The csv2qd program converts ASCII files in CSV format into querydata format. The CSV format is documented in Wikipedia
csv2qd [options] infile outfile
- -h [--help]
print out help message - -v [--verbose]
set verbose mode on - -V [--version]
display version number - -m [--missing] arg
missing value string (default is empty string) - --prodnum arg
producer number (default=1001) - --prodname arg
producer name (default=SYNOP) - -i [--infile] arg
input csv file - -o [--outfile] arg
output querydata file - -p [--params] arg
parameter names of csv columns - -P [ --paramsfile] arg
parameter configuration file (/smartmet/share/csv/parameters.csv) - -O [--order] arg
column ordering (idtime|timeid|idtimelevel|idleveltime|timeidlevel|timelevelid|levelidtime|leveltimeid) - -S [ --stationsfile ] arg
station configuration file (/smartmet/share/csv/stations.csv)
When vertical level information is not included there are two possibilities
The first format is chosen with "-O idtime", the second with "-O timeid".
If level information is included, there are 6 possible combinations:
The order is chosen with option -O.
The order of the first 2-3 columns, depending on whether level information is present or not, is determined by the -O option. The order of the remaining columns (the actual parameter values) is determined by option -p. The parameter names are separated with comma, as in
csv2qd -p Temperature,Precipitation1h ...
The time stamp must be given in UTC time. The program accepts several input forms:
- ISO-format: 20110311T131920
- Timestamp format: 201103111319
- Epoch seconds since 1970: 1299827871
- SQL-format: 2011-03-11 13:19:20
- XML-format: 2011-03-11T13:19:20 or 2011-03-11T13:19:20.12345Z
The locations are identified in the input by the ID of the stations. The ID can be any string, usually one uses the numeric station ID or the name of the stations.
The stations themselves must be described in a separate CSV file, which can be specified with option -S. The format of the file is
A sample file:
1001,1001,-8.66,70.93,"Jan Mayen"
98747,98747,124.28,8.43,"Lumbia Airport"
3318,3318,-3.03,53.76,"Blackpool Airport"
The parameters are described using a CSV file which can be specified with option -P. The format of the file is
32700 is a special value which indicates the minimum or maximum is not set.
Interpolation can be of types
- linear, which is used for most continuous variables such as temperature
- nearest, which is used for enumerated variables such as precipitation form
Precision is given using the C-language printf syntax.
A sample file:
Note that it is possible to get humidity measurements slightly over 100% from observation stations.