Vomit Jars hit Survivors, Boomer Explosions slime Infected.
Apply to | 適用於
How does it work?
- Boomer Explosions slime Infected/Witch/Tank around
- Vomit Jars can hit survivors
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_biletheworld.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d2_biletheworld_enable "1" // Turn on Bile the World on Boomer Death to, 1=Common Infected, 2=S.I., 4=Witch, 8=Tank. Add numbers together (0=Disabe, 15=All) l4d2_biletheworld_boomer_death_apply "15" // Bile Range on Boomer Death. l4d2_biletheworld_boomer_death_radius "250" // If 1, Turn on Bile the World on Vomit Jar to self. l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_self "1" // If 1, Turn on Bile the World on Vomit Jar to teammate. l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_teammate "1" // Bile Range on Vomit Jar. l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_radius "150" // How much hp reduce, if player throws Vomit Jar to survivors. (0=off) l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_teammate_hp "30"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_biletheworld.cfg
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.0h (2024-2-24)
- Update Cvars
v1.3.1 (2022-12-27)
- AlliedModder Post
- Remake code
- Remove gamedata
- If player throws Vomit Jar to teammate, reduce his hp :D
- 玩家朝隊友丟膽汁瓶,隊友也會被淋到
- Boomer死亡爆炸時,旁邊如果有特感、Tank、Witch、普通感染者,他們也會被炸到淋上膽汁
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_biletheworld.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d2_biletheworld_enable "1" // Boomer死亡的膽汁影響對象, 1=普通感染者, 2=特感, 4=Witch, 8=Tank. 請將數字相加起來 (0=關閉, 15=全部) l4d2_biletheworld_boomer_death_apply "15" // Boomer死亡的膽汁影響範圍 l4d2_biletheworld_boomer_death_radius "250" // 為1時,自己丟的膽汁瓶也會被淋到 l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_self "1" // 為1時,朝隊友丟膽汁瓶,隊友也會被淋到 l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_teammate "1" // 膽汁瓶的膽汁影響範圍 l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_jar_radius "150" // 如果玩家朝隊友丟膽汁瓶,丟膽汁瓶的玩家會受到懲罰減少HP,可設置扣除的HP數值 (0=關閉這項功能) l4d2_biletheworld_vomit_teammate_hp "30"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_biletheworld.cfg