This is a simple application that giving a set of keywords it listens to twitter streams and prints the trending tweets.
Running this application is really simple (make sure that python-virtualenv
is installed):
$ virtualenv -p python3.4 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)path/to/application/home$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running the application make sure to change the following required configuration values in config.yml
consumer_key: your_twitter_api_consumer_key
consumer_secret: your_twitter_api_consumer_secret
access_token: your_twitter_api_access_token
access_token_secret: your_twitter_api_access_token_secret
also has some optional values that you can set:
interval: interval in seconds to print the data, defaults to 60
port: zmq port, defaults to 1122
max_tweets: maximum number of tweets to print, defaults to 10
Run the app:
(venv)path/to/application/home$ python "keyword1, keyword2, ..." [path/to/config.yml]