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173 lines (170 loc) · 90.2 KB
data = {
'python': {
'1': """print "Hello World"⭔print 7⭔print 5 + 4⭔print "5 + 4"⭔print "5" + "4"⭔print 5 * 2⭔print 24 / 6⭔print 10 - 3⭔print 2 * 4 - 3⭔print 2 * (4 - 3)⭔print "ROAR! " * 5⭔print "Add a leading # to make one line be comment"⭔print "Comments are just for you, they will be ignored when the code runs"⭔""",
'2': """a = 1⭔b = 2⭔print a⭔print a + b⭔c = 1.5⭔print a + b + c⭔print 1 < 2⭔print 3 == 3⭔print 4 == 3⭔print 3 > 4⭔print 1 < 2 and 3 < 4⭔print 3 < 3 or 3 == 3⭔print 3 <= 3⭔print not 1 < 2⭔s1 = "Hello"⭔print s1⭔s2 = "15"⭔print s2 * 2⭔print int(s2) * 2⭔s3 = "3.14"⭔print s3 * 2⭔print float(s3) * 2⭔""",
'3': """s = "hello world"⭔print "hello" + " , " + "" + " !"⭔print len(s)⭔print s.capitalize()⭔print s.count("h")⭔print s.count("o")⭔print s.count("world")⭔print s.endswith("orld")⭔print s.endswith("ello")⭔print s.startswith("he")⭔print s.upper()⭔print s.lower()⭔print s.title()⭔print s.split()⭔print s.find("he")⭔print s.find("world")⭔print s.find("py")⭔""",
'4': """name = raw_input("Enter your name")⭔print "Hello", name⭔age = raw_input("Enter your age")⭔print "You are", age, "years old"⭔color = raw_input("Enter your favorite color")⭔print "Your favorite color is", color⭔number = raw_input("What is your favorite number⭔")⭔print "Your favorite number is", number⭔multiplied = int(number) * 2⭔print "Your favorite number doubled is", multiplied⭔""",
'5': """weather = "sunny"⭔if weather == "sunny":⭔print "We will go on a picnic!"⭔print "Hooray!"⭔import time⭔time.sleep(0.5)⭔age = int(raw_input("Enter your age:"))⭔if age >= 13:⭔print "You can watch this movie"⭔else:⭔print "Sorry, you can't watch this movie"⭔time.sleep(0.5)⭔score = float(raw_input("how would you rate this movie⭔ (1⭔5):"))⭔if score >= 4.5:⭔print "You like it very much"⭔elif score >= 3.5:⭔print "You like it"⭔elif score >= 2.5:⭔print "You think it is an average movie"⭔else:⭔print "You don't like it :("⭔""",
'6': """shopping_list = ["milk", "apple juice", "beacon", "tomato"]⭔print shopping_list, "has", len(shopping_list), "items"⭔shopping_list.append("grape")⭔shopping_list.append("orange")⭔print shopping_list⭔print shopping_list[0]⭔print shopping_list[2]⭔shopping_list.extend(["eggs", "bagel"])⭔print shopping_list⭔shopping_list.remove("milk")⭔print shopping_list⭔shopping_list.remove("beacon")⭔print shopping_list⭔shopping_list.sort()⭔print "After sorted:"⭔print shopping_list⭔mylist = [1, 2, "apple", 3.14, "circle"]⭔print mylist⭔""",
'7': """numbers = [12, 3, 25, 36]⭔print numbers[0]⭔print numbers[1]⭔print numbers[2]⭔print numbers[3]⭔print "* for-loop demo:"⭔for index in range(len(numbers)):⭔print numbers[index]⭔for num in numbers:⭔print num⭔for i in range(10):⭔print "Hello "⭔print "* while-loop demo:"⭔i = 0⭔while i < len(numbers):⭔print numbers[i]⭔i = i + 1⭔counter = 0⭔while counter < 10:⭔print "Hello "⭔counter = counter + 1⭔print "* break demo:"⭔for i in range(10):⭔if i == 6:⭔break⭔print i⭔print "* continue demo:"⭔for i in range(10):⭔if i == 6:⭔continue⭔print i⭔""",
'8': """number = raw_input("Enter a number")⭔decimal = int(number)⭔binary = ""⭔while decimal > 0:⭔remainder = decimal % 2⭔binary = str(remainder) + binary⭔decimal = decimal / 2⭔print number, "in binary is", binary⭔""",
'9': """number = raw_input("Enter a number")⭔decimal = int(number)⭔hexadecimal = ""⭔while decimal > 0:⭔remainder = decimal % 16⭔if remainder < 10:⭔hexadecimal = str(remainder) + hexadecimal⭔elif remainder == 10:⭔hexadecimal = "A" + hexadecimal⭔elif remainder == 11:⭔hexadecimal = "B" + hexadecimal⭔elif remainder == 12:⭔hexadecimal = "C" + hexadecimal⭔elif remainder == 13:⭔hexadecimal = "D" + hexadecimal⭔elif remainder == 14:⭔hexadecimal = "E" + hexadecimal⭔else:⭔hexadecimal = "F" + hexadecimal⭔decimal = decimal / 16⭔print number, "in hexadecimal is", hexadecimal⭔""",
'10': """import time⭔print "Timezone:", time.tzname⭔for i in range(5):⭔print time.asctime()⭔time.sleep(1)⭔print "-" * 20⭔import random⭔numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]⭔print random.choice(numbers)⭔newNumber = random.randint(10, 20)⭔numbers.append(newNumber)⭔print numbers⭔random.shuffle(numbers)⭔print numbers⭔""",
'11': """import random⭔import time⭔x = random.randint(1, 50)⭔chances = 10⭔numGuesses = 0⭔guess = 0⭔while numGuesses < chances:⭔guess = raw_input("Guess a number between 1 and 100")⭔guess = int(guess)⭔if guess > 100 or guess < 1:⭔print guess, "is out of range"⭔numGuesses += 1⭔elif guess > x:⭔print guess, "is too high"⭔numGuesses += 1⭔elif guess < x:⭔print guess, "is too low"⭔numGuesses += 1⭔else:⭔print "Correct!"⭔break⭔time.sleep(0.5)⭔if guess != x:⭔print "The correct number was", x⭔""",
'12': """import time⭔choice = ""⭔total = 0.0⭔while choice != "done":⭔choice = raw_input("burger, pizza or cookies."⭔+ " type 'done' when you are done")⭔choice = choice.lower()⭔if choice == "burger":⭔total = total + 4.50⭔elif choice == "pizza":⭔total = total + 2.0⭔elif choice == "cookies":⭔total = total + 2.50⭔elif choice == "done":⭔break⭔else:⭔print "We don't have", choice⭔time.sleep(0.5)⭔continue⭔print "Your choice:", choice⭔time.sleep(0.5)⭔print "Your total is $" + str(total)⭔""",
'13': """import time⭔for multiplier in range(1, 5):⭔for i in range(1, 10):⭔print i, "x", multiplier, "=", i * multiplier⭔print "-" * 10⭔time.sleep(1)⭔numStars = int(raw_input("How many stars do you want in one line⭔"))⭔numLines = int(raw_input("How many lines do you want⭔"))⭔for i in range(numLines):⭔for j in range(numStars):⭔print "*",⭔print ""⭔print "-" * 10⭔time.sleep(1)⭔numBlocks = int(raw_input("How many star blocks do you want⭔"))⭔for k in range(numBlocks):⭔print "[block %s]:" % k⭔for i in range(numLines):⭔for j in range(numStars):⭔print "*",⭔print ""⭔""",
'14': """from random import randint⭔myList = []⭔for counter in range(10):⭔myList.append(randint(1, 100))⭔print "Before sorting:"⭔print myList⭔iterCount = 1⭔for i in range(len(myList)):⭔smallest = i⭔for j in range(i, len(myList)):⭔if myList[j] < myList[smallest]:⭔smallest = j⭔if smallest != i:⭔temp = myList[i]⭔myList[i] = myList[smallest]⭔myList[smallest] = temp⭔print "Iteration", iterCount, ":", myList⭔iterCount = iterCount + 1⭔print "After sorting:"⭔print myList⭔""",
'15': """from random import randint⭔myList = []⭔for counter in range(10):⭔myList.append(randint(1, 100))⭔print "Before sorting:"⭔print myList⭔iterCount = 1⭔for index in range(1, len(myList)):⭔currValue = myList[index]⭔position = index⭔while position > 0 and myList[position - 1] > currValue:⭔myList[position] = myList[position - 1]⭔position = position - 1⭔myList[position] = currValue⭔print "Iteration", iterCount, ":", myList⭔iterCount += 1⭔print "After sorting:"⭔print myList⭔""",
'16': """myDict = {⭔"hello": "an expression of greeting",⭔"world": "everything that exists anywhere"⭔}⭔print "Query - hello:", myDict["hello"]⭔menu = {⭔"milk": 3.72,⭔"bacon": 4.98,⭔"burger": 3.5⭔}⭔print "Price of bacon is", menu["bacon"]⭔if menu.has_key("milk"):⭔print "We have milk"⭔else:⭔print "Sorry, we don't have milk"⭔if "milk" in menu:⭔print "We have milk"⭔print menu.keys()⭔print "* Menu:"⭔for (key, value) in menu.items():⭔print key, ":", value⭔menu["milk"] = 3.82⭔menu["sausage"] = 4.94⭔print menu⭔menu.pop("burger")⭔print menu⭔""",
'17': """calories = {⭔"apple": 95,⭔"banana": 105,⭔"pineapple": 402,⭔"orange": 45,⭔"mango": 201,⭔}⭔import time⭔answer = ""⭔totalCalories = 0⭔while answer != "done":⭔answer = raw_input("What do you want⭔\\n %s \\nInput 'done' to finish" %⭔calories.keys())⭔answer = answer.lower()⭔if answer in calories:⭔print "You choose", answer⭔totalCalories += calories[answer]⭔elif answer == "done":⭔continue⭔else:⭔print "Sorry, we don't have", answer⭔time.sleep(0.2)⭔print "Total calories:", totalCalories⭔""",
'18': """def printInfo():⭔print "John"⭔print "Address: 10 xyz lane"⭔print "Favorite color: blue"⭔print "Favorite coding language: "⭔print⭔printInfo()⭔printInfo()⭔def printInfo(name, addr, color, lang):⭔print name⭔print "Address:", addr⭔print "Favorite color:", color⭔print "Favorite coding language:", lang⭔print⭔printInfo("Bob", "11 abc Lane", "green", "Java")⭔printInfo("Alice", "236 meadow dr", "pink", "Scratch")⭔def add(a, b):⭔return a + b⭔c = add(1, 2)⭔print "sum is:", c⭔print⭔def checkPlease(price, taxRate, tipsRate):⭔tax = price * taxRate⭔tips = price * tipsRate⭔total = price + tax + tips⭔return total⭔print "Your total is:", checkPlease(13.5, 0.05, 0.15)⭔""",
'19': """speed = 10⭔def speedUp1():⭔print "I am going to change the speed"⭔speed = 20⭔speedUp1()⭔print "After calling speedUp1, current speed is:", speed⭔print⭔def speedUp2():⭔global speed⭔print "I declare speed is the global one"⭔print "I am going to really change the speed"⭔speed = 20⭔speedUp2()⭔print "After calling speedUp2, current speed is:", speed⭔""",
'20': """def fibonacci(num):⭔if num == 0:⭔return 0⭔if num == 1:⭔return 1⭔return fibonacci(num-2) + fibonacci(num-1)⭔for i in range(10):⭔print fibonacci(i),⭔print⭔def power(base, exp):⭔if exp == 0:⭔return 1⭔return base * power(base, exp-1)⭔print "2^5 is:", power(2, 5)⭔print "3^2 is:", power(3, 2)⭔print "4^5 is:", power(4, 5)⭔""",
'21': """import math⭔class Circle:⭔def __init__(self, radius):⭔self.radius = radius⭔def circumference(self):⭔return 2 * math.pi * self.radius⭔def area(self):⭔return math.pi * self.radius * self.radius⭔c1 = Circle(1.2)⭔print "Circle c1"⭔print "- radius:", c1.radius⭔print "- circumference:", c1.circumference()⭔print "- area:", c1.area()⭔c2 = Circle(2.5)⭔print "Circle c2"⭔print "- radius:", c2.radius⭔print "- circumference:", c2.circumference()⭔print "- area:", c2.area()⭔""",
'22': """class Person:⭔def __init__(self, name, birthyear):⭔self.name = name⭔self.birthyear = birthyear⭔def printInfo(self):⭔print "Name:", self.name⭔print "Year of birth:", self.birthyear⭔class Student(Person):⭔def __init__(self, name, birthyear, school):⭔Person.__init__(self, name, birthyear)⭔self.school = school⭔def printInfo(self):⭔Person.printInfo(self)⭔print "School:", self.school⭔class CollegeStudent(Student):⭔def __init__(self, name, birthyear, school, major):⭔Student.__init__(self, name, birthyear, school)⭔self.major = major⭔def printInfo(self):⭔Student.printInfo(self)⭔print "Major:", self.major⭔student1 = Student("Alice", 2000, "Meadow High School")⭔student1.printInfo()⭔print "-" * 10⭔student2 = CollegeStudent("Bob", 1996, "MIT", "Computer Science")⭔student2.printInfo()⭔""",
'23': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.setposition(-200, 200)⭔t.forward(100)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.forward(80)⭔t.circle(40)⭔t.color("red")⭔t.circle(40, 180)⭔t.shape("turtle")⭔t.stamp()⭔t.forward(100)⭔t.setposition(0, 0)⭔t.goto(50, 50)⭔t.goto(100, 0)⭔t.goto(0, 0)⭔t.goto(0, -100)⭔t.goto(100, -100)⭔t.goto(100, 0)⭔t.setposition(40, -100)⭔t.goto(40, -50)⭔t.goto(60, -50)⭔t.goto(60, -100)⭔t.color("green")⭔t.setposition(50, -90)⭔""",
'24': """from turtle import Turtle⭔from random import randint⭔t = Turtle()⭔for counter in range(4):⭔t.forward(40)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.setposition(-100, -100)⭔for counter in range(50):⭔t.color(0, randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))⭔t.forward(100)⭔t.right(115)⭔t.setposition(80, 120)⭔for counter in range(50):⭔t.color(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))⭔t.forward(90)⭔t.right(82)⭔""",
'25': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔def hexagon(size):⭔for i in range(6):⭔t.forward(size)⭔t.right(60)⭔t.setposition(-150, 150)⭔hexagon(40)⭔t.setposition(150, 150)⭔hexagon(20)⭔t.setposition(-150, -150)⭔hexagon(50)⭔t.setposition(0, 0)⭔for i in range(6):⭔hexagon(30)⭔t.forward(30)⭔t.left(60)⭔""",
'26': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for counter in range(4):⭔t.forward(80)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.setposition(-150, 150)⭔t.color("orange")⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for counter in range(6):⭔t.forward(80)⭔t.right(60)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.setposition(-150, -100)⭔t.color("blue")⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(12):⭔t.forward(40)⭔t.right(30)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.setposition(150, 100)⭔t.color("#339960")⭔t.begin_fill()⭔t.circle(40)⭔t.end_fill()⭔""",
'27': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.width(1)⭔t.speed(10)⭔for j in range(3):⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.penup()⭔t.back(60)⭔t.left(90)⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.pendown()⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.color("blue")⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.color("black")⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.penup()⭔t.back(60)⭔t.left(90)⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.pendown()⭔for j in range(3):⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔""",
'28': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.width(1)⭔t.speed(10)⭔def square(color):⭔t.color(color)⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for i in range(4):⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(20)⭔def nextRow(numSquares):⭔t.up()⭔t.back(numSquares * 20)⭔t.left(90)⭔t.forward(20)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.down()⭔for j in range(3):⭔square("black")⭔nextRow(3)⭔square("black")⭔square("blue")⭔square("black")⭔nextRow(3)⭔for j in range(3):⭔square("black")⭔""",
'29': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.width(1)⭔t.speed(10)⭔side = 20⭔width = 3⭔def row(colors, numbers):⭔for i in range(len(colors)):⭔t.color(colors[i])⭔for j in range(numbers[i]):⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for k in range(4):⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.up()⭔t.back(width * side)⭔t.left(90)⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.down()⭔colors = ["black"]⭔numbers = [3]⭔row(colors, numbers)⭔colors = ["black", "blue", "black"]⭔numbers = [1, 1, 1]⭔row(colors, numbers)⭔colors = ["black"]⭔numbers = [3]⭔row(colors, numbers)⭔""",
'30': """from turtle import Turtle⭔t = Turtle()⭔t.width(1)⭔t.speed(10)⭔side = 20⭔width = 9⭔height = 9⭔white, black, red, darkred = 'white', 'black', 'red', 'darkred'⭔t.setposition(-(width * (side/2)), height * (side/2))⭔def row(pixels):⭔for (color, count) in pixels:⭔t.color(color)⭔for j in range(count):⭔t.begin_fill()⭔for k in range(4):⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.end_fill()⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.penup()⭔t.back(width * side)⭔t.right(90)⭔t.forward(side)⭔t.left(90)⭔t.pendown()⭔row([(white, 2), (black, 2), (white, 1), (black, 2), (white, 2)])⭔row([(white, 1), (black, 1), (red, 2), (black, 1),⭔(red, 2), (black, 1), (white, 1)])⭔row([(black, 1), (red, 1), (white, 1), (red, 5), (black, 1)])⭔row([(black, 1), (red, 7), (black, 1)])⭔row([(black, 1), (darkred, 1), (red, 5), (darkred, 1), (black, 1)])⭔row([(white, 1), (black, 1), (darkred, 1),⭔(red, 3), (darkred, 1), (black, 1), (white, 1)])⭔row([(white, 2), (black, 1), (darkred, 1),⭔(red, 1), (darkred, 1), (black, 1), (white, 2)])⭔row([(white, 3), (black, 1), (darkred, 1), (black, 1), (white, 3)])⭔row([(white, 4), (black, 1), (white, 4)])⭔""",
'31': """from processing import *⭔def setup():⭔size(400, 400)⭔def draw():⭔background(0, 0, 0)⭔stroke(255)⭔line(0, 0, 50, 200)⭔fill(255, 0, 0)⭔ellipse(180, 80, 150, 100)⭔noStroke()⭔fill(0, 0, 255)⭔ellipse(180, 200, 150, 100)⭔fill(255, 160, 0)⭔rect(50, 300, 100, 70)⭔fill(0, 200, 0)⭔triangle(300, 200, 280, 380, 350, 350)⭔run()⭔""",
'32': """from processing import *⭔import math⭔width = 520⭔height = 360⭔radius = 16⭔theta = 0⭔dx = 0⭔steps = width / radius + 1⭔def setup():⭔global dx⭔size(width, height)⭔dx = float(TWO_PI / width) * radius⭔colorMode(HSB)⭔def draw():⭔global theta⭔background(0, 0, 0)⭔theta += 0.05⭔x = theta⭔hue = 0⭔for i in range(steps):⭔y = height / 2 + math.sin(x) * 70⭔x += dx⭔fill(hue, 255, 240)⭔ellipse(i * radius, y, radius, radius)⭔hue += 5⭔run()⭔""",
'33': """from processing import *⭔from random import randint⭔rotating_sun = 0⭔rotating_earth = 0⭔rotating_moon = 0⭔center_x = 250⭔center_y = 250⭔star_count = 150⭔stars = []⭔def setup():⭔size(540, 500)⭔for i in range(star_count):⭔x = randint(10, 530)⭔y = randint(10, 490)⭔width = randint(2, 8)⭔height = randint(2, 8)⭔color = randint(10, 100)⭔stars.append({⭔"x": x,⭔"y": y,⭔"width": width,⭔"height": height,⭔"color": color⭔})⭔def draw():⭔global rotating_sun, rotating_earth, rotating_moon⭔background(0, 0, 0)⭔for star in stars:⭔fill(star["color"])⭔ellipse(star["x"], star["y"], star["width"], star["height"])⭔noFill()⭔stroke(60, 60, 60)⭔arc(center_x, center_y, 140, 140, 0, 2*PI)⭔rotating_sun += -0.0001⭔rotating_earth += -0.005⭔rotating_moon += -0.06⭔noStroke()⭔translate(center_x, center_y)⭔rotate(rotating_sun)⭔fill(250, 0, 0)⭔ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30)⭔rotate(rotating_earth)⭔fill(100, 200, 250)⭔ellipse(70, 0, 13, 13)⭔translate(70, 0)⭔rotate(rotating_moon)⭔fill(250, 250, 0)⭔ellipse(10, 0, 4, 4)⭔run()⭔""",
'34': """from processing import *⭔font = None⭔def setup():⭔global font⭔size(500, 400)⭔font = createFont("Comic Sans MS", 30)⭔def draw():⭔background(0)⭔textFont(font)⭔fill(0, 240, 255)⭔textSize(40)⭔text("My Clock", 140, 120)⭔time = "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % \⭔(month(), day(), year(), hour(), minute(), second())⭔textSize(35)⭔fill(0, 255, 0)⭔text(time, 80, 220)⭔run()⭔""",
'35': """from processing import *⭔from math import sin⭔from random import randint⭔ballx = 30⭔bally = 30⭔rectx = 30⭔recty = 350⭔radius = 30⭔delay = 16⭔r = 100⭔g = 100⭔b = 100⭔def setup():⭔size(540, 400)⭔def draw():⭔global ballx, bally, rectx, recty, radius⭔background(r, g, b)⭔strokeWeight(10)⭔stroke(255)⭔fill(0, 121, 200)⭔ballx += float(mouse.x - ballx) / delay⭔bally += float(mouse.y - bally) / delay⭔radius = radius + sin(environment.frameCount / 4)⭔ellipse(ballx, bally, radius, radius)⭔strokeWeight(2)⭔fill(240, 150, 0)⭔rect(rectx, recty, 150, 30)⭔def mousePressed():⭔global r, g, b⭔r = randint(0, 150)⭔g = randint(0, 150)⭔b = randint(0, 150)⭔def keyPressed():⭔global rectx, recty⭔if keyboard.keyCode == UP:⭔recty -= 10⭔elif keyboard.keyCode == DOWN:⭔recty += 10⭔elif keyboard.keyCode == LEFT:⭔rectx -= 10⭔elif keyboard.keyCode == RIGHT:⭔rectx += 10⭔run()⭔""",
'36': """from processing import *⭔angle = 0⭔numLines = 20⭔width = 400⭔height = 400⭔def setup():⭔size(width, height)⭔colorMode(HSB)⭔def draw():⭔global angle⭔hue = 0⭔background(25)⭔strokeWeight(3)⭔translate(200, 200)⭔for i in range(numLines):⭔hue += i⭔stroke(hue, 255, 200)⭔rotate(PI / 30)⭔line(mouse.x-width/2, mouse.y-height/2, 0, -60)⭔angle += 0.0001⭔rotate(angle)⭔run()⭔""",
'37': """from processing import *⭔from random import choice⭔bunny = None⭔turtle = None⭔bunny_x = 10⭔turtle_x = 10⭔def setup():⭔global bunny, turtle⭔size(500, 400)⭔bunny = loadImage("https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/bunny.png")⭔turtle = loadImage("https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/turtle.png")⭔def draw():⭔background(255)⭔fill(20)⭔text("Use A and D key to move the turtle", 10, 20)⭔text("Use Left and Right arrow key to move the bunny", 230, 20)⭔image(turtle, turtle_x, 100, 60, 40)⭔image(bunny, bunny_x, 200, 60, 80)⭔noStroke()⭔fill(0, 200, 100)⭔rect(10, 140, 500, 10)⭔fill(240, 200, 0)⭔rect(10, 280, 500, 10)⭔textSize(30)⭔fill(0, 200, 100)⭔if turtle_x > 440:⭔text("Turtle won!", 170, 70)⭔exitp()⭔if bunny_x > 440:⭔text("Bunny won!", 170, 70)⭔exitp()⭔def keyPressed():⭔global turtle_x, bunny_x⭔if keyboard.key == "a":⭔turtle_x -= 10⭔elif keyboard.key == "d":⭔turtle_x += 10⭔if keyboard.keyCode == LEFT:⭔bunny_x -= 30⭔elif keyboard.keyCode == RIGHT:⭔if choice([0, 1, 2]) == 0:⭔bunny_x -= 30⭔else:⭔bunny_x += 30⭔run()⭔""",
'38': """from processing import *⭔counter = 0⭔currFrame = 0⭔x = 300⭔y = 10⭔speedY = 0⭔frames = []⭔def setup():⭔global p1, p2, p3, frames⭔size(540, 400)⭔background(0, 102, 0)⭔stepLeft = loadImage("https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/frame1.png")⭔stand = loadImage("https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/frame2.png")⭔stepRight = loadImage("https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/frame3.png")⭔frames = [stepLeft, stand, stepRight, stand]⭔def draw():⭔global counter, currFrame, y⭔background(0, 102, 0)⭔fill(255)⭔text("Use up and down arrow key to move the character", 10, 20)⭔noStroke()⭔rect(290, 0, 40, 400)⭔if counter == 10:⭔currFrame = (currFrame + 1) % 4⭔counter = 0⭔counter += 1⭔if speedY:⭔y += speedY⭔image(frames[currFrame], x, y, 20, 30)⭔else:⭔stand = frames[1]⭔image(stand, x, y, 20, 30)⭔def keyPressed():⭔global speedY⭔if keyboard.keyCode == UP:⭔speedY = -1⭔if keyboard.keyCode == DOWN:⭔speedY = 1⭔def keyReleased():⭔global speedY⭔if keyboard.keyCode in [UP, DOWN]:⭔speedY = 0⭔run()⭔""",
'39': """from processing import *⭔import random⭔cat = None⭔catSoundList = [⭔"meow meow ⭔",⭔"where is my fish cake",⭔"pur pur pur ...",⭔]⭔class Cat:⭔def __init__(self, x, y, imgURL, soundList):⭔self.x = x⭔self.y = y⭔self.currSound = ""⭔self.img = loadImage(imgURL)⭔self.soundList = soundList⭔def moveLeft(self):⭔self.x -= 10⭔def moveRight(self):⭔self.x += 10⭔def startSpeaking(self):⭔if not self.currSound:⭔self.currSound = random.choice(self.soundList)⭔def endSpeaking(self):⭔self.currSound = ""⭔def draw(self):⭔image(self.img, self.x, self.y)⭔def speak(self):⭔if self.currSound:⭔fill(10)⭔textSize(20)⭔text(self.currSound, self.x, self.y - 10)⭔def setup():⭔global cat⭔size(540, 400)⭔background(255)⭔cat = Cat(200, 250,⭔"https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/cat.png",⭔catSoundList)⭔def draw():⭔background(255)⭔fill(0)⭔text("Press space to speak", 200, 20)⭔cat.draw()⭔cat.speak()⭔def keyPressed():⭔if keyboard.keyCode == 32:⭔cat.startSpeaking()⭔def keyReleased():⭔if keyboard.keyCode == 32:⭔cat.endSpeaking()⭔run()⭔""",
'40': """from processing import *⭔width = 540⭔height = 450⭔ball = {⭔"x": 50,⭔"y": 50,⭔"radius": 10,⭔"vel_x": 20,⭔"vel_y": 20⭔}⭔r = 0⭔g = 100⭔b = 200⭔rinc = 2⭔ginc = 3⭔binc = 1⭔def setup():⭔size(width, height)⭔background(0, 0, 0)⭔def draw():⭔fill(r, g, b)⭔ellipse(ball["x"], ball["y"], 2*ball["radius"], 2*ball["radius"])⭔moveBall()⭔changeBallColor()⭔def moveBall():⭔ball["x"] += ball["vel_x"]⭔ball["y"] += ball["vel_y"]⭔if ball["x"] + ball["radius"] >= width or \⭔ball["x"] - ball["radius"] <= 0:⭔ball["vel_x"] = -ball["vel_x"]⭔if ball["y"] + ball["radius"] >= height or \⭔ball["y"] - ball["radius"] <= 0:⭔ball["vel_y"] = -ball["vel_y"]⭔def changeBallColor():⭔global r, g, b, rinc, ginc, binc⭔r += rinc⭔g += ginc⭔b += binc⭔if r >= 255 or r <= 0:⭔rinc = -rinc⭔if g >= 255 or g <= 0:⭔ginc = -ginc⭔if b >= 255 or b <= 0:⭔binc = -binc⭔run()⭔"""
'html': {
'1':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Boilerplate</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔Hello world! A HTML tag is like a container. An opening tag starts with a⭔pointy bracket followed by a tag name and a closing tag starts with a pointy bracket and a forward slash followed by the tag name.⭔</body>⭔</html>⭔""",
'2':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Heading Tags</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading 1</h1>⭔<h2>Heading 2</h2>⭔<h3>Heading 3</h3>⭔<h4>Heading 4</h4>⭔<h5>Heading 5</h5>⭔<h6>Heading 6</h6>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'3':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Paragraph Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h2>Paragraph - p tag</h2>⭔<p>⭔The "p" tag is used for paragraphs; we put paragraphs inside it.⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔Here is another paragraph.⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'4':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Link Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading</h1>⭔<p>This is a paragraph.</p>⭔<a href="https://oyoclass.com">OYOclass</a>⭔<p>⭔<a href="https://youtube.com" target="_blank">⭔Click me to open Youtube in a new window⭔</a>⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'5':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Image Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>HTML - image tag</h1>⭔<p>⭔<img src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/html.png" />⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔<img width="80px" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/html.png" />⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔View more examples at⭔<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp">W3schools</a>⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'6':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Line Break Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>br - Line Break Tag</h1>⭔<p>⭔We have some text on this line,⭔some more text on this line,⭔but when we preview this web page,⭔all of these text are on one line.⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔This is because the browser will ignore the text line-break in HTML code.⭔If we want to create a line-break, we need to explicitly add a line-break tag:⭔<br/>⭔Now this line will appear on another line. We can also insert⭔multiple line break tags.⭔<br/>⭔<br/>⭔This line will be shown on the next next line.⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'7':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Unordered List Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>ul - Unordered list tag</h1>⭔<p>⭔"ul" stands for "unordered list". Inside this tag⭔we use the "li" tag, which stands for "list item".⭔</p>⭔<h2>My shopping list</h2>⭔<ul>⭔<li>Apple juice</li>⭔<li>Avocado</li>⭔<li>Summer sausage</li>⭔<li>2% fat milk</li>⭔</ul>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'8':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Ordered List Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>ol - Ordered list tag</h1>⭔<p>⭔"ol" stands for "ordered list". Within these tags⭔we use the "li" tag, which stands for "list item".⭔</p>⭔<h2>HTML learning plan</h2>⭔<ol>⭔<li>Learn commonly used tags</li>⭔<li>Use the web editor to practice</li>⭔<li>Complete web challenges and earn badges</li>⭔<li>Set up my own website</li>⭔</ol>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'9':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Text Decoration</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>b, i, u, mark tags</h1>⭔<p>⭔Text inside the <b>b tag</b> will turn <b>bold</b>, <br/>⭔text inside the <i>i tag</i> will turn <i>italic</i>, <br/>⭔text inside the <u>u tag</u> will be <u>underlined</u>, <br/>⭔text inside the <mark>mark tag</mark> will be <mark>highlighted</mark>.⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'10':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Audio Tag</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>audio - Play some sound</h1>⭔<p>⭔The audio tag adds sound, such as music or other audio streams.⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔Click the play button to listen to the following audio: <br/>⭔<audio controls>⭔<source src="http://www.soundjay.com/ambient/spring-weather-1.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">⭔</audio>⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔You can autoplay a sound file when the page is loaded.⭔Check the autoplay attribute at⭔<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_audio.asp" target="_blank">W3schools</a>⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'11':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Embed Scratch Games</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>iframe tag - embed resources from other websites</h1>⭔<p>⭔To embed a Scratch game, make sure you have shared your project first.⭔Go to the project page, click on Embed, copy the code in the textbox,⭔then paste into your editor.⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔Your code will look something like below:⭔</p>⭔<iframe allowtransparency="true" width="485" height="402"⭔src="//scratch.mit.edu/projects/embed/117479569/⭔autostart=false"⭔frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'12':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Embed Videos</title>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>iframe tag - Embed resources from other websites</h1>⭔<p>⭔To embed a video from YouTube, go to the video page, click on Share -> Embed,⭔copy the code in the textbox, then paste into your editor.⭔</p>⭔<iframe width="530" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Pcpha8fwZFw"⭔frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>⭔<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/94502406" width="530" height="360"⭔frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'13':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>How to Add CSS</title>⭔<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">⭔<style>⭔h1 {color: red}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>CSS</h1>⭔<p>⭔CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets".⭔It is a language that describes the style of an HTML document.⭔</p>⭔<p style=""></p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'14':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>CSS in style tag</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: green;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: pink;⭔}⭔p {⭔color: white;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>CSS in style tag</h1>⭔<p>Text inside the p tag becomes white because of the defined CSS above.</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'15':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>More CSS in style Tag</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔p {⭔color: blue;⭔font-weight: bold;⭔font-size: 18px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>More CSS in style tag</h1>⭔<p>Text inside this p tag will turn blue, bold and be 18px large.</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'16':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Overriding CSS Styles</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #2a90b8;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading</h1>⭔<p>⭔#ddd, #555 and #2a90b8 defined above are all color codes.⭔Want to find a specific color code⭔ Learn more at:⭔<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp" target="_blank">⭔HTML Color Picker⭔</a>⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'17':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Pseudo Classes</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #2a90b8;⭔}⭔a:link, a:visited {⭔color: #393;⭔}⭔a:hover, a:active {⭔color: #fff;⭔background-color: #393;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Pseudo Classes</h1>⭔<p>This is a paragraph</p>⭔<a href="https://oyoclass.com/" target="_blank">OYOclass</a>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'18':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Pseudo Elements</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔}⭔h1::before {⭔content: url(https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/smiley.png);⭔}⭔p::first-letter {⭔font-size: 30px;⭔}⭔p::first-line {⭔color: #393;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading</h1>⭔<p>⭔The first line of this paragraph will turn green⭔according to the CSS defined above. The other lines will remain⭔black, which is the default font color.⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔Check more pseudo elements properties at:⭔<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_pseudo_elements.asp" target="_blank">⭔W3schools⭔</a>⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'19':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Border, Margin and Padding</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background: #eee;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #2a90b8;⭔}⭔img {⭔border: 5px solid #333;⭔margin: 15px;⭔padding: 25px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Border, Margin and Padding</h1>⭔<p>⭔Check out my bordered image:⭔<br/>⭔<img width="150px" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/html.png" />⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'20':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>CSS Reference</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #2a90b8;⭔text-transform: uppercase;⭔}⭔img {⭔border: 5px solid #333;⭔border-radius: 10px;⭔margin: 15px;⭔padding: 25px;⭔background-color: #efefef;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>CSS Reference</h1>⭔<p>⭔You now know a few CSS properties. Want to know more⭔⭔Check the CSS reference at:⭔<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/default.asp" target="_blank">⭔W3schools⭔</a>⭔</p>⭔<p>⭔<img width="150px" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/html.png" />⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'21':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Box Model</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔}⭔p {⭔color: #fff;⭔background-color: #828282;⭔text-align: center;⭔padding: 10px;⭔border: 5px dashed #f90;⭔margin: 15px;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #ffff98;⭔background-color: #828282;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading</h1>⭔<p>Paragraph</p>⭔<p>⭔Check the image below for an explanation of the box model:⭔<br/><br/>⭔<img width="400px" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/boxmodel.png" />⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'22':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Block and Inline</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔p {⭔color: #fff;⭔background-color: #828282;⭔}⭔h1 {⭔color: #ffff98;⭔background-color: #828282;⭔}⭔span {⭔background: #cf9;⭔}⭔a {⭔background: #ff9;⭔margin-top: 15px;⭔display: block;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Heading</h1>⭔<p>Paragraph</p>⭔<span>Span1</span>⭔<span>Span2</span>⭔<a href="https://oyoclass.com/" target="_blank">OYOclass</a>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'23':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Float</title>⭔<style>⭔p {⭔width: 300px;⭔}⭔img {⭔padding: 5px;⭔margin: 5px 10px;⭔border: 2px solid black;⭔float: left;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<img src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/html.png" width="100px">⭔<p>⭔This is a paragraph. All of the text will flow around⭔the image since it has a float property. It will continue⭔to flow around the image until text starts to spill onto⭔the next line. Text wraps around the image with the float⭔property in this example.⭔</p>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'24':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Div Tag</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>div - Division tag</h1>⭔<div style="background-color: #ffe7a3;">⭔This is a div. Div elements are blocks by default.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #d0ffa3;">⭔You can tell they are block elements because a second div is forced onto the next line.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #a3eaff;">⭔Also, the background colors identify the scope of each div element.⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'25':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Nested Div</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔padding: 15px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div style="background-color: #ffe7a3;">⭔<div style="background-color: #d0ffa3;">⭔<div style="background-color: #a3eaff;">⭔Divs can be nested inside of each other.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'26':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Rows</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div>⭔<div style="background-color: #ffe7a3; padding: 15px;">⭔This is row 1.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #d0ffa3; padding: 15px;">⭔This is row 2.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #a3eaff; padding: 15px;">⭔This is row 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'27':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Columns</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div>⭔<div style="background-color:#ffe7a3; padding:15px; width:25%; display:inline-block;">⭔This is column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color:#d0ffa3; padding:15px; width:25%; display:inline-block;">⭔This is column 2.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color:#a3eaff; padding:15px; width:25%; display:inline-block;">⭔This is column 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'28':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Rows and Columns</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div>⭔<div>⭔<div style="background-color: #ffe7a3; padding: 15px; width: 25%; display: inline-block;">⭔This is row 1 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #d0ffa3; padding: 15px; width: 25%; display: inline-block;">⭔This is row 1 column 2.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #a3eaff; padding: 15px; width: 25%; display: inline-block;">⭔This is row 1 column 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #ffe7a3; padding: 15px;">⭔This is row 2 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div>⭔<div style="background-color: #d0ffa3; padding: 15px; width: 40%; display: inline-block;">⭔This is row 3 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div style="background-color: #a3eaff; padding: 15px; width: 40%; display: inline-block;">⭔This is row 3 column 2.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'29':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>CSS with class</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔.yellow {⭔background-color: #ffe7a3;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="yellow">⭔This div has a yellow background.⭔</div>⭔<div class="yellow">⭔This too!⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'30':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>CSS with ID</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔#container {⭔background-color: #fff;⭔padding: 5px;⭔width: 520px;⭔}⭔.green {⭔background-color: #d0ffa3;⭔padding: 15px;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div id="container">⭔<div class="green">⭔This div is inside a container div!⭔</div>⭔<div class="green">⭔This div is also inside the container div!⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'31':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Naming Scheme</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔width: 500px;⭔padding: 15px;⭔margin-bottom: 15px;⭔}⭔.warning {⭔background-color: #ffabab;⭔}⭔.success {⭔background-color: #d0ffa3;⭔}⭔.info {⭔background-color: #a3eaff;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="info">⭔You can assign classes and IDs arbitrary names like "abc" or "ttt".⭔However, it is important for you to have good naming schemes.⭔</div>⭔<div class="warning">⭔This div has a class named "warning", you intuitively know it contains warning information.⭔For example, "Are you sure you want to delete this item⭔"⭔</div>⭔<div class="success">⭔A div with a "success" class contains information which tells users they did something successfully.⭔</div>⭔<div class="info">⭔Good names help you code better! Instead of constantly referencing, you can just remember simple names.⭔Names like "warning" and "success" are better than random names like "a" and "b".⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'32':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Nested Selector</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #999;⭔}⭔.container {⭔background: #FFF;⭔padding: 10px;⭔width: 510px;⭔}⭔.info p {⭔color: #20a3bd;⭔}⭔.info span {⭔font-weight: bold;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div class="info">⭔<p>Text in here are blue!</p>⭔<p>⭔<span>And this is bold!</span>⭔</p>⭔</div>⭔<p>But text in here are gray!</p>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'33':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Grouping Classes</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔.info p, span {⭔color: #2f6fd6;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div class="info">⭔<p>This paragraph is blue!</p>⭔<span>This span element is also blue!</span>⭔</div>⭔<p>But this paragraph is not blue.</p>⭔<span>This span is blue!</span>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'34':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Applying Multiple Classes</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔.colored {⭔color: #2f6fd6;⭔}⭔.bolded {⭔font-weight: bold;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div class="colored bolded">⭔<p>This paragraph is both blue and bold!</p>⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'35':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Row Class</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔.container div {⭔padding: 15px;⭔}⭔.yellow {⭔background-color: #ffe7a3;⭔}⭔.green {⭔background-color: #d0ffa3;⭔}⭔.blue {⭔background-color: #a3eaff;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div class="yellow">⭔This is row 1.⭔</div>⭔<div class="green">⭔This is row 2.⭔</div>⭔<div class="blue">⭔This is row 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'36':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Column Class</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔.container div {⭔padding: 15px;⭔width: 25%;⭔display: inline-block;⭔}⭔.yellow {⭔background-color: #ffe7a3;⭔}⭔.green {⭔background-color: #d0ffa3;⭔}⭔.blue {⭔background-color: #a3eaff;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div class="yellow">⭔This is column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div class="green">⭔This is column 2.⭔</div>⭔<div class="blue">⭔This is column 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'37':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Row and Column Classes</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔background-color: #ddd;⭔color: #555;⭔}⭔div {⭔margin-top: 5px;⭔}⭔.cell {⭔padding: 15px;⭔}⭔.yellow {⭔background-color: #ffe7a3;⭔}⭔.green {⭔background-color: #d0ffa3;⭔}⭔.blue {⭔background-color: #a3eaff;⭔}⭔.column {⭔display: inline-block;⭔}⭔.column3 {⭔width: 25%;⭔}⭔.column2 {⭔width: 40%;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="container">⭔<div>⭔<div class="cell yellow column column3">⭔This is row 1 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div class="cell green column column3">⭔This is row 1 column 2.⭔</div>⭔<div class="cell blue column column3">⭔This is row 1 column 3.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔<div class="cell yellow">⭔This is row 2 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div>⭔<div class="cell green column column2">⭔This is row 3 column 1.⭔</div>⭔<div class="cell blue column column2">⭔This is row 3 column 2.⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'38':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Navigation Bar</title>⭔<style>⭔body {⭔margin: 0;⭔font-family: Arial, sans-serif;⭔}⭔div.horizontal ul {⭔background-color: #000000;⭔list-style-type: none;⭔margin: 0;⭔padding: 0;⭔}⭔div.horizontal li {⭔float: left;⭔}⭔div.horizontal a {⭔display: block;⭔}⭔div.horizontal a:link, div.horizontal a:visited {⭔color: #FFFFFF;⭔background-color: #000000;⭔text-align: center;⭔padding: 10px 25px;⭔text-decoration: none;⭔}⭔div.horizontal a:hover, div.horizontal a:active {⭔background-color: #2baeff;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<div class="horizontal">⭔<ul>⭔<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>⭔<li><a href="#">About Me</a></li>⭔<li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>⭔</ul>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'39':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Portfolio Page</title>⭔<style>⭔h1 {⭔text-transform: capitalize;⭔}⭔h2 {⭔font-size: 20px;⭔color: #006;⭔padding-left: 1em;⭔background: url(https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/heart.png) no-repeat;⭔}⭔#aboutme {⭔list-style-type: none;⭔margin: 0;⭔padding-left: 10px;⭔}⭔#aboutme >li::before {⭔content: "- ";⭔}⭔#aboutme b {⭔color: #666;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>⭔<h2>About Me</h2>⭔<div>⭔<ul id="aboutme">⭔<li><b>Name:</b> Steve</li>⭔<li><b>Origin:</b> Minecraft</li>⭔<li><b>Occupation:</b> Miner, builder, alchemist, hunter</li>⭔<li><b>Hobbies:</b> building, exploring, mining</li>⭔</ul>⭔</div>⭔<h2>My Scratch Project</h2>⭔<div>⭔<iframe allowtransparency="true" width="485" height="402"⭔src="//scratch.mit.edu/projects/embed/11346139/⭔autostart=false"⭔frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>⭔</div>⭔<h2>My PythonMini Project</h2>⭔<div>⭔<iframe width="90%" height="600px"⭔src="https://pythonmini.oyohub.com/file/558edbf0f3c51240cd3c925e"⭔frameborder="0"></iframe>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>""",
'40':"""<!DOCTYPE html>⭔<html>⭔<head>⭔<title>Badge Collection</title>⭔<style>⭔h1 {⭔width: 520px;⭔text-align: center;⭔font-size: 30px;⭔}⭔#badge_list {⭔list-style-type: none;⭔margin: 0;⭔padding: 0;⭔width: 520px;⭔font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif;⭔}⭔#badge_list li {⭔float: left;⭔text-align: center;⭔width: 240px;⭔margin-right: 10px;⭔margin-bottom: 20px;⭔}⭔.badge_image {⭔max-width: 166px;⭔}⭔.badge_name {⭔font-size: 18px;⭔color: #069;⭔font-weight: bold;⭔border-top: 1px dotted #CCC;⭔padding: 10px;⭔}⭔.card {⭔border: 1px solid #F1F1F1;⭔border-radius: .5em;⭔box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px #CCC;⭔}⭔</style>⭔</head>⭔<body>⭔<h1>My Badge Collections</h1>⭔<div>⭔<ul id="badge_list">⭔<li class="card">⭔<div>⭔<img class="badge_image" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/maze-star1.png"/>⭔</div>⭔<div class="badge_name">⭔1-Star Maze Runner⭔</div>⭔</li>⭔<li class="card">⭔<div>⭔<img class="badge_image" src="https://speedcode.oyohub.com/img/python-10wpm.png"/>⭔</div>⭔<div class="badge_name">⭔Python 10 WPM⭔</div>⭔</li>⭔</ul>⭔</div>⭔</body>⭔</html>"""
'c++': {
'1': """#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;⭔std::cout << 123 << std::endl;⭔std::cout << "Change to your own string here" << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'2':"""#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔std::cout << "Comments in C++" << std::endl;⭔std::cout << "Use // to comment single line" << std::endl;⭔std::cout << "Use /* ... */ to comment multi lines" << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'3':"""#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔std::cout << 123 + 456 << std::endl;⭔std::cout << 123 * 456 << std::endl;⭔std::cout << 144 / 12 << std::endl;⭔std::cout << 12 * 3 + 4 << std::endl;⭔std::cout << 12 * (3 + 4) << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'4':"""#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔int v = 5;⭔std::cout << v << std::endl;⭔v = 6;⭔std::cout << v << std::endl;⭔v = v + 1;⭔std::cout << v << std::endl;⭔int i = 2;⭔int sum = v + i;⭔std::cout << sum << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'5':"""#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔double num1 = 0.05;⭔double num2 = 0.6;⭔double result = num1 + num2;⭔std::cout << result << std::endl;⭔result = num1 * num2;⭔std::cout << result << std::endl;⭔int i = 3;⭔result = i + num1 + num2;⭔std::cout << result << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'6':"""#include <iostream>⭔int main() {⭔char c1 = 'n';⭔char c2 = 'y';⭔std::cout << c1 << c2 << std::endl;⭔bool b = true;⭔std::cout << b << std::endl;⭔b = 3 > 2;⭔std::cout << b << std::endl;⭔b = 2.3 < 1.4;⭔std::cout << b << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'7':"""#include <iostream>⭔const double PI = 3.14159;⭔int main() {⭔std::cout << "PI's value is " << PI << std::endl;⭔double radius = 2.5;⭔std::cout << "Circumference of a circle with radius "⭔<< radius << " is " << 2 * PI * radius << std::endl;⭔std::cout << "Area of a circle with radius "⭔<< radius << " is " << PI * radius * radius << std::endl;⭔const int secondsInOneMinute = 60;⭔const int minutesInOneHour = 60;⭔const int hoursInOneDay = 24;⭔std::cout << "Seconds in one day: "⭔<< secondsInOneMinute * minutesInOneHour * hoursInOneDay⭔<< std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'8':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔int main() {⭔std::string intro = "My name is Nick";⭔std::cout << intro << std::endl;⭔std::string food = "I love pizza!";⭔std::cout << food << std::endl;⭔std::string joinedString = intro + ", " + food;⭔std::cout << joinedString << std::endl;⭔std::cout << "The above string's length is: "⭔<< joinedString.length() << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'9':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔int main() {⭔std::string hello = "Hello C++";⭔int pos = hello.find("ello");⭔std::cout << "ello is at position " << pos << std::endl;⭔pos = hello.find("C++");⭔std::cout << "C++ is at position " << pos << std::endl;⭔std::string sub = hello.substr(1, 4);⭔std::cout << "Substring is: " << sub << std::endl;⭔hello.insert(1, "ee");⭔std::cout << hello << std::endl;⭔hello.erase(1, 2);⭔std::cout << hello << std::endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'10':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔cout << "Did you notice now we don't need to use std:: ⭔" << endl;⭔cout << "The magic is 'using namespace std;'" << endl;⭔cout << "Because 'cout' belongs to namespace 'std', "⭔<< "we need to use std::cout before to tell the compiler "⭔<< "to find cout from the namespace std" << endl;⭔cout << "Now we explicitly write 'using namespace std' "⭔<< "in the beginning, so we don't need the std:: prefix anymore"⭔<< endl;⭔cout << "This works for using string too!" << endl;⭔string sayHello = "Hello World";⭔cout << "String is: " << sayHello << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'11':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔int x = 5;⭔if (x > 0) {⭔cout << "X is a positive number" << endl;⭔}⭔if (x < 0) {⭔cout << "X is a negative number" << endl;⭔}⭔if (x == 0) {⭔cout << "X is zero" << endl;⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'12':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔string weather = "Sunny";⭔if (weather == "Sunny") {⭔cout << "Let's go on a picnic!" << endl;⭔} else if (weather == "Rainy") {⭔cout << "Let's play game at home" << endl;⭔} else {⭔cout << "We will see ..." << endl;⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'13':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔#include <ctime>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔cout << "I am going to throw a dice" << endl;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔int result = rand() % 6 + 1;⭔switch (result) {⭔case 1:⭔cout << "I get 1" << endl;⭔break;⭔case 2:⭔cout << "I get 2" << endl;⭔break;⭔case 3:⭔cout << "I get 3" << endl;⭔break;⭔case 4:⭔cout << "I get 4" << endl;⭔break;⭔case 5:⭔cout << "I get 5" << endl;⭔break;⭔case 6:⭔cout << "I get 6" << endl;⭔break;⭔default:⭔cout << "Impossible to get " << result << endl;⭔break;⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'14':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔int i = 10;⭔while (i > 0) {⭔cout << i << " ";⭔i = i - 1;⭔}⭔i = 10;⭔while (i > 0) {⭔cout << "I love pizza!" << endl;⭔i = i - 1;⭔}⭔i = 1;⭔do {⭔cout << "i = " << i << endl;⭔i = i - 1;⭔} while (i > 2);⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'15':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔for (int n = 0, i = 10; n != i; ++n, --i) {⭔cout << "n = " << n << " i = " << i << endl;⭔}⭔string s = "Hello!";⭔for (char c : s) {⭔cout << "[" << c << "] ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔for (auto c : s) {⭔cout << "[" << c << "] ";⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'16':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔for (int i = 5; i > 0; i = i - 1) {⭔if (i == 2) {⭔cout << "Countdown aborted!";⭔break;⭔}⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔string s = "Hello world!";⭔for (auto c : s) {⭔if (c == 'd') {⭔cout << "Found 'd'!" << endl;⭔break;⭔}⭔}⭔for (int i = 5; i > 0; i = i - 1) {⭔if (i == 2) {⭔cout << "[skipped] ";⭔continue;⭔}⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'17':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔void countdown(int n) {⭔for (int i = n; i > 0; i = i - 1) {⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔for (int i = 5; i > 0; i = i - 1) {⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔for (int i = 6; i > 0; i = i - 1) {⭔cout << i << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "Using countdown function:" << endl;⭔countdown(5);⭔countdown(10);⭔countdown(16);⭔countdown(20);⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'18':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔const double PI = 3.14159;⭔double circumference(double radius) {⭔double cir = 2 * PI * radius;⭔return cir;⭔}⭔double area(double radius) {⭔double a = PI * radius * radius;⭔return a;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔double radius = 1.5;⭔cout << "A circle with radius " << radius << endl;⭔cout << "- Its circumference is " << circumference(radius) << endl;⭔cout << "- Its area is " << area(radius) << endl;⭔cout << endl;⭔radius = 12.4;⭔cout << "A circle with radius " << radius << endl;⭔cout << "- Its circumference is " << circumference(radius) << endl;⭔cout << "- Its area is " << area(radius) << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'19':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔int add(int a, int b) {⭔return a + b;⭔}⭔double add(double a, double b) {⭔return a + b;⭔}⭔double add(double a, double b, double c) {⭔return a + b + c;⭔}⭔string add(string a, string b) {⭔return a + " " + b;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔cout << add(1, 2) << endl;⭔cout << add(1.4, 36.2) << endl;⭔cout << add(1.2, 3.4, 1.414) << endl;⭔cout << add("Hello", "World") << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'20':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔template <typename T>⭔T add(T a, T b) {⭔T result;⭔result = a + b;⭔return result;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔int x1 = add<int>(10, 20);⭔cout << x1 << endl;⭔double x2 = add<double>(1.2, 2.3);⭔cout << x2 << endl;⭔string x3 = add<string>("Hello ", "World");⭔cout << x3 << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'21':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔void countdown(int num) {⭔cout << num << " ";⭔if (num > 0) {⭔countdown(num-1);⭔}⭔}⭔int fibonacci(int num) {⭔if (num == 0) {⭔return 0;⭔}⭔if (num == 1) {⭔return 1;⭔}⭔return fibonacci(num-2) + fibonacci(num-1);⭔}⭔int main() {⭔cout << "Countdown:" << endl;⭔countdown(10);⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "Fibonacci:" << endl;⭔cout << "7th number of Fibonacci: " << fibonacci(7) << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'22':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔int i = 5, j = 10;⭔int *p1 = &i;⭔int *p2 = &j;⭔cout << "i: " << i << " address: " << p1 << endl;⭔cout << "j: " << j << " address: " << p2 << endl;⭔cout << "*p1: " << *p1 << endl;⭔*p1 = 20;⭔cout << "Now *p1 is: " << *p1 << " and i is: " << i << endl;⭔int arr[] = {10, 20, 30};⭔int length = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);⭔cout << "Use [] indexing to print all numbers:" << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {⭔cout << arr[i] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "Use pointer to print all numbers:" << endl;⭔int *start = arr;⭔for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {⭔cout << *(start + i) << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'23':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔#include <ctime>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔int *count = new int;⭔*count = 10;⭔cout << *count << endl;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔int *arr = new int[*count];⭔for (int i = 0; i < *count; i++) {⭔int num = rand() % 100;⭔arr[i] = num;⭔}⭔for (int i = 0; i < *count; i++) {⭔cout << arr[i] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔delete count;⭔delete [] arr;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'24':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔const double PI = 3.14159;⭔class Circle {⭔public:⭔Circle(double r);⭔double circumference();⭔double area();⭔private:⭔double radius;⭔};⭔Circle::Circle(double r) {⭔this->radius = r;⭔}⭔double Circle::circumference() {⭔return 2 * PI * this->radius;⭔}⭔double Circle::area() {⭔return PI * this->radius * this->radius;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔Circle c1(1.2);⭔cout << "Circle1 (radius 1.2) circumference is: " << c1.circumference()⭔<< " area is: " << c1.area() << endl;⭔Circle c2(2.5);⭔cout << "Circle2 (radius 2.5) circumference is: " << c2.circumference()⭔<< " area is: " << c2.area() << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'25':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Car {⭔public:⭔Car(string _maker, string _type, double _mpg);⭔double canRunMilesWithGallon(double _gallon);⭔void desc();⭔private:⭔string maker;⭔string type;⭔double mpg;⭔};⭔Car::Car(string _maker, string _type, double _mpg) {⭔this->maker = _maker;⭔this->type = _type;⭔this->mpg = _mpg;⭔}⭔double Car::canRunMilesWithGallon(double _gallon) {⭔return _gallon * this->mpg;⭔}⭔void Car::desc() {⭔cout << "Maker: " << this->maker << endl;⭔cout << "Type: " << this->type << endl;⭔cout << "MPG: " << this->mpg << endl;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔int gallons = 2;⭔Car car1("Ford", "Sedan", 30);⭔cout << "car 1:" << endl;⭔car1.desc();⭔cout << "With " << gallons << " gallon gas, car1 can run "⭔<< car1.canRunMilesWithGallon(gallons) << " miles" << endl;⭔cout << endl;⭔Car car2("Audi", "SUV", 26);⭔cout << "car 2:" << endl;⭔car2.desc();⭔cout << "With " << gallons << " gallon gas, car2 can run "⭔<< car2.canRunMilesWithGallon(gallons) << " miles" << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'26':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Person {⭔public:⭔Person(string _name, int _birthyear) {⭔this->name = _name;⭔this->birthyear = _birthyear;⭔}⭔void print() {⭔cout << "Name: " << this->name << endl;⭔cout << "Year of birth: " << this->birthyear << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔string name;⭔int birthyear;⭔};⭔class Student: public Person {⭔public:⭔Student(string _name, int _birthyear, string _school):⭔Person(_name, _birthyear) {⭔this->school = _school;⭔}⭔void print() {⭔Person::print();⭔cout << "School: " << this->school << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔string school;⭔};⭔int main() {⭔Student st("Larry", 1994, "Middle Island High School");⭔st.print();⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'27':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Person {⭔public:⭔Person(string _name, int _birthyear) {⭔this->name = _name;⭔this->birthyear = _birthyear;⭔}⭔void print() {⭔cout << "Name: " << this->name << endl;⭔cout << "Year of birth: " << this->birthyear << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔string name;⭔int birthyear;⭔};⭔class Student: public Person {⭔public:⭔Student(string _name, int _birthyear, string _school):⭔Person(_name, _birthyear) {⭔this->school = _school;⭔}⭔void print() {⭔Person::print();⭔cout << "School: " << this->school << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔string school;⭔};⭔class CollegeStudent: public Student {⭔public:⭔CollegeStudent(string _name, int _birthyear, string _school,⭔string _major):Student(_name, _birthyear, _school) {⭔this->major = _major;⭔}⭔void print() {⭔Student::print();⭔cout << "Major: " << this->major << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔string major;⭔};⭔int main() {⭔CollegeStudent ss("Bob", 1990, "MIT", "Computer Science");⭔ss.print();⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'28':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Coordinate {⭔public:⭔Coordinate(int _x, int _y):x(_x), y(_y) {}⭔Coordinate operator +(const Coordinate& other) {⭔int xx = other.x + this->x;⭔int yy = other.y + this->y;⭔return Coordinate(xx, yy);⭔}⭔void print() {⭔cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl;⭔}⭔protected:⭔int x;⭔int y;⭔};⭔int main() {⭔Coordinate dot1(1, 2);⭔cout << "dot1: ";⭔dot1.print();⭔Coordinate dot2(3, 4);⭔cout << "dot2: ";⭔dot2.print();⭔Coordinate dot3 = dot1 + dot2;⭔cout << "dot3: ";⭔dot3.print();⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'29':"""#include <iostream>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Square {⭔public:⭔Square():length(0) {};⭔Square(double _length):length(_length) {}⭔double area();⭔friend Square duplicate(const Square& other);⭔private:⭔double length;⭔};⭔double Square::area() {⭔return this->length * this->length;⭔}⭔Square duplicate(const Square& other) {⭔Square s;⭔s.length = other.length;⭔return s;⭔}⭔int main() {⭔Square s1(4);⭔Square s2 = duplicate(s1);⭔cout << "Square s2 's area is: " << s2.area() << endl;⭔Square s3 = duplicate(s2);⭔cout << "Square s3 's area is: " << s3.area() << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'30':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Student {⭔friend class Printer;⭔public:⭔Student(string _id, string _name, string _school):⭔id(_id), name(_name), school(_school) {}⭔private:⭔string id;⭔string name;⭔string school;⭔};⭔class Printer {⭔public:⭔void print(Student &s) {⭔cout << "Student Information" << endl;⭔cout << "===================" << endl;⭔cout << "ID:\\t" << s.id << endl;⭔cout << "Name:\\t" << s.name << endl;⭔cout << "School:\\t" << s.school << endl;⭔}⭔};⭔int main() {⭔Student s1("108809", "Nick", "Long Island High School");⭔Student s2("109910", "Jack", "Montauk Elementary School");⭔Printer myPrinter;⭔myPrinter.print(s1);⭔cout << endl;⭔myPrinter.print(s2);⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'31':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔#include <vector>⭔using namespace std;⭔class Animal {⭔public:⭔Animal() {}⭔Animal(string _name):name(_name) {}⭔string getName() const {return this->name;}⭔virtual void speak() = 0;⭔protected:⭔string name;⭔};⭔class Cat:public Animal {⭔public:⭔Cat(string _name):Animal(_name) {}⭔void speak() {⭔cout << "meow meow ⭔" << endl;⭔}⭔};⭔class Dog:public Animal {⭔public:⭔Dog(string _name):Animal(_name) {}⭔void speak() {⭔cout << "woof woof ⭔" << endl;⭔}⭔};⭔int main() {⭔vector<Animal*> animals;⭔animals.push_back(new Cat("Garfield"));⭔animals.push_back(new Dog("Pluto"));⭔for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) {⭔cout << animals[i]->getName() << ": ";⭔animals[i]->speak();⭔}⭔for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); i++) {⭔delete animals[i];⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'32':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <string>⭔using namespace std;⭔template <typename Type1, typename Type2>⭔class Pair {⭔public:⭔Pair(Type1 t1, Type2 t2) {⭔this->first = t1;⭔this->second = t2;⭔}⭔void setFirst(Type1 t1) {⭔this->first = t1;⭔}⭔void setSecond(Type2 t2) {⭔this->second = t2;⭔}⭔Type1 getFirst() const {⭔return this->first;⭔}⭔Type2 getSecond() const {⭔return this->second;⭔}⭔private:⭔Type1 first;⭔Type2 second;⭔};⭔int main() {⭔Pair<double, double> point(2, 2.5);⭔cout << "Point coordinate: " << "(" << point.getFirst() << ", "⭔<< point.getSecond() << ")" << endl;⭔Pair<string, string> name("James", "Smith");⭔cout << "Name: " << name.getFirst() << " "⭔<< name.getSecond() << endl;⭔Pair<string, double> item("Apple Juice", 2.48);⭔cout << "Beverage: " << item.getFirst() << " $"⭔<< item.getSecond() << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'33':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <vector>⭔#include <algorithm>⭔#include <iterator>⭔#include <ctime>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔vector<int> numbers;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔numbers.push_back(rand() % 100);⭔}⭔int count = numbers.size();⭔cout << "We have " << count << " numbers:" << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {⭔cout << numbers[i] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "1st number: " << numbers.front() << endl;⭔cout << "last number: " << numbers.back() << endl;⭔auto iter = numbers.begin();⭔numbers.insert(iter+1, 101);⭔cout << "After inserting 101:" << endl;⭔copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));⭔cout << endl;⭔numbers.erase(iter+2);⭔cout << "After removing 3rd element:" << endl;⭔copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'34':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <vector>⭔using namespace std;⭔void print_vector(vector<vector<int>>& vec) {⭔for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {⭔for (int j = 0; j < vec[i].size(); j++) {⭔cout << vec[i][j] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔}⭔}⭔int main() {⭔int rows = 4, cols = 5;⭔vector<vector<int>> vec(rows, vector<int>(cols));⭔int start = 10;⭔for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {⭔for (int j = 0; j < vec[i].size(); j++) {⭔vec[i][j] = start;⭔start = start + 1;⭔}⭔}⭔print_vector(vec);⭔vec[1][3] = 99;⭔cout << endl;⭔print_vector(vec);⭔cout << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {⭔cout << vec[i].back() << endl;⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {⭔vec[i].push_back(100 + i);⭔}⭔print_vector(vec);⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'35':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <list>⭔#include <ctime>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔using namespace std;⭔void print_list(list<int>& lst) {⭔auto iter = lst.begin();⭔for (iter; iter != lst.end(); iter++) {⭔cout << *iter << " ";⭔}⭔}⭔int main() {⭔list<int> numbers;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔numbers.push_back(rand() % 100);⭔}⭔int count = numbers.size();⭔cout << "We have " << count << " numbers:" << endl;⭔print_list(numbers);⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "1st number: " << numbers.front() << endl;⭔cout << "last number: " << numbers.back() << endl;⭔auto iter = numbers.begin();⭔iter++;⭔iter = numbers.insert(iter, 101);⭔cout << "After inserting 101:" << endl;⭔print_list(numbers);⭔cout << endl;⭔iter++;⭔numbers.erase(iter);⭔cout << "After removing the number after 101:" << endl;⭔print_list(numbers);⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'36':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <stack>⭔#include <queue>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔stack<int> mystack;⭔for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {⭔mystack.push(i);⭔}⭔cout << "mystack has " << mystack.size()⭔<< " elements, and top element is: " << mystack.top() << endl;⭔mystack.pop();⭔cout << "Popped the last element" << endl;⭔cout << "mystack has " << mystack.size()⭔<< " elements, and top element is: " << mystack.top() << endl;⭔cout << endl;⭔queue<int> myqueue;⭔for (int i = 10; i < 15; i++) {⭔myqueue.push(i);⭔}⭔cout << "myqueue has " << myqueue.size()⭔<< " elements, and the front element is: " << myqueue.front() << endl;⭔myqueue.pop();⭔cout << "Poped the front element" << endl;⭔cout << "myqueue has " << myqueue.size()⭔<< " elements, and front element is: " << myqueue.front() << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'37':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <map>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔cout << "Define a map, the key is the student-name, the value is the student-score" << endl;⭔map<string, int> studentScore;⭔studentScore["Aaron"] = 87;⭔studentScore["Alice"] = 89;⭔studentScore["Bob"] = 85;⭔studentScore["Henry"] = 70;⭔studentScore["Ivy"] = 92;⭔studentScore["Jack"] = 65;⭔string name = "Henry";⭔cout << "Looking up score for " << name << endl;⭔map<string, int>::iterator iter;⭔iter = studentScore.find(name);⭔if (iter == studentScore.end()) {⭔cout << "- Can't find score for " << name;⭔} else {⭔cout << "- " << name << " got score: " << iter->second << endl;⭔}⭔name = "Kuri";⭔cout << "Looking up score for " << name << endl;⭔iter = studentScore.find(name);⭔if (iter == studentScore.end()) {⭔cout << "- Can't find score for " << name;⭔} else {⭔cout << "- " << name << " got score: " << iter->second << endl;⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'38':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <vector>⭔#include <ctime>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔vector<int> numbers;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔int number = rand() % 100;⭔numbers.push_back(number);⭔}⭔for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔cout << numbers[i] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔int max = 0, min = 100;⭔for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔int number = numbers[i];⭔if (max < number) {⭔max = number;⭔}⭔if (min > number) {⭔min = number;⭔}⭔}⭔cout << "Max number is: " << max << endl;⭔cout << "Min number is: " << min << endl;⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'39':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <vector>⭔#include <ctime>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔vector<int> numbers;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔int number = rand() % 100;⭔numbers.push_back(number);⭔}⭔cout << "Before sorting" << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔cout << numbers[i] << " ";⭔}⭔cout << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔int minIndex = i;⭔for (int j = i; j < numbers.size(); j++) {⭔if (numbers[minIndex] > numbers[j]) {⭔minIndex = j;⭔}⭔}⭔if (minIndex != i) {⭔int temp = numbers[minIndex];⭔numbers[minIndex] = numbers[i];⭔numbers[i] = temp;⭔}⭔}⭔cout << "After sorting" << endl;⭔for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔cout << numbers[i] << " ";⭔}⭔return 0;⭔}""",
'40':"""#include <iostream>⭔#include <vector>⭔#include <algorithm>⭔#include <iterator>⭔#include <ctime>⭔#include <cstdlib>⭔using namespace std;⭔int main() {⭔vector<int> numbers;⭔srand(time(NULL));⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔int number = rand() % 100;⭔numbers.push_back(number);⭔}⭔cout << "Before sorting:" << endl;⭔copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));⭔bool swapped = false;⭔do {⭔swapped = false;⭔for (int i = 1; i < numbers.size(); i++) {⭔if (numbers[i-1] > numbers[i]) {⭔int temp = numbers[i];⭔numbers[i] = numbers[i-1];⭔numbers[i-1] = temp;⭔swapped = true;⭔}⭔}⭔} while (swapped);⭔cout << endl;⭔cout << "After sorting:" << endl;⭔copy(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));⭔return 0;⭔}"""
'java': {
'1':"""public class PrintStatement {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔System.out.println("Hello World");⭔System.out.println("Good morning!");⭔System.out.print("The T-rex has the PIE!");⭔}⭔}""",
'2':"""public class DataTypes {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 10;⭔double b = 2.33;⭔float c = 3.55f;⭔char d = 't';⭔boolean e = true;⭔System.out.println(a);⭔System.out.println(b);⭔System.out.println(c);⭔System.out.println(d);⭔System.out.println(e);⭔}⭔}""",
'3':"""public class Casting {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 10;⭔double b = 2.33;⭔float c = 3.55f;⭔int d = (int)b;⭔System.out.println(d);⭔double e = (double)a;⭔System.out.println(e);⭔}⭔}""",
'4':"""public class Calculator {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 10;⭔int b = 5;⭔System.out.println(a + b);⭔System.out.println(a - b);⭔System.out.println(a * b);⭔System.out.println(a / b);⭔System.out.println(a + a / b);⭔}⭔}""",
'5':"""public class IncDecDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 10;⭔int b = a++;⭔int c = ++a;⭔int d = a--;⭔int e = --a;⭔System.out.println(a);⭔System.out.println(b);⭔System.out.println(c);⭔System.out.println(d);⭔System.out.println(e);⭔}⭔}""",
'6':"""public class ArraysDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] arr = new int[5];⭔arr[0] = 10;⭔arr[1] = 11;⭔arr[2] = 12;⭔arr[3] = 14;⭔arr[4] = 15;⭔System.out.println(arr[0]);⭔System.out.println(arr[1]);⭔System.out.println(arr[2]);⭔System.out.println(arr[3]);⭔System.out.println(arr[4]);⭔}⭔}""",
'7':"""public class ConditionsDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 3;⭔int b = 4;⭔boolean c = (a != b);⭔if (a < b) {⭔System.out.println("A is smaller!");⭔}⭔else if (a > b) {⭔System.out.println("B is smaller!");⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println("A and B are equal!");⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'8':"""public class AndOr {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 3;⭔int b = 4;⭔int c = 4;⭔boolean d = (a < b && a < c);⭔boolean e = (b >= c || b < a);⭔System.out.println(d);⭔System.out.println(e);⭔}⭔}""",
'9':"""public class LeapYear {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int year = 2104;⭔boolean c1 = (year % 4 == 0);⭔boolean c2 = (year % 100 != 0);⭔boolean c3 = (year % 100 == 0 && year % 400 == 0);⭔if (c1 && (c2 || c3)) {⭔System.out.println(year + " is a leap year");⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println(year + " is not a leap year");⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'10':"""public class StringDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String str = "I am a dinosaur.";⭔System.out.println("The string has "⭔+ str.length()⭔+ " characters.");⭔System.out.println(str.substring(3, 11));⭔System.out.print("Does '" + str⭔+ "' contain the letter d? ");⭔System.out.println(str.contains("d"));⭔System.out.print("Does '" + str + "' contain 'You are'? ");⭔System.out.println(str.contains("You are"));⭔}⭔}""",
'11':"""public class StringEquality {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String str1 = "hello";⭔String str2 = "hi";⭔String str3 = str1;⭔String str4 = new String("hello");⭔System.out.println(str1.equals(str2));⭔System.out.println(str1.equals(str3));⭔System.out.println(str1 == str4);⭔System.out.println(str1 == str3);⭔}⭔}""",
'12':"""public class ForLoopsDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] arr = new int[10];⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔arr[i] = i*i;⭔}⭔for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {⭔System.out.println(arr[i]);⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'13':"""public class FizzBuzz {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {⭔if (i % 3 == 0) {⭔System.out.print("fizz");⭔}⭔if (i % 5 == 0) {⭔System.out.print("buzz");⭔}⭔if (!(i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)) {⭔System.out.print(i);⭔}⭔System.out.println();⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'14':"""public class WhileLoopsDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int i = 0;⭔while (i < 10) {⭔System.out.println(i);⭔i++;⭔}⭔System.out.println("----");⭔while (i <= 100) {⭔System.out.println(i);⭔i += 10;⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'15':"""public class ForEachLoopsDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] numbers = new int[10];⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔numbers[i] = i + 1;⭔}⭔for (int num : numbers) {⭔System.out.println(num * (num + 2));⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'16':"""public class Palindrome {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String s = "racecar";⭔int low = 0;⭔int high = s.length() - 1;⭔boolean isPalindrome = true;⭔while (high > low) {⭔if (s.charAt(low) != s.charAt(high)) {⭔isPalindrome = false;⭔break;⭔}⭔low++;⭔high--;⭔}⭔if (isPalindrome) {⭔System.out.println(s + " is a palindrome.");⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println(s + " is not a palindrome.");⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'17':"""public class TwoDimensionArray {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[][] arr = new int[10][10];⭔for (int i = 0; i < arr[0].length; i++) {⭔for (int j = arr.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {⭔arr[j][i] = (i+j) % 10;⭔}⭔}⭔for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print("[ ");⭔for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {⭔System.out.print(arr[i][j] + " ");⭔}⭔System.out.println("]");⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'18':"""public class MathLibrary {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 1;⭔int b = 4;⭔int c = -2;⭔double x1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c))/(2 * a);⭔double x2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c))/(2 * a);⭔System.out.printf("The roots are: %.2f and %.2f", x1, x2);⭔}⭔}""",
'19':"""public class FunctionsDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int a = 5;⭔int b = 10;⭔int c = add(a, b);⭔System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " = " + c);⭔}⭔public static int add(int a, int b) {⭔return a + b;⭔}⭔}""",
'20':"""public class ConversionDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔double fahrenheit = 74.0;⭔double celsius = 33.0;⭔System.out.println(fahrenheit⭔+ " degrees F = "⭔+ fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheit)⭔+ " degrees C.");⭔System.out.println(celsius⭔+ " degrees C = "⭔+ celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius)⭔+ " degrees F.");⭔}⭔public static double fahrenheitToCelsius(double fahrenheit) {⭔return (fahrenheit - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0);⭔}⭔public static double celsiusToFahrenheit(double celsius) {⭔return (celsius * (9.0/5.0)) + 32.0;⭔}⭔}""",
'21':"""public class ConversionDemo2 {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔double miles = 3.5;⭔double km = 6.25;⭔System.out.println(miles + " miles = "⭔+ milesToKm(miles) + " km.");⭔System.out.println(km + " km = "⭔+ kmToMiles(km) + " miles.");⭔}⭔public static double milesToKm(double miles) {⭔return miles * 1.6;⭔}⭔public static double kmToMiles(double km) {⭔return km / 1.6;⭔}⭔}""",
'22':"""public class BinaryToDecimal {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String binary = "101101";⭔int decimal = binaryToDecimal(binary);⭔System.out.println(binary + " in binary is "⭔+ decimal + " in decimal.");⭔}⭔public static int binaryToDecimal(String bin) {⭔int pow = 0;⭔int decimal = 0;⭔int binLength = bin.length();⭔for (int i = binLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {⭔String s = bin.substring(i, i+1);⭔int n = Integer.parseInt(s);⭔decimal += n * Math.pow(2, pow);⭔pow++;⭔}⭔return decimal;⭔}⭔}""",
'23':"""public class HexToDecimal {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String hex = "5b";⭔int decimal = hexToDec(hex);⭔System.out.println(hex + " in hexadecimal is "⭔+ decimal + " in decimal.");⭔}⭔public static int hexToDec(String hex) {⭔int pow = 0;⭔int decimal = 0;⭔for (int i = hex.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {⭔String s = hex.substring(i, i+1);⭔int n;⭔if (s.equals("a"))⭔n = 10;⭔else if (s.equals("b"))⭔n = 11;⭔else if (s.equals("c"))⭔n = 12;⭔else if (s.equals("d"))⭔n = 13;⭔else if (s.equals("e"))⭔n = 14;⭔else if (s.equals("f"))⭔n = 15;⭔else⭔n = Integer.parseInt(s);⭔decimal += n * Math.pow(16, pow);⭔pow++;⭔}⭔return decimal;⭔}⭔}""",
'24':"""public class OctalToDecimal {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔String oct = "43";⭔int decimal = octToDecimal(oct);⭔System.out.println(oct + " in octal is "⭔+ decimal + " in decimal.");⭔}⭔public static int octToDecimal(String oct) {⭔int pow = 0;⭔int decimal = 0;⭔for (int i = oct.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {⭔String s = oct.substring(i, i+1);⭔int n = Integer.parseInt(s);⭔decimal += n * Math.pow(8, pow);⭔pow++;⭔}⭔return decimal;⭔}⭔}""",
'25':"""public class FindPrime {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] arr = findPrimes(50);⭔for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {⭔if (arr[i] == 0) {⭔break;⭔}⭔System.out.println(arr[i]);⭔}⭔}⭔public static int[] findPrimes(int limit) {⭔int[] primes = new int[limit/2];⭔int index = 0;⭔for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++) {⭔boolean isPrime = true;⭔for (int j = 2; j < i; j++) {⭔if (i % j == 0) {⭔isPrime = false;⭔break;⭔}⭔}⭔if (isPrime) {⭔primes[index] = i;⭔index++;⭔}⭔}⭔return primes;⭔}⭔}""",
'26':"""public class AverageDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] list = new int[20];⭔for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {⭔list[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10) + 1;⭔System.out.print(list[i] + " ");⭔}⭔System.out.println("\\nThe average is " + findMean(list));⭔}⭔public static double findMean(int[] list) {⭔double average = 0;⭔for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {⭔average += list[i];⭔}⭔average /= list.length;⭔return average;⭔}⭔}""",
'27':"""public class SelectionSort {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] unsortedList = {5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 4};⭔System.out.println("Before sorting:");⭔for (int i = 0; i < unsortedList.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(unsortedList[i] + " ");⭔}⭔System.out.println();⭔int[] sortedList = selectionSort(unsortedList);⭔System.out.println("After sorting:");⭔for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(sortedList[i] + " ");⭔}⭔}⭔public static int[] selectionSort(int[] list) {⭔for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {⭔int min = i;⭔for (int j = list.length-1; j > i; j--) {⭔if (list[j] < list[min]) {⭔min = j;⭔}⭔}⭔if (min != i) {⭔int temp = list[min];⭔list[min] = list[i];⭔list[i] = temp;⭔}⭔}⭔return list;⭔}⭔}""",
'28':"""public class BubbleSortDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] unsortedList = {5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 4};⭔System.out.println("Before sorting:");⭔for (int i = 0; i < unsortedList.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(unsortedList[i] + " ");⭔}⭔System.out.println();⭔System.out.println("After sorting:");⭔int[] sortedList = bubbleSort(unsortedList);⭔for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(sortedList[i] + " ");⭔}⭔}⭔public static int[] bubbleSort(int[] list) {⭔for (int i = list.length-2; i >= 0; i--) {⭔for (int j = list.length-1; j >= i; j--) {⭔if (list[j] < list[i]) {⭔int temp = list[j];⭔list[j] = list[i];⭔list[i] = temp;⭔}⭔}⭔}⭔return list;⭔}⭔}""",
'29':"""public class MergeSortDemo {⭔static int[] list;⭔static int[] tempList;⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔list = new int[]{5, 4, 7, 9, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3};⭔System.out.println("Before sorting:");⭔for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(list[i] + " ");⭔}⭔tempList = new int[list.length];⭔mergeSort(0, list.length-1);⭔System.out.println();⭔System.out.println("After sorting:");⭔for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {⭔System.out.print(list[i] + " ");⭔}⭔}⭔public static void mergeSort(int low, int high) {⭔if (low < high) {⭔int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;⭔mergeSort(low, mid);⭔mergeSort(mid + 1, high);⭔merge(low, mid, high);⭔}⭔}⭔public static void merge(int low, int mid, int high) {⭔for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {⭔tempList[i] = list[i];⭔}⭔int i = low;⭔int j = mid + 1;⭔int k = low;⭔while (i <= mid && j <= high) {⭔if (tempList[i] <= tempList[j]) {⭔list[k] = tempList[i];⭔i++;⭔} else {⭔list[k] = tempList[j];⭔j++;⭔}⭔k++;⭔}⭔while (i <= mid) {⭔list[k] = tempList[i];⭔k++;⭔i++;⭔}⭔}⭔}""",
'30':"""import java.util.ArrayList;⭔public class FindMaxMin {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();⭔for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {⭔int num = (int)(Math.random() * 100) + 1;⭔list.add(num);⭔System.out.print(num + " ");⭔}⭔System.out.println();⭔System.out.println("Maximum number: " + findMax(list));⭔System.out.println("Minimum number: " + findMin(list));⭔}⭔public static int findMax(ArrayList<Integer> list) {⭔int maxIndex = 0;⭔for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {⭔if (list.get(i) < list.get(maxIndex)) {⭔maxIndex = i;⭔}⭔}⭔return list.get(maxIndex);⭔}⭔public static int findMin(ArrayList<Integer> list) {⭔int minIndex = 0;⭔for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {⭔if (list.get(i) > list.get(minIndex)) {⭔minIndex = i;⭔}⭔}⭔return list.get(minIndex);⭔}⭔}""",
'31':"""public class BinarySearchDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔int[] list = new int[]{12, 17, 20, 24, 33, 45, 56, 77, 82, 94};⭔int index = -1;⭔index = binarySearch(list, 33);⭔if (index != -1) {⭔System.out.println("33 is found, its index is: " + index);⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println("33 is not found in this list.");⭔}⭔index = binarySearch(list, 17);⭔if (index != -1) {⭔System.out.println("17 is found, its index is: " + index);⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println("17 is not found in this list.");⭔}⭔index = binarySearch(list, 46);⭔if (index != -1) {⭔System.out.println("46 is found, its index is: " + index);⭔}⭔else {⭔System.out.println("46 is not found in this list.");⭔}⭔}⭔public static int binarySearch(int[] list, int key) {⭔int indexOfKey = -1;⭔int low = 0;⭔int high = list.length - 1;⭔int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;⭔while (high > low) {⭔mid = low + (high-low)/2;⭔if (key == list[mid]) {⭔indexOfKey = mid;⭔break;⭔}⭔else if (key > list[mid]) {⭔low = mid + 1;⭔}⭔else if (key < list[mid]) {⭔high = mid - 1;⭔}⭔}⭔return indexOfKey;⭔}⭔}""",
'32':"""public class RecursionFibonacci {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔System.out.println("1st fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(0));⭔System.out.println("2nd fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(1));⭔System.out.println("3rd fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(2));⭔System.out.println("4th fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(3));⭔System.out.println("5th fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(4));⭔System.out.println("11th fibonacci number is " + fibonacci(10));⭔}⭔public static int fibonacci(int num) {⭔if (num == 0) {⭔return 0;⭔}⭔if (num == 1) {⭔return 1;⭔}⭔return fibonacci(num-2) + fibonacci(num-1);⭔}⭔}""",
'33':"""public class RecursionExponents {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔System.out.println("2^5 is: " + pow(2, 5));⭔System.out.println("3^4 is: " + pow(3, 4));⭔System.out.println("6^2 is: " + pow(6, 2));⭔}⭔public static int pow(int base, int exp) {⭔if (exp == 0) {⭔return 1;⭔}⭔return base * pow(base, exp-1);⭔}⭔}""",
'34':"""public class RecursionFactorial {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔System.out.println("5! is: " + factorial(5));⭔System.out.println("4! is: " + factorial(4));⭔System.out.println("3! is: " + factorial2(3));⭔}⭔public static int factorial(int num) {⭔if (num == 1) {⭔return 1;⭔}⭔return num * factorial(num-1);⭔}⭔public static int factorial2(int num) {⭔int fac = 1;⭔for (int i = num; i > 1; i--) {⭔fac = i * fac;⭔}⭔return fac;⭔}⭔}""",
'35':"""public class ClassDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Animal dog = new Animal("Gigi", 4, "dog");⭔System.out.println(dog);⭔System.out.println("My dog's name is " + dog.name);⭔}⭔}⭔class Animal {⭔public String name;⭔public int legs;⭔public String species;⭔public Animal(String initName, int initLegs, String initSpecies) {⭔this.name = initName;⭔this.legs = initLegs;⭔this.species = initSpecies;⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔return name + " is a "⭔+ species + " and has " + legs + " legs.";⭔}⭔}""",
'36':"""public class CircleDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Circle c1 = new Circle(1);⭔System.out.printf("Area of c1 = %.2f \\n", c1.getArea());⭔System.out.printf("Circumference of c1 = %.2f \\n", c1.getCircumference());⭔Circle c2 = new Circle(5);⭔System.out.printf("Area of c2 = %.2f \\n", c2.getArea());⭔System.out.printf("Circumference of c2 = %.2f \\n", c2.getCircumference());⭔}⭔}⭔class Circle {⭔private int radius;⭔public Circle(int radius) {⭔this.radius = radius;⭔}⭔public void setRadius(int newRadius) {⭔radius = newRadius;⭔}⭔public int getRadius() {⭔return radius;⭔}⭔public double getArea() {⭔return Math.pow(radius, 2) * Math.PI;⭔}⭔public double getCircumference() {⭔return 2 * radius * Math.PI;⭔}⭔}""",
'37':"""public class InheritanceDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Animal bob = new Animal("Bob", 4);⭔Dog amy = new Dog("Amy", 4, "small");⭔System.out.println(bob);⭔System.out.println("Bob: " + bob.speak());⭔System.out.println(amy);⭔System.out.println("Amy: " + amy.speak());⭔}⭔}⭔class Animal {⭔public String name;⭔public int legs;⭔public Animal(String name, int legs) {⭔this.name = name;⭔this.legs = legs;⭔}⭔public String speak() {⭔return "I am an intelligent animal.";⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔return name + " has " + legs + " legs.";⭔}⭔}⭔class Dog extends Animal {⭔public String size;⭔public Dog(String name, int legs, String size) {⭔super(name, legs);⭔this.size = size;⭔}⭔public String speak() {⭔return "Woof woof!";⭔}⭔}""",
'38':"""public class PrivateDataDemo {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Person p = new Person("George Washington", 15);⭔System.out.println(p);⭔p.setName("Abraham Lincoln");⭔System.out.println(p);⭔p.setAge(17);⭔System.out.println(p);⭔}⭔}⭔class Person {⭔private String name;⭔private int age;⭔public Person(String name, int age) {⭔this.name = name;⭔this.age = age;⭔}⭔public void setName(String newName) {⭔name = newName;⭔}⭔public void setAge(int age) {⭔this.age = age;⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔return name + " is " + age + " years old.";⭔}⭔}""",
'39':"""public class PrivateAndInheritance {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Person p = new Person("George", 15);⭔System.out.println(p);⭔Student s = new Student("Amy", 14, 3.4);⭔System.out.println(s);⭔}⭔}⭔class Person {⭔private String name;⭔private int age;⭔public Person(String name, int age) {⭔this.name = name;⭔this.age = age;⭔}⭔public void setName(String newName) {⭔name = newName;⭔}⭔public void setAge(int age) {⭔this.age = age;⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔return name + " is " + age + " years old.";⭔}⭔}⭔class Student extends Person {⭔private double gpa;⭔public Student(String name, int age, double gpa) {⭔super(name, age);⭔this.gpa = gpa;⭔}⭔public void setGPA(double gpa) {⭔this.gpa = gpa;⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔String s = super.toString();⭔return s + " GPA is " + gpa;⭔}⭔}""",
'40':"""public class PublicAndInheritance {⭔public static void main(String[] args) {⭔Vehicle v = new Vehicle("Nissan", "Altima", 4);⭔System.out.println(v);⭔System.out.println(v.drive());⭔System.out.println("----");⭔SUV s = new SUV("Chevrolet", "Tahoe", true);⭔System.out.println(s);⭔System.out.println(s.drive());⭔}⭔}⭔class Vehicle {⭔public String make;⭔public String model;⭔public int doors;⭔public Vehicle(String make, String model, int doors) {⭔this.make = make;⭔this.model = model;⭔this.doors = doors;⭔}⭔public String drive() {⭔return "VROOM VROOM!";⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔return make + " " + model + "\\n Number of Doors: "⭔+ doors;⭔}⭔}⭔class SUV extends Vehicle {⭔public boolean allWheelDrive;⭔public SUV(String make, String model,⭔boolean allWheelDrive) {⭔super(make, model, 4);⭔this.allWheelDrive = allWheelDrive;⭔System.out.println("super.doors: " + super.doors);⭔}⭔public String drive() {⭔return "HONK HONK!";⭔}⭔public String toString() {⭔String s = super.toString() + "\\n All Wheel Drive: ";⭔if (allWheelDrive) {⭔s += "Yes";⭔}⭔else {⭔s += "No";⭔}⭔return s;⭔}⭔}"""