
HWSPI_FLAGS | 0 | mode 0 for this device | Hardware |
GPIO_CHIP_DEVICE | 0 | gpio chip device >= 0, check ls/dev/gpiochip* | both |
SWSPI_CommDelay | 0 | uS delay for GPIO | software |
The user can adjust if having reliability issues with SW SPI in some setups. This is a microsecond delay in SW SPI GPIO loop. It is set to 0 by default, Increasing it will slow down SW SPI further.
In example folder: The Main.cpp file contains tests showing library functions. A bitmap data file contains data for bi-color bitmaps and icons tests. The color bitmaps used in testing are in bitmap folder, 2 16-bit and 2 24-bit images.
# | example file name | Desc |
1 | Hello_world | Basic use case |
2 | Hello_world_SWSPI | Basic use case software SPI |
3 | Text_Graphic_Functions | Tests text,graphics & function testing |
4 | Bitmap_Tests | bitmap tests |
5 | Clock_demo | Clock Demo |
Functions to support drawing bitmaps
Function Name | Colour support | Pixel size KiB | Note |
drawIcon | bi-colour array | (0-96) X 8 | Data vertically addressed |
drawBitmap | bi-colour array | 6 | Data horizontally addressed |
drawBitmap16 | 16 bit color 565 BMP files or array | 12 | ------ |
drawBitmap24 | 24 bit color BMP files or array | 18 | Converted by software to 16-bit color |
drawSprite | 16 bit color 565 array | 12 | Does not use a buffer , draws pixel by pixel , ignores background chosen color |
- Bitmap size in kiloBytes = (screenWidth * screenHeight * bitsPerPixel)/(1024 * 8)
- Pixel size column assumes 96 by 64 bitmap.
- The data array for 1 and 2 is created from image files using file data conversion tool link
- The data array for 3 - 5 is created from BMP files using file data conversion tool link
- For 3 and 4 better just to use bmp files direct from file system see examples.
These class functions will return an error code in event of error see API for more details.
For functions that accept a 16 bit color value. There is list of pre-defined colors in the 'colors' folder in doc.
Connections as setup in main.cpp test file.
TFT PinNum | Pindesc | RPI HW SPI | RPI SW SPI |
1 | GND | GND | GND |
2 | VCC | VCC 3.3V | VCC 3.3V |
3 | SCLK | SPI_CLK | GPIO6 |
4 | SDA | SPI_MOSI | GPIO5 |
5 | RESET | GPI025 | GPIO25 |
6 | DC | GPIO24 | GPIO24 |
7 | CS | SPI_CE0 | GPIO21 |
- Pick any GPIO you want for SW SPI, for HW SPI: reset and DC lines are flexible.
- User can select SPI_CE0 or SPI_CE1 for HW SPI
Certain 'Display_lib_RPI' functions use buffered writes, the ones that draw bitmaps, write fonts,
fill rectangles, clear screen, etc. In order for this to work the spidev.buf size setting
must be at least greater than the biggest buffer write user will send device which for a 96X64 16 bit screen
is about 12 KiB.
To check the setting on your device run command:
cat /sys/module/spidev/parameters/bufsiz
If it is lower than 12 kiB you can change it by adding a value greater than 12KiB to the start of line in file /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt. (raspberry pi ) Make sure everything is on one line and there is space ' ' between this parameter and next one. Then reboot machine. Verify again by running last cat command above
bufsiz defines the number of bytes that the SPI driver will use as a buffer for data transfers.