Perform the following steps
Ditto releases are tracked and planned here:
- build Jenkins Ditto release job:
- After release was pushed on
- (old way - should no longer be required starting with Ditto 3.1.0) Ditto artifacts are in a "Staging repositories" (which some of the team members have access to, e.g. Thomas, Dominik, Gerald, Johannes, ...):
- First close the staging repo (after all artifacts are there, e.g. also the client artifacts)
- Then release the staging repo
- Then it will take a few hours until those changes are synced successfully to Maven central
- (old way - should no longer be required starting with Ditto 3.1.0) Ditto artifacts are in a "Staging repositories" (which some of the team members have access to, e.g. Thomas, Dominik, Gerald, Johannes, ...):
- Write Release notes, e.g. like for 3.1.0:
- New features, changes, bug fixes to last release / milestone release
- Add migration notes (if there are any)
- Write a Blog post announcement, e.g. like for:
- Close GitHub milestone (and assign all Issues/PRs which were still included in that milestone): /~
- Create a GitHub release: /~ (based on the Tags which was pushed during release job)
- Write a mail to the "ditto-dev" mailing list
- Tweet about it ;)
- Set binary compatibility check version to the new public release. Delete all exclusions and module-level deactivation of japi-cmp plugin except for *.internal packages.
- Update /~ with the supported versions to receive security fixes
- For major+minor versions:
- Create a "release" branch"release-" from the released git tag
- needed to build the documentation from
- required for bugfixes to build a bugfix release for the affected minor version
- Add the new version to the documentation config: /~
- Adjust the "website" CI jobs to also build the newly added branch:
- will build the latest released minor version + "master" (development) version
- will build documentation for all Ditto versions ever created - and will take very long
- Adjust the Jenkins scripts via the Jenkins UI ("Configure") to checkout the new branch + build the docs from + zip it, unzip it, etc
- Create a "release" branch"release-" from the released git tag