git clone /~
cd cybereason
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install .[dev] # maybe [dev,socks]
To test your contributions, please follow these steps from the project root dir:
# linting
ruff check .
# static anlysis
mypy src/cybereason
# testing
export CYBEREASON_TENANT=<tenant>
export CYBEREASON_USERNAME=<username>
export CYBEREASON_PASSWORD=<password>
# export also CYBEREASON_PROXY if needed
Please note that the purpose of most of the tests is to investigate and document the Cybereason's API and data model, so testing errors are more likely to require an update of either the models or the endpoints than a code change.
This library follows Semantic Versioning. Please, follow this specification and tag the commit appropriately.
git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "vX.Y.Z"
git push --follow-tags
Used due to a bug in the
's implementation of SOCKS5. Change it when resolved. -
Don't run
ruff format
until docstrings with single quotes are allowed.