Visual6502 and VisualZ80 Remixed
WASM Version for 6502:
...and for the Z80:
TL;DR: Take the visual6502 project and turn it into a native+wasm app via perfect6502, Dear ImGui and Sokol.
6502 simulation:
Z80 simulation:
2A03 simulation:
Log CPU state and revert to a previous cycle:
Integrated assembler:
I/O pin timing diagram:
Visualize difference between two cycles:
Explore netlist nodes by their name, group or number:
...and a kickass About box ;)
Make sure python
and cmake
is in the path.
To get an idea about additional required tools, first run
> ./fips diag tools
To build and run the native version, run:
> ./fips build
> ./fips run v6502r
> ./fips run vz80r
> ./fips run v2a03r
Linux may require additional development packages for X11 and OpenGL development.
To build the WASM version:
> ./fips setup emscripten
> ./fips set config wasm-ninja-release
> ./fips build
> ./fips run v6502r
> ./fips run vz80r
> ./fips run v2a03r
Many thanks to:
- visual6502: /~
- perfect6502: /~
- Dear ImGui: /~
- ImGuiColorTextEdit: /~
- ImGuiMarkdown: /~
- asmx:
- The Sokol Headers: /~
- The Chips Headers (UI): /~
- Earcut-Python: /~
- IconFontCppHeaders: /~
- Font Awesome 4: /~
- visual2a03:
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