- next.js
- taiwind
- vercel for the hosting
- neon for the database
- sentry.io for the monitoring
- statsig for the analytics
- github for code repository
- github actions for the CI
- clerk for authentication
- stripe for payment
- mailchimp for newsletter
- drizzle for prisma for database ORM
- zod for data validation
- commitlint for commit messages
- react-hook-form for form validaiton
- zustand for data management
- sanity for cms
- swr for data fetching
- shadcn/ui for components
- nextjs templates
- tailwindui need to pay but it is worth it
- magicui
- aceternity
- ever ui: a lot of choices
- headlessui for headless components
- jest for test runners
- testing-library for React component tests
- playwright for e2e tests
- visual tests