This rule is outdated. JavaScript modules (ESM) do not support importing a directory.
Replaced by no-instanceof-builtins
which covers more cases.
This rule was renamed to no-array-callback-reference
to avoid using the abbreviation fn
in the name.
Replaced by no-instanceof-builtins
which covers more cases.
This rule was renamed to no-array-reduce
to be more specific.
Removed due to bugs.
This rule was renamed to prefer-dom-node-dataset
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to prefer-keyboard-event-key
to be more specific.
This rule was deprecated in favor of the built-in ESLint prefer-exponentiation-operator
This rule was renamed to prefer-array-flat-map
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to prefer-dom-node-append
to be less ambiguous.
This rule was renamed to prefer-dom-node-remove
to be less ambiguous.
This rule was deprecated in favor of the built-in ESLint prefer-object-has-own
This rule was renamed to prefer-string-replace-all
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to prefer-string-starts-ends-with
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to prefer-dom-node-text-content
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to prefer-string-trim-start-end
to be more specific.
This rule was renamed to better-regex
as it does more than just preferring the shorthand.