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63 lines (53 loc) · 3.39 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (53 loc) · 3.39 KB


All new changes are documented here.



  • Generation of the matrix of SDM changes in CSV format
  • Optional filtering of all sites where ancestral allele does not match either REF or ALT with --strict_allele_matching


  • Heavy code maintainance, with much better code linting
  • --species will now be used as the name of the output, and is therefore now required
  • Greedy mode is now enabled as default. Use --greedy false to switch to the low-memory algorithm
  • Replaced jellyfish with custom python script


  • Workflow miscalculating derived allele frequency when the ancestral allele does not match neither REF or ALT, or their reverse strands (e.g. REF/ALT/AA = A/T/G)
    • The workflow will sets the ancestral state for these sites to -
  • Few mix up cases affecting the DAF in v1.1.0
  • Workflow crashing when only one K-mer is selected with --k



  • Create a "smile plot" for the derived allele frequencies (DAF)
  • Demo data to test the workflow; in the future, the workflow will have CI testing to ensure basic features' stability
  • Add a filtering step removing variants with derived allele frequency above a given threshold (default 0.98)


  • Docker dependencies
  • DAF are computed in preprocessing, and saved as output file
  • Introduced three separate options to trigger the different components: --relate, --mutyper and --sdm (runs mutyper only as default)
  • --relate_path is now used to provide the path to the relate installation directory instead of --relate
  • --ancestral is now --ancestral_fna, and --ref_fasta is now --fasta_fna
  • Faster preprocessing of the VCF by processing by contig wherever possible
  • Faster VCF I/O thanks to dropping most INFO fields when extracting biallelic sites
  • Separate the filtered SDM sites based on whether they fall into a repeat masked region or not
  • Increased threads provided to selected bcftools processes
  • Ancestral genome now uses cactus official image, rather than on the downloaded tools
  • The workflow now uses chunking whereever possible to speed up processing, defined by chunk_size
    • The chunk size can be slightly higher when consecutive sites are found, effectively splitting only when breaks in variants are identified
    • Both Mutyper and SDM subworkflows takes advantage of the approach, reducing redundancy of the analyses and allowing lower I/O with faster analysis of data
  • Collection of mutation type is now performed by sequence, rather on the full dataset
  • Greatly increase performances of bed2vbed process by heavy usage of polars dataframes, an improved logic and decreased I/O operations (see table):
Version Mode Memory (GB) Runtime (min) Fold improv.
v1.0.0 - 0.7 18.9 1.0x
v1.1.0 Memory 11.3 5.9 3.2x
v1.1.0 Greedy 25.0 4.0 4.7x


  • Fixes a start-up issue when running from the directory, rather than from
  • Fixes -stub runtime issues
  • Mutyper plots ignoring groupings


  • Legacy DSL1 code (legacy/
  • Dropped filtering process as unused in the analyses
  • BED2VBED and COMBINE scripts



  • Initial workflow release