Fixed Teleport bug if jcokey player switches team while riding the survivor (Another valve bug)
Apply to | 適用於
Changelog | 版本日誌
- v1.0 (2023-1-30)
- Initial Release
- v1.0 (2023-1-30)
Require | 必要安裝
None -
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- Jockey Ride Stuck Fix: When the survivor bot controlled by jockey is kicked out of the game, jockey will get stuck in the air, this plugin fixes it
- Jockey teleport bug: A fix for Jockeys teleporting (whether done maliciously with cheats, or caused by a glitch)
- Jockey Ride Stuck Fix: When the survivor bot controlled by jockey is kicked out of the game, jockey will get stuck in the air, this plugin fixes it
- 原理
- 當Jockey玩家正在騎倖存者頭上並且切換隊伍的時候,會發生位置傳送的bug(別問我,問就是Valve的鍋)
- 安裝這插件修正Valve超過十年來的大爛bug