- https://www.digital-future.berlin/en/news/news-in-detail/news/innovation-in-der-hochschullehre-prof-hromada-ausgezeichnet/?tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=007fe214d60ba674b25ad731c14aa4c4
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6810842214646722560/
the teacher.js
web application has the following features:
- matrix chat (via an embedded hydrogen client)
- collaborative text editing (via an embedded etherpad lite instance)
- webrtc audio conferencing (using janus + audiobridge plugin)
- synchronization between the client with the instructor role and all other clients via websockets, so that students will always see what the teacher sees:
- reveal.js presentations
- connected clients are notified about slide changes, etc.
- wikipedia pages
- connected clients are notified about changes (page transitions, jumping to specific sections within the page, etc.)
- reveal.js presentations
- recording of teaching sessions (to be replayed at a later time)
- the links to any opened presentation or wikipedia page are automatically be posted to a matrix room
- the audio conference is saved to a file
- relevant events (caused by the presentation / wikipedia module, etc.) are time-stamped and logged to a file on the server
- this repo uses git-flow
- stable / production branch:
- development / testing branch:
- stable / production branch:
install dependencies:
git clone --recursive <this-repo> teacher.js
cd teacher.js
npm install
cd src/hydrogen
npm install
rename src/.env-example
to src/.env
and edit according to your needs.
- run server:
DEBUG='T.S:*' npm run server
- uses /~https://github.com/visionmedia/debug for logging
- run webpack dev server (client):
npm run dev
- run hydrogen dev server:
cd src/hydrogen ; npm run start
- runs on port 3001 by default
then open http://localhost:8080
production build:
npm run build:prod
building hydrogen:
cd src/hydrogen
npm run build # output will be in src/hydrogen/target