Releases: francoisjacquet/rosariosis
Releases · francoisjacquet/rosariosis
RosarioSIS 2.6
Changes in 2.6
- add Arabic translation, thanks to Husam Shabeeb (needs update)
- add Accounting module, sponsored by Bishnu Sharma
- add pushState and popState to warehouse.js, enables:
- Navigate the browser history
- Open RosarioSIS links in new tab
- Page source viewable
- Page title updated
- User/Student photo upload rework
- add Food Service options in School Configuration
- Rebrand RosarioSIS
- bugfix Cannot use string as an offset in StudentsUsersInfo.fnc.php
- Centralize AJAX menu_link in Modules.php
- Remove modules/*/Search.php files
- Remove CSS filters in DHTML tip message
- Shorten open menu onclick in Side.php
- Fix SQL bug PRICE_STAFF & PRICE not null in MenuItems.php
- Fix SQL bug PRICE_FREE & PRICE_REDUCED numeric in MenuItems.php
- If no more transactions items, delete transaction in DeleteTransactionItem.fnc.php
- Students - Users links in bold in Food Service
- Complete config vars help in INSTALL
- Only first translation string is required in Inputs.php
- Better list sorting by isolating the values
- Update french & spanish translations
Upgrade from 2.5.x
- Execute the SQL commands to add the accounting module & the food service options, see
- Add the Accounting module to the file, see /~
Note for developers
- The default program to be loaded when a module is opened is not defined in the Search.php file anymore. Please update your custom modules' Menu.php file by adding the "default" entry, following this example /~
RosarioSIS 2.5.8
Changes in 2.5.8
- Update wkhtmltopdf install instructions
- Add link to Windows install Wiki
- Move User Fields inside box in Advanced Search
- Add no Courses assigned to teacher error in Assignments.php
- Student Billing Widgets only if AllowUse
- Grades Widget hidden
- Disable User categories edit for non admins
- User in Moodle password/username/email fields required
- Verify file call is by AJAX in PhotoUpload.php & PortalPollsNotes.fnc.php
- Add file invalid or not moveable upload error
- Concatenate calendar.js + calendar-setup.js = calendar+setup.js
- Add noreferrer attribute to index page links
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 2.5.7
- RosarioSIS 2014 update
- Include Lunch Payment in Balance
- Add School submenu in School Setup module
- Bugfix SQL bug more than one row returned by subquery when more than one school and numbered days
- Bugfix array_key_exists() expects param 2 to be array when deleting the only existing calendar
- Bugfix SQL bug empty school dates in Calendar.php
- Bugfix Missing arg 2 for _removeSpaces() in ProgressReport.php
- Bugfix Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in Scheduler.php, Configuration.php & Preferences.php
- School Fields fixes:
- display empty fields in Add a School
- display label in red if required
- add required attribute when apply
- /assets/PortalNotesFiles/ folder created
- Add PortalNotesFiles upload error if not moved
- Place embed link detection first in PortalPollsNotes.fnc.php
- Bugfix SQL bug datestyle in Calendar.php
- Note after admins creation only in User.php
- Bugfix array_key_exists() expects $options to be array in SelectInput()
- Link variables out of string in EditReportCardGrades.php
- Add #selectedModuleLink bugfix in warehouse.js
- select & input to same height in stylesheet.css
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 1.4.12
- RosarioSIS 2014 update
This is the legacy version, it is not maintained anymore. Please head to the release page for the latest 2.x version.
RosarioSIS 2.5.6
Changes in 2.5.6
- Bugfix remove Refund payment with refunded payment in StudentPayments.php
- Add #selectedModuleLink in warehouse.js
- Bugfix Currency() direct call via $extra['functions']
- Reset $email_column variable in CreateParents.php
- Add .br-after class to Side.php input fields
- Bugfix SQL bug column "None" does not exist in UnfilledRequests.php, Scheduler.php, ReportCards.php
- Add note after admin creationin User.php
- Update spanish & french translations
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 2.5.5
Changes in 2.5.5
- Github friendly (Contribution by Scott Cytacki)
- Responsive ListOutput table cells content div
- Bugfix SYEAR timeframe in CategoryBreakdownTime.php
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 1.4.11
Changes in 1.4.11
- Github friendly (Contribution by Scott Cytacki)
- Bugfix staff_field_seq error in rosariosis.sql
- Bugfix data showed in the wrong month in CategoryBreakdownTime.php
- Input type number size in stylesheet.css
- Fix CategoryBreakdownTime charts
- Fix numeric fields breakdown charts
RosarioSIS 2.5.4
Changes in 2.5.4
- Do not count NULL values as 0 for numeric fileds chart in *Breakdown.php
- Fix chart for numeric fields in CategoryBreakdownTime.php
- Bugfix no results for numeric fileds chart in *Breakdown.php
- Bugfix wrong advanced student search results in Widgets.fnc.php
- Photo link onclick return false
- Bugfix XLS export of CheckboxInput & TextAreaInput
- Case insensitive string replace in XLS export
- Bugfix Portal Notes & Portal Polls XLS export
- Change Portal Notes / Polls detection in POrtalPollsNotes.fnc.php
- Replace HTML tags with space & trim XLS export value in ListOutput.fnc.php
- Bugfix DisciplineForm XLS export
- Bugfix Portal Notes & Portal Polls PDF export in Portal.php
- Bugfix Javascript jquery sourceMappingURL in jquery.js
- Bugfix Portal Polls results display after submit
- Show 20 previous years instead of 5 in PrepareDate.fnc.php
- Bugfix StudentFiledBreakdown numeric field chart
- Add y coordinate to line chart tooltip in *Breakdown.php
- Override "Student" if extra singular/plural set in Students/
- Add XLS export to Grading Scale
- Bugfix XLS export Incomplete Schedules / Take Attendance / Attendance Chart
- No responsive table for School Fields ListOutput
- Remove Contact Information for XLS & PDF export in GetStuList.fnc.php
- Do not go back to top onclick in Profiles.php
- Omit script type attribute (remove type="text/javascript", default in HTML5)
- Responsive Requests ListOutput table
- Update spanish & french translations
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 2.5.3
Changes in 2.5.3
- Verify $value only for INSERT, not on UPDATE
- Check numeric fields if not empty
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see
RosarioSIS 2.5.2
Changes in 2.5.2
- Bugfix SQL more than 1 enrollment / drop code in Export.php
- Bugfix data showed in the wrong month in CategoryBreakdownTime.php
- Bugfix save select input field value in MakeReferral.php
- Bugfix save '0' as input value
- Update jqplot (1.0.8)
- Add showDataLabels to Pie charts
- Input type number size
- Update colorbox (1.5.9)
- Bugfix specify colorbox iframe height
- Add "http://" as a hint for the Embed link input
- Bugfix SQL error column "month" does not exist in CategoryBreakdownTime.php
- Open new window to download XLS export (#36)
- Protect $_REQUEST['category_id'] against SQL injection in *Breakdown.php
Upgrade from 2.x < 2.5
- Execute the SQL commands to add default points to the gradebook assignments, see