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Data Types and Typing for Writing Better Code


Rules of Engagement


Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which encourages participation across experience levels, coding language fluency, technology choices*, and scientific disciplines.

*though sometimes we try to expand your options

Rules of Engagement

  • Avoid discussions between a few people on a narrow topic
  • Provide time for people who haven't spoken to speak/ask questions
  • Provide time for experts to share wisdom and discuss
  • Work together to make discussions accessible to novices
(These will always be a work in progress and will be updated, clarified, or expanded as needed.)

Zoom Specific

Future Sessions

  • Planning for the next few months:
    • Modern C++ (Oct 13?)
    • File formats, data management, hdf5 (Nov)
  • Suggest topics or contribute to content in #sciware Slack

Today's Agenda

  • Numeric types, performance
  • Thinking about types: concepts, syntax
  • Types in python: mypy

Bits & Representation

or When Bits can Byte You

When do you need to worry about types of numeric data in your code?

Lehman Garrison (SCC, formerly CCA)

Numeric Data Types

  • In scientific computing, we often deal with numeric data: floats and ints
  • Don't always need to think about how these are represented by the computer
    • Often, the computer just does the Right Thing
  • But sometimes it doesn't...

When Do You Need To Worry?

  • Broadly two categories of when you might worry about types of numeric data
    • Performance
    • Correctness

Types and Performance

  • Consider an array of 32-bit floats vs 64-bit floats:
a32 = np.ones(10**9, dtype=np.float32)
a64 = np.ones(10**9, dtype=np.float64)
  • Each 32-bit float takes up 4 bytes, and 64-bit 8 bytes
  • 32-bit has ${\sim}10^{-7}$ fractional precision; 64-bit has ${\sim}10^{-16}$
  • Total sizes are 4 GB and 8 GB:
>>> print(a32.nbytes/1e9)
>>> print(a64.nbytes/1e9)

Types and Performance

  • How long to multiply each array by a scalar?
>>> %timeit 2*a32
1.1 s ± 2.09 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit 2*a64
2.2 s ± 2.84 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  • For simple arithmetic operations, memory bandwidth usually limits the performance
    • As opposed to, e.g., CPU speed
  • Using a narrower dtype can be an easy 2x performance gain

Types and Performance

  • What about a more complex operation?
>>> %timeit np.sin(a32)
1.5 s ± 4.77 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit np.sin(a64)
9.12 s ± 19.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  • Using 32-bit was 6x faster in this case
  • Factor 2x is often a good first estimate of potential speedup by halving the type width
    • Speedup might be more, might be less
    • Generally the relationship between type and performance is complex (see next slide)


  • Processors come with (short) vector units: AVX2, AVX512, ...
  • A single processor operation is multiple math operations!
  • CPU Performance: single (fp32) vs double (fp64) precision
    • GROMACS: hybrid (fp32+fp64) vs fp64: +40%
  • GPUs specs show how type selection affects performance

  • LAMMPS+GPU: on single node, fp32 vs fp64: +28%

Types and Correctness

  • Why not use 32-bit floats all the time?
    • When you need the accuracy of 64-bit
>>> np.float32(10**8 + 1) - np.float32(10**8)
0.0  # where did the 1 go?
>>> np.sin(np.float32(np.pi))
-8.742278e-08  # not bad
>>> np.sin(np.float32(np.pi * 100000))
-0.015358375  # way off!
>>> np.sin(np.float64(np.pi * 100000))
-3.3960653996302193e-11  # much better (*)
  • * 64-bit works better here, but it's still good practice to ensure the arguments to trig functions are small

Type Coercion

  • Use arr.dtype to check the types of Numpy arrays
>>> print(a32.dtype)
>>> print((np.float64(2.)*a32).dtype)
>>> print((a64*a32).dtype)

Summary of Bits & Representation

  • Using smaller types for numeric data can speed up your code
    • Most common conversion is to use float32 instead of float64
  • But smaller types can result in less accurate calculations
  • Important to have tests in place before modifying your code's types!
  • Formal numerical stability analysis may help you understand how your application will behave too (look for a session at FWAM)

References & Further Reading

Type concepts

Dylan Simon (SCC)

Type concepts

  • Not type theory (a branch of mathematics involving propositional logic and category theory)
  • Abstract tools to approach coding a bit differently
  • "algebraic data types"
  • Fun with math, set operations, combinatorics

Motivation: dimensional analysis

  • In calculations, units can often be used to find mistakes: \(\frac{\texttt{mass}}{\texttt{time}^2} \ne \texttt{force} \)
  • Distinguishing different types of data (e.g., input, output) can help automatically detect coding mistakes
def process(x0):
    x1 = step(x0)
    return x0


  • So far we've been talking about storage and performance, bits:
    • float, double, int32, string
    • complex, struct, class, list (of what?)
  • Types are really about the values these bits represent
  • Useful for thinking abstractly about your data (not the algorithm or implementation)

So what is a type?

A type is a set of values

Think of a type as representing a set of possible values:

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Bool} &= \{\textsf{FALSE}, \textsf{TRUE}\} & \left|\texttt{Bool}\right| &= 2 \\\ \texttt{UInt8} &= \{0,1,\dots,255\} & \left|\texttt{UInt8}\right| &= 2^8 \\\ \texttt{Int32} &= \{-2^{31},\dots,2^{31}-1\} & \left|\texttt{Int32}\right| &= 2^{32} \\\ \end{align} $$

By saying \( x \) has type \( T \) we mean $$ x \in T $$

  • \( \left|T\right| \) is the number of possible values in \( T \) (the cardinality)

Common numeric types

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Int} &\approx \mathbb{Z} \qquad \text{(integers)} \\\ \texttt{Float} &\approx \mathbb{Q} \approx \mathbb{R} \qquad \text{(rationals, reals)} \\\ \texttt{Float32} &\approx \pm 10^{\pm 38} \text{ with 7 digits} \\\ \left|\texttt{Float32}\right| &\le 2^{32} \\\ \left|\texttt{Float64}\right| &\le 2^{64} \end{align} $$

  • Practically, cardinality is always finite (computers have finite memory)
  • We may define types with infinite cardinality, but always countably infinite!

A set of values you choose

No need to limit yourself to established types!

$$ \{1,2,3\} \qquad \{\textsf{YES}, \textsf{NO}, \textsf{MAYBE}\} \qquad \{\textsf{RED}, \textsf{GREEN}, \textsf{BLUE}\} \\\ \mathbb{Q} \cap [0,1] ~ (\{x \in \mathbb{Q} : 0 \le x \le 1 \}) \\\ \mathbb{P} \qquad \mathbb{Q}^+ \\\ \texttt{Float} - \{ \pm\textsf{Inf}, \textsf{NaN} \} \quad (T - S = T \setminus S = \{ x \in T : x \notin S \}) $$

  • Many languages represent "finite" data types with labeled values as enumerations

Special types

A couple simple types may seem silly but are quite useful:

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Unit} &= \{()\} & \left|\texttt{Unit}\right| &= 1 \\\ \texttt{Void} &= \emptyset = \{\} & \left|\texttt{Void}\right| &= 0 \end{align} $$

  • Unit is the singleton type with only one possible value (None in python, Nothing in Julia)
  • Void is the empty type with no possible values (impossible, a value that can never exist, the return value of a function that never returns)
    • Never, void in C?

Why is this useful?

Documentation, optimization, error checking, logic!

def compute(order ∈ {1,2,3}):
  if order == 1: ...
  elif order == 2: ...
  else: ... # order == 3
  #if order == 0 (ERROR?)
  • Can be helpful for describing and thinking about code even if the types are not perfectly represented in the programming language
  • Once a variable has a type, its value must be in that type

Type syntax

Different languages use a variety of syntax to represent types

\( x \in T \) languages
x: T, x: int Python, TypeScript
x :: T, x::Int Haskell, Julia
T x, int x C, C++, Fortran 77
T :: x, integer :: x Fortran 90

Adding types: Unions

Sometimes we want to allow different types of values, so we make a new type by combining other types with a union:

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Bool} \cup \texttt{Unit} &= \{\textsf{FALSE}, \textsf{TRUE}, ()\} \\\ \texttt{Int8} \cup \texttt{Int32} &= \texttt{Int32} \\\ (\texttt{Int8} \subset \texttt{Int32}) \end{align} $$

  • Set unions are not particularly useful, as they can usually be represented by a different type
    • C union
  • Instead...

Sum types (disjoint unions)

Just like a union, but keeps all values (not just distinct)

$$ \begin{align} T + S &= T \sqcup S \\\ \texttt{Bool} + \texttt{UInt32} &= \{\textsf{FALSE},\textsf{TRUE},0,1,2,\dots\} \\\ \texttt{UInt8} + \texttt{UInt32} &= \{0_8, 1_8, \dots, 255_8, 0_{32}, 1_{32}, \dots\} \\\ \left|T + S\right| &= \left|T\right| + \left|S\right| \end{align} $$

  • Sometimes called a "tagged" union because values are tagged by which type they're from
  • "discriminated": each value is either from T or S (and you can tell)

Type parameters, more syntax

  • Types can have parameters (arguments) of other types
  • \(+\) is an operator (function) that builds existing types into a new one: \( T+S = \texttt{Union}(T,S) \)
  • Syntax for type parameters (and unions):
\( T + S \) language
Union[T,S] Python
T|S (Union<T,S>) TypeScript
Union{T,S} Julia
variant<T, S> C++
Either T S Haskell

Other simple types

  • Adding \( \texttt{Unit} \) to a type is often useful

$$ \texttt{Unit} + \texttt{T} = \{(), \dots\} \\\ \texttt{Unit} + \texttt{Bool} = \{(), \textsf{FALSE}, \textsf{TRUE}\} $$

  • Provides a "missing" option (NULL, None, nothing, NA)
  • Often has a special name:
    • Optional[T] = Union[T,None] (Python)
    • optional<T> (C++)
    • Maybe T (Haskell)

Product types

  • Unions can only have one value, one type OR the other
  • Products allow one value from each type (AND)
  • Represents every possible combination of two types (cross product, outer product)

$$ \begin{align} T \times S &= \{ (x, y) : x \in T, y \in S \} \\\ \texttt{Bool} \times \texttt{UInt8} &= \{(\textsf{FALSE},0),(\textsf{TRUE},0),(\textsf{FALSE},1),(\textsf{TRUE},1),\dots\} \\\ \texttt{Float} \times \texttt{Float} &\approx \mathbb{R}^2 = \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \qquad (\mathbb{C}) \\\ \left|T \times S\right| &= \left|T\right|\left|S\right| \end{align} $$

  • Often represented by pairs or tuples: (T,S), T*S, Tuple[T,S], pair<T,S>

Larger (and smaller) tuples

$$ \prod_{i=1}^n T_i = T_1 \times T_2 \times \cdots \times T_n = \texttt{Tuple}(T_1, T_2, \dots, T_n) \\\ = \{ (x_1,\dots,x_n) : x_1 \in T_1, \dots, x_n \in T_n \} \\\ \left| \texttt{Tuple}(T_1, T_2, \dots, T_n) \right| = \prod_{i=1}^n \left| T_i \right| $$

  • (1.2, 3.1, 5) : Tuple[Float,Float,Int]
  • Larger tuples with labeled fields can be "structs" or "records"

Empty tuple?

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Tuple}() &= ??? \\\ \left| \texttt{Tuple}() \right| &= \prod_{i=1}^0 \left|T_i\right| = 1 \\\ \texttt{Tuple}() &\cong \texttt{Unit} = \{()\} \end{align} $$

Empty sum?

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Union}() &= ??? \\\ \sum_{i=1}^n T_i &= T_1 + \cdots + T_n \\\ \sum_{i=1}^0 T_i &\cong \texttt{Void} \end{align} $$

  • Union{} (Julia)


$$ T + \texttt{Void} = ??? $$

  1. \( T \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ \left|T\right| + 0 $$


$$ T \times \texttt{Unit} = ??? $$

  1. \( T \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ \left|T\right| \times 1 $$


$$ T \times \texttt{Void} = ??? $$

  1. \( T \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ \left|T\right| \times 0 $$


$$ T + T = ??? $$

  1. \( T \) \( = T \cup T \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ 2 \left|T\right| \\\\ \texttt{Bool} \times T $$

Arrays, Lists

  • Fixed-length arrays are equivalent to tuples: $$ \texttt{Array}_n(T) = \prod_{i=1}^n T = T^n \qquad \left|T^n\right| = \left|T\right|^n \\ (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n) \in T^n \qquad x_i \in T \\ T^0 \cong \texttt{Unit} $$
  • (Reminder: focus on possible values, not representation)

Arrays, Lists

  • Variable-length arrays can be thought of in a couple (equivalent) ways: $$ \begin{align} \texttt{Array}(T) &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty T^n = \texttt{Unit} + T + T^2 + \cdots \\ \texttt{List}(T) &= \texttt{Unit} + (T \times \texttt{List}(T)) \\ \texttt{Array}(\texttt{Bool}) &= \{(), (\mathsf{F}), (\mathsf{T}), (\mathsf{F},\mathsf{F}), (\mathsf{T},\mathsf{F}), \dots \} \end{align} $$
  • Infinite type
  • By restricting \( \sum_{n=a}^b T^n \) we can represent arrays of certain lengths (non-empty, at most 10, etc.)

Array syntax

\( \texttt{Array}_{[n]}(T) \) language
List[T] Python
Array{T} Julia
Array<T>, T[] TypeScript
[T] Haskell
list<T>, vector<T> C++
T v[n] C
v(n), DIMENSION Fortran


$$ \texttt{Array}(\texttt{Void}) = ??? $$

  1. \( \mathbb{N} \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ \{()\} $$


$$ \texttt{Array}(\texttt{Unit}) = ??? $$

  1. \( \mathbb{N} \)
  2. \( \texttt{Void} \)
  3. \( \texttt{Unit} \)
  4. none of the above
$$ \{(), \left(()\right), \left((), ()\right), \left((), (), ()\right), \dots \} $$

"Real" (Rational) Numbers

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Digit} &= \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\} \\\ \mathbb{N} \cong \texttt{Natural} &= \texttt{Array}(\texttt{Digit}) \qquad 852 \cong (8,5,2) \\\ \mathbb{Z} \cong \texttt{Integer} &= \texttt{Bool} \times \texttt{Natural} \quad -852 \cong (\mathsf{T},(8,5,2)) \\\ \mathbb{Q} \cong \texttt{Rational} &= \texttt{Integer} \times \texttt{Natural} \\\ -8.5 &= \frac{-17}{2} \cong ((\mathsf{T},(1,7)),(2)) \end{align} $$

Exercise: Strings?

"Any" types

  • Some languages have an "any" type representing union of all possible types, containing all possible values
  • Any, void *

$$ \texttt{Void} \subseteq T \subseteq \texttt{Any} \quad \forall T $$


Math has the concept of functions mapping $$ f(x) = x^2 \\ f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} $$ Same idea here: $$ f \in T \to S \\ x \in T \implies f(x) \in S \\ g(x) = \text{if } x \text{ then } 1 \text{ else } 2 \\ g \in \texttt{Bool} \to \texttt{Int} $$

Function syntax

\( T \to S \) \( \texttt{Any} \to \texttt{Any} \) language
Callable[[T], S] Python
(x: T) => S Function TypeScript
T -> S Haskell
S (*)(T) C (function pointer)
function<S(T)> Callable C++
Function Julia

Multiple arguments

\( T, S \to R \) language
Callable[[T, S], R] Python
(x: T, y: S) => R TypeScript
T -> S -> R Haskell
R (*)(T, S) C (function pointer)
function<R(T, S)> C++

Defining functions

def f(x: T, y: S) -> R:
	z: R = # ...python...
	return z
function f(x: T, y: S): R {
	let z: R = /* ...typescript... */;
	return z;
function f(x::T, y::S)::R
	z::R = # ...julia...
R f(T x, S y) {
	R z = /* ...c/c++... */;
	return z;
f :: T -> S -> R
f x y = {- ...haskell... -}


  • How would you represent the position and mass of a particle in the 3D unit box?
  • What about an arbitrary number of particles?
  • What's the type of a function that calculates the center of mass for these particles?

Particle types

$$ \begin{align} \texttt{Float01} &= \texttt{Float} \cap [0,1] \\\ \texttt{Position} &= \texttt{Float01}^3 = \texttt{Tuple}(\texttt{Float01},\texttt{Float01},\texttt{Float01}) \\\ \texttt{Mass} &= \texttt{Float} \cap (0,\infty) \\\ \texttt{Particle} &= \texttt{Position} \times \texttt{Mass} \\\ \texttt{Particles} &= \texttt{Array}(\texttt{Particle}) \\\ \texttt{COMFun} &= \texttt{Particles} \to \texttt{Position} \end{align} $$

Particle types (in python)

  • Name your types (type "aliases"), even simple ones
  • Use them to construct larger types
Float01 = float # float bounded [0,1]
Position = Tuple[Float01,Float01,Float01] # x,y,z
Mass = float # positive
Particle = Tuple[Position,Mass]
Particles = List[Particle]

def centerOfMass(particles: Particles) -> Position:

Checking types

  • Much of the advantage of types comes from checking them to make sure they hold
  • This can be done in one of two ways:
    • "Statically": before the program runs, by the compiler or static analysis tool
      • Lets you catch errors (typos, bugs) before they happen
    • "Dynamically": while the program runs, as values are created or used
      • Extra checks can slow down your code
  • Most languages end up using a mix of both

Classes as types

  • In OO languages you can use classes to help constrain types
    • Additional constraints on the values beyond can be verified in the constructor
    • Dynamic checking: optional, only in "debug" mode
class Order(int):
    def __init__(self, val: int):
        assert val in (1,2,3)

def compute(order: Order) -> float:

Conclusions, tips

  • Try to think about your problem starting with data: how do you represent your input, state, etc.
  • Write down and name your types
  • Build functions that transform between representations to process data
  • Consider replacing error checking at the beginning of functions with constrained types


pip install mypy

Practical Types in Python with mypy

What, How, and Why of Type-Annotated Python


Annotations are FOR YOU

  • The interpreter doesn't care!

  • You want to annotate types because they:

    • make your intentions clearer
    • make your expectations more consistent
    • help you think about code structure
    • reduce the load on your human memory
    • enable tooling that can help you even more

Catching subtle errors

def turn_a_list_into_a_square_matrix(values):
    root = math.sqrt(len(values))
    if root < 1 or root % 1 != 0:
        return None
    array = np.asarray(values)
    array = array.reshape((root, root))
    return array

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input_int = 54
    untyped = turn_a_list_into_a_square_matrix(input_int)

Catching subtle errors

def turn_a_list_into_a_square_matrix(values):
    root = math.sqrt(len(values))
    if root < 1 or root % 1 != 0:
        return None
    array = np.asarray(values)
    array = array.reshape((root, root))
    return array

if __name__ == '__main__':
    input_int = 54
    untyped = turn_a_list_into_a_square_matrix(input_int)
    ## oops! 54 isn't a list--so len(54) causes an error
    ## ...but did you catch the other error too?

Useful contextual information

  • Auto-completing members of known classes

  • Reminding you what a variable should contain

Design & Refactor with confidence!

  • Forces you to think about design
    • But gives you a framework for thinking
  • As design evolves, type checker can make sure you've caught everything

Today is Python Typing 101


  • Basics
    • Installation
    • Syntax
    • Allowed types
  • Dealing with parameterized types
  • Using the Type System
  • Type Inference
  • Maybe some live coding?


  • Static analysis (SA)--determining possible behavior of code just from its structure, without running it
  • Type Checker/Type Analyzer--SA tool that reasons about variable and function types (e.g. mypy)
  • Linter--SA tool that checks style, code reachability, & more
  • Duck typing--"if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck"
    • If it has matching properties, it counts as a ___


Installing mypy

$ pip install mypy
$ mypy

IDEs -- Turning On Typing

  • VSCode:
    • Install Python and/or Pylance extensions
    • File -> Preferences -> Settings (ctrl-,)
      • For pylance extension:
        Extensions -> Pylance -> Type Checking Mode
      • For python extension:
        Extensions -> Python -> Linting: Mypy Enabled, Mypy Path
  • Pycharm
    • Install mypy executable, then mypy plugin from JetBrains plugin site

Annotating Types


  • Postfix type hints:
    • Form is <VARIABLE_NAME>: <TYPE_NAME>
    • int_valued_variable: int = 5
    • Applies anywhere a variable is first used, including function parameters
  • Function return values use an arrow:
    • def f(x: int) -> float:
    • This says f takes an int and returns a float
    • Typing for a function is called a type signature

What types are available?

  • Primitive types: Basic data
    (Types that actually exist in the interpreter)

    • int
    • float
    • bool
    • str
  • Non-primitives

    • None -- technically not a primitive
    • Any -- Matches anything; turns off type checking
    • object -- Matches anything; doesn't turn off checking
    • Any classes in your namespace
      • (e.g. ddt.Client if you did
        import dask.distributed as ddt)
  • Parameterized types

    • Built-in container types:
      • List
      • Set
      • Tuple
      • Dict
    • Callable
    • Literal
    • ...
  • We'll talk about these in detail in a minute

Typing and Objects (Classes)

  • Any class defined in your namespace can be used as a type

    • Built-in classes
    • Classes from imports
    • Classes from your code
  • Child classes count as the parent class

  • Built-in classes work (but you may need to import the types explicitly):

from io import TextIOWrapper

def write_to_file(msg: str, handle: TextIOWrapper) -> None:

  • Child classes count as members of the parent class:
class Parent(): pass
class Child(Parent): pass

def example() -> None:
    a: Parent = Parent()
    b: Parent = Child()  # no problem: Child counts as Parent
    c: Child = Parent()  # error: Parent does not count as Child
    d: Child = b         # Works! We know b *must* be a Child here

  • Linters differ on using a class during its definition
class MyClass():
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def compare(self, other: MyClass) -> int:
        return 5

  • mypy thinks this is fine

  • VSCode complains about using MyClass in compare

    • To fix: put it in quotes (other: 'MyClass')
    • Recognizes MyClass fine outside its definition
  • self never needs type annotation: it's inferred

  • __init__ is inferred to return None

    • BUT mypy skips functions without type annotations
    • Fix: if you have no non-self parameters, explicitly return None
    • Or use --strict

Parameterizing container types

  • Container types need parameters to be useful
    • e.g. List[int], not just List
    • (What's in the list? Defaults to Any)

Recent syntax changes

  • pre-3.10:
    • Capital letters (List, Set etc)
    • imported from typing package
  • 3.10+:
    • Built-ins (list/set/dict/tuple) can be lower-case
    • And don't need to be imported
    • More complex types now come from
  • Examples below use the older syntax

List & Set

  • Parameters go in square brackets:
    List[str] or Set[int]
from typing import List
def sum(items: List[int]) -> int:

Or in 3.10+:

def sum(items: list[int]) -> int:


  • A Tuple has a fixed* number of ordered elements
    • Used whenever you pack values together
      e.g. returning (x, y) as one unit
price_and_count: Tuple[float, int] = (1.5, 3)
  • (An empty tuple is typed as Tuple[()])


  • Stores unique keys that point to values
  • Must provide types for both
heights_per_person: Dict[str, float] = {}
  • Along with variable naming, this documents the data structure


  • Sometimes a variable can be one of a few different types:
cash_on_hand: Union[int, float, None] = ...
  • This allows flexibility while still providing guidance.
    • In 3.10, can just use an or pipe:
cash: int | float | None

You can nest them...!

cash_per_person: Dict[str, Union[int, float, None]] = {...}

But it gets long...

points: Dict[str, Dict[int, List[float]]] = {...}
# for each student, for each test number, store how many points they got on each question
  • points["Kushim"][1] is a list of how many points Kushim got on each question on the first Accounting exam at Uruk University

Type Aliases

  • Instead we can define type aliases
from typing import TypeAlias

Gradebook: TypeAlias = Dict[str, Dict[int, List[float]]]
my_gradebook: Gradebook = get_gradebook_for_semester()
grades_for_student = gradebook['Kushim']

  • Lets you use a shorter but more meaningful name for something complex

    • Note: explicitly adding TypeAlias is a 3.10 thing--previously it was inferred, which led to some ambiguity.
  • Or go even further:

from typing import TypeAlias

StudentName: TypeAlias = str
TestId: TypeAlias = int
PointsPerQuestion: TypeAlias = List[float]

Gradebook: TypeAlias = Dict[StudentName, Dict[TestId, PointsPerQuestion]]

my_gradebook: Gradebook = get_gradebook_for_semester()
kushim_points_test_one = gradebook['Kushim'][1]

Why Use Type Aliases?

  • Pros:
    • Meaningful names document intention
    • Shorter: easier to read and type
  • Cons:
    • Sometimes mouseover hints don't drill down enough
      • (might just get Gradebook, not actual structure)
    • Might be better off with an actual class or a dataclass


  • Describes the type of a function stored in a variable.
  • Takes list of parameter types, then return type
from typing import Callable

sum_then_square: Callable[[float, float], float]
sum_then_square = lambda x, y: (x + y) ** 2

  • Useful for higher-order programming & function composition


  • Literal means a specific value
    • Literal[15] is 15, not any other integer
way: Union[Literal['North'], Literal['South'], Literal['East'], Literal['West']]
way = 'west'

  • Did you catch the error there?
  • You probably want an Enum
    • Literal is mostly the result of type inference

How you interact with types

At runtime

  • You pretty much don't!
  • Errors from your linter are not enforced at runtime
  • Interpreter has its own type & object system
  • Type hinting is entirely for static code analysis
    • You could use TypeGuards (see bonus content)

In your editor

  • Highlighting of type errors
  • mouseover information for variables, functions
  • auto-completion of member reference
    • (my_ClassA_var. pops up methods from ClassA)
  • auto-populates docstring skeleton

With separate analyzer (mypy)

  • Generates a report of detected type errors

  • By default:

    • ONLY looks at functions having explicit type hinting
    • Stops tracking variables which are annotated Any
  • --strict flag makes it more aggressive

  • Useful as a continuous integration step

  • Customize mypy behavior with command-line arguments

    • Full command line documentation
    • In particular: --strict and --disallow-any-expr
    • --strict turns on a lot of checks that are skipped by default
    • --disallow-any-expr reports every use of Any
  • mypy also prints out informative messages if you ask it to

    • reveal_type(x) prints the type x has when the statement is encountered during mypy analysis
    • For more advice, see the Type hints cheat sheet

Brief review example

Type Inference

  • Type annotations are most useful for documenting functions, key variables
  • The analyzer can often figure out a type through static analysis, without hints:
def random_integer() -> int:
    return 15   # TODO: Pick more-random number

def do_math() -> int:
    a = random_integer() # linter knows a is an int!
    b = random_integer()
    c = a + b
    return c


  • Union types can be understood more precisely when context eliminates some possibilities
  • Type checker understands a few built-in functions
    • Type is narrowed only within a conditional branch
    • Linter understands how assert, return, & exceptions affect this
def narrowing_example(my_var: Union[str, int]) -> int:
    if isinstance(my_var, str):
        # In this branch, we know my_var is a str
        return len(my_var)
    # All strs exit the function at the "return" statement
    # So by process of elimination, my_var must be an int
    # And mouseover will show 'int' here
    return my_var + 1

  • isinstance() actually works at runtime, so mypy knows this is safe

  • Also supported:

    • issubclass(cls, MyClass)
    • if (type(a) is int)
    • if (variable is None)
    • if (callable(fn)) (though this doesn't distinguish Callables with different signatures)
    • User-defined type guards
  • Optional[TYPE] is short for Union[TYPE, None] and benefits from narrowing:

def narrowing_example_2(a: Optional[int]) -> None:
    print(a) # here 'a' could be int or None
    if (a is None):
        raise Exception('Exception ends this branch!')
    a # here a must be int
  • This is useful for handling user inputs


  • For when inference fails!
  • If you know better than the analyzer, you can overrule it
  • Use sparingly: there is usually a better way
    • Even if it's just type-hinting the receiving variable
import xarray as xr
from typing import cast

def load_xarray(filename: str) -> xr.Dataset:
    unknown_results = xr.open_dataset(filename)
    # xarray doesn't publish types (yet), so open_dataset is not annotated.
    # But we know it returns a Dataset object.
    # So use cast(TYPE, VALUE) to tell the checker that VALUE is of type TYPE
    results = cast(xr.Dataset, unknown_results)
    return results

  • If a variable is explicitly marked Any, it gets ignored from then on
  • Even casting it won't turn type checks back on for it


  • Sometimes you can say something about a type without knowing everything about it.
  • Suppose we have a function that adds a new item to the front of a typed list:
def prepend_to_list(value: int, values: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    return [value] + values
  • Great, now do one for every other possible type of list...???

  • Instead, use a variable type parameter TypeVar:

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')
def prepend_to_list(value: T, values: List[T]) -> List[T]:
    return [value] + values
  • This now works for any type!
  • But some operations don't make sense for any arbitrary type?
    • There are ways to add restrictions to the type parameter


  • Runtime uses more precise types (dtypes)
    • Based on actual bit representation
    • Closer to types in C
  • Since 2021, numpy has numpy.typing (official doc)
    • Annotating array shapes is not yet supported
    • 3rd-party extensions (nptyping) do allow typing array dimensions

Big Example

completed version

Bonus Content

  • Here are some topics which are beyond today's main scope.


  • Means you shouldn't change the variable's value
    • Like const in JavaScript/TypeScript, C/C++/C#, etc.
  x: Final[int] = 15
  x = 22     # will generate a warning

  • This is great for supporting functional programming and reducing mistakes
    • But it is not enforced at runtime!
  • There are other not-strictly-type annotations available; see docs


  • TypeGuard: a function that returns whether a variable is of a given type
    • Connected to narrowing
    • Code that both actually works at runtime...
    • ...and is also understood by the type analyzer
def is_str_list(val: List[object]) -> TypeGuard[List[str]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in val)
  • This returns true if & only if every element of val is a str
    • Other code can now call is_str_list(some_list) and branch on the result
    • in a branch where is_str_list(x) returned True, the type checker also knows x is a List[str]
  • You can do a lot with these

Generics and Constraints

  • TypeVar() lets you add subtype constraints to limit what generic types you support

    • e.g. TypeVar('T', int, float) means T must be an int or float.
    • How is that different from Union[int, float]?
      • List[T]: all elements are T (either int or float)
      • List[Union[int, float]] could contain some ints and some floats
  • You can also restrict to type families:

    • TypeVar('S', bound=str) means S has to extend str to qualify.
    • This supports the possibility of more specific types while guaranteeing that certain functionality will be available
  • One TypeVar can only use either binding or subtype constraints

    • it doesn't make sense to use both

Covariance and Contravariance

  • python doc

  • wikipedia

  • Suppose I have an Animal class

    • both Cat and Dog inherit from Animal
  • Is List[Cat] a subtype of List[Animal]?

    • What about Callable[]s?
    • Generally: how does class inheritance play with container types?
  • Covariant: Means that if A is a subtype of B, then Generic[A] is always a subtype of Generic[B]

  • Contravariant: Means that if A is a subtype of B, then Generic[B] is always a subtype of Generic[A]

    • (Note it's reversed!)
  • Invariant: the relationship is inconsistent.

  • Functions are "contravariant in parameters but covariant in returns":

    • f() -> Cat is a subtype of f() -> Animal
      • Any caller expecting an Animal can take a Cat.
      • This is covariance
    • BUT f(x: Animal) -> None is a subtype of f(x: Cat) -> None!
      • Of all the functions that operate on Cats, only some work on all Animals.
      • This is contravariance
  • This mostly comes up with Callables, function-valued variables, and callbacks

  • The most general callback takes the most specific class of inputs and returns the most general class of outputs

  • Lists are invariant:

    • All items from a List[Dog] are legitimate items of a List[Animal]
      • So List[Dog] is a subtype when acting as a source
    • List[Animal] can receive all items that could be added to List[Dog], but not vice versa
      • So List[Animal] is a subtype when acting as a sink
    • Relationship is not fixed -- thus invariant
