This project provides steps and artifacts for building ONAP by OOM and Integration Projects around it such as ESON.
It is based on OOM User Guide
- Running on Ubuntu Xenial (Cores=8 Mem=16G Root-Disk=160G - minimal)
- This project has tested it in OpenStack RHOSP 10
- Make sure resources as flavor, image, SSH Keys, Security Groups referenced in the artifacts exist in the selected region.
- You’ll need OpenStack CLI installed ( tested with CLI version "openstack 3.11.0")
- More minimum requirements can be found examining the Playbooys.
- All use cases required ONAP Base Deployment ( unless indicated at sub-project section )
==================================== sudo yum update && sudo yum install git -y
Install the OpenStack CLI
pip install python-openstackclient pip install python-novaclient
24 sudo pip install python-openstackclient 25 sudo pip install python-novaclient 26 sudo pip install python-glenceclient 27 sudo pip install python-glanceclient 28 sudo pip install python-neutronclient 29 hostory 30 history 31 sudo pip install python-heatclient
Clone the git: (no sudo) git clone /~
Source your authentication credentials:
$ source keystonerc
$ git clone /~
$ cd ONAP_Ericsson/
Create VM's on Openstack using below commands
Rancher ( Master node )
$ openstack stack create -t deploy/oom_onap.yaml --parameter "flavor=linux-medium" Rancher
ONAP Cluster node
$ openstack stack create -t deploy/oom_onap.yaml --parameter "flavor=ONAP_Client" ONAP-Stack
You can also create the stack at the Horizon Dashboard
Use the command
openstack stack list
to verify that the stack was created for the instance.
Execute nova list to view list virtual machine instances and obtain the virtual machine instance UUID for the virtul machine created by the heat stack template.
openstack stack show ONAP-stack | grep output_value
output_value: OOM
output_value: <instance IP>
The command openstack stack show can be also used
Full details:
openstack stack show ONAP-stack
You can access by
ssh ubuntu@<instance IP>
Execute below command to setup Rancher node:
sudo ansible-pull -U /~ deploy/rancher.yml -vvv
Execute below steps to create hosts using Rancher GUI:
Access Rancher server via web browser
Select “Manage Environments”
Select “Add Environment”
Add unique name for your new Rancher environment
Select the Kubernetes template
Click “create”
Select the new named environment (ie. SB4) from the dropdown list (top left).
Add Kubernetes Host
If this is the first (or only) host being added - click on the “Add a host” link
Click on “Save” (accept defaults) otherwise select INFRASTRUCTURE→ Hosts and click on “Add Host”
Enter the management IP for the k8s VM (e.g. that was just created.
Click on “Copy to Clipboard” button
Click on “Close” button
On Rancher web interface create a host in Kubernetes environment --> copy script to clipboard
1. Run Kubernetes host sudo script on K8 instance
2. K8 is installed by Rancher. See host progress in Rancher - INFRASTRUCTURE - Hosts.
3. Monitor install progress by clicking on Kubernetes menu option. When you see >_CLI the K8 master is up
Execute below command to setup ONAP Worker node ( repeat same command on other ONAP cluster node ):
sudo ansible-pull -U /~ deploy/onap_worker.yml -vvv
Wait for the script to complete.
Login to the new Kubernetes Host:
Paste Clipboard content and hit enter to install Rancher Agent:
Return to Rancher environment (e.g. SB4) and wait for services to complete (~ 10-15 mins)
Click on CLI and then click on “Generate Config”
Click on “Copy to Clipboard” - wait until you see a “token” - do not copy user+password - the server is not ready at that point
ubuntu@sb4-kSs-1:~$ mkdir .kube
ubuntu@sb4-kSs-1:~$ vi .kube/config
Paste contents of Clipboard into a file called “config” and save the file:
Validate that kubectl is able to connect to the kubernetes cluster and show running pods:
ubuntu@sb4-k8s-1:~$ kubectl config get-contexts
* SB4 SB4 SB4
ubuntu@sb4-k8s-1:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
kube-system heapster—7Gb8cd7b5 -q7p42 1/1 Running 0 13m sb4-k8s-1
kube-system kube-dns-5d7bM87c9-c6f67 3/3 Running 0 13m sb4-k8s-1
kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-f9577fffd-kswjg 1/1 Running 0 13m sb4-k8s-1
kube-system monitoring-grafana-997796fcf-vg9h9 1/1 Running 0 13m 10.42,141.58 sb4-k8s-1
kube-system monitoring-influxdb-56chd96b-hk66b 1/1 Running 0 13m 10.4Z.246.90 sb4-k8s-1
kube-system tiller-deploy-cc96d4f6b-v29k9 1/1 Running 0 13m sb4-k8s-1
Validate helm is running at the right version. If not, an error like this will be displayed:
ubuntu@sb4-k8s-1:~$ helm list
Error: incompatible versions c1ient[v2.9.1] server[v2.6.1]
Upgrade the server-side component of helm (tiller) via helm init –upgrade:
ubuntu@sb4-k8s-1:~$ helm init --upgrade
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/repository
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/repository/cache
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/repository/local
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/plugins
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/starters
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/cache/archive
Creating /home/ubuntu/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
Adding stable repo with URL:
Adding local repo with URL:
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /home/ubuntu/.helm.
Tiller (the Helm server-side component) has been upgraded to the current version.
Happy Helming!
It shows the status of the charts and associated Pods and Containers
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
It shows the status of Pods and Containers at Kubernetes level.
Execute below command to setup onap on ANY ONE OF THE K8S node:
sudo ansible-pull -U /~ deploy/onap.yml -vvv
openstack stack delete ONAP-stack --y
You can also delete the stack at the Horizon Dashboard.
You can upload the base Ubuntu 16.04 image as follows:
openstack image create --private --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img ubuntu1604