- Fix for plugin not working on Android because of link error.
- Fix for wrong edge detection because of navigation bar (Thanks to @DanicMa for the PR)
- iOS review screen fix (Thanks to @cansavrun for the PR)
- Select image for edge detection (Thanks to @henryleunghk for the PR)
- Scoped storage fix (Thanks to @Yazan99sh for the PR)
- Migrated android plugin to v2 (Thanks to @TheSuperiorStanislav for the PR)
- Migrated to kotlin v1.5.31 (Thanks to @TheSuperiorStanislav for the PR)
- Fix for crash when take picture is called very quickly two times (Thanks to @vmwsree for the PR)
- Improved scanning on Android (Thanks to @gamalielCastro for the PR)
- Migrated the plugin to Null Safety. (Thanks to @espbee for his repo)
- Added rotation, b&w support and improved image recognition so that triangle don't appear on Camera as detection. (Thanks to @tiagosito for the PR)
- Updated WeScan dependency to 1.7.0
- Fixed an issue where the user can't use the app alongside of filepicker. (Thanks to @RodrigoPorras for the PR)
- Migrated the plugin code to Swift5. (Thanks to @y-okady for the PR)
- Fixed some issues that were reported on Github.
- Corrected images path for pub.dev readme page.
- Updated to Android X (Thanks to @BugsBunnyBR for the PR)
- Removed unused code.
- Updated kotlin extension to 1.2.51
- Initial release.