Prevents firework crates, gascans, oxygen, propane tanks and pipe bombs being pushed when players walk into them
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
How does it work?
- To to fix the bug where survivor push gascans or pipebomb projectiles by accident
- How to reproduce the bug?
- Find a gascan on the map, don't grab, just walk into it
- Throw a pipebomb, your teammates walk into it
- After install this plugin, pipebombs would fly through the tank body.
Require | 必要安裝
None -
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.0h (2025-1-4)
- Remake code
- Add pipebomb
- Add prop_physics, prop_physics_override, prop_physics_multiplayer
- 原理
- 官方的Bug: 玩家走路就能推擠地上的物品 (汽油桶、瓦斯桶、煙火盒、氧氣罐、土製炸彈)
- 如何復現?
- 找到地圖上的汽油桶,不要拿取,直接走過去
- 丟出一個土製炸彈,你的隊友直接走過去
- 安裝此插件後的副作用: 土製炸彈會穿透Tank身體