This page lists the available tutorials for libpointmatcher. The Beginner Section is aimed at the more casual user and contains high-level information on the various steps of point cloud registration. The Advanced Section is targeted at those with existing experience with point cloud registration and proficiency in C++ development. Those who wish to contribute to libpointmatcher can follow the guidelines in the Developer section.
- What can I do with libpointmatcher
- Ubuntu: How to compile libpointmatcher
- Windows: How to compile libpointmatcher
- Mac OS X: How to compile libpointmatcher
- What the different data filters do?
- Example: applying a chain of data filters
- Example: An introduction to ICP
- The ICP chain configuration and its variants
- Configuring libpointmatcher using YAML
- Supported file types and importing/exporting point clouds
- How to link a project to libpointmatcher
- How are point clouds represented?
- Example: Writing a program which performs ICP
- How to move a point cloud using a rigid transformation?
Note: if you don't find what you need, don't hesitate to propose or participate to new tutorials.