Spring is used for the backend of our application. The frontend is developed using Angular.
Spring boot is used to create the spring project. The following options are selected:
- Project: Maven Project
- Languaje: Java
- Spring Boot: 2.2.6
- Packaging: jar
- Dependencies: Spring Web
Once the .zip file is downloaded, it is imported from Eclipse as a Maven project. Then the web3j dependency is added.
The latest version of this dependency fails, but version 4.5.11 works correctly.
The project folder structure is:
- beans
- controllers
- services
- utils
- wrappers
You can run the spring boot backend server by typing mvn spring-boot:run in the terminal. It will run on port 8080.
Para crear el proyecto Angular lanzar el siguiente comando desde la terminal.
ng new MainAppFrontEnd
The project folder structure in the app directory is:
- components
- models
- services
The Angular front-end can be run by typing ng serve command. It will start on port 4200.