This reposistory contains the code to grow networks using our HyperNCA method on any state-vector based Gym environment or pyBullet environment as described in our paper HyperNCA: Growing Developmental Networks with Neural Cellular Automata, 2022. Additionally, you can train any custom environment by registering them.
First, install dependencies. Use Python >= 3.9
# clone project
git clone /~
# install dependencies
cd HyperNCA
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, use
to train an agent. You can train any state-vector based OpenAI Gym's or pyBullet environments:
# train HyperNCA to solve the Lunar Lander:
python --environment LunarLander-v2
Use python --help
to display all the training options: [-h] [--environment [...]] [--generations] [--popsize] [--print_every] [--x0_dist]
[--sigma_init] [--threads] [--seed_type] [--NCA_steps] [--NCA_dimension] [--size_substrate]
[--NCA_channels] [--reading_channel] [--update_net_channel_dims] [--living_threshold] [--policy_layers]
[--NCA_bias] [--neighborhood] [--save_model | --no-save_model] [--random_seed | --no-random_seed]
[--random_seed_env | --no-random_seed_env] [--normalise | --no-normalise] [--replace | --no-replace]
[--co_evolve_seed | --no-co_evolve_seed] [--plastic | --no-plastic]
--environment Environment: any state-vector OpenAI Gym or pyBullet environment may be used
--generations Number of generations that the ES will run.
--popsize Population size.
--print_every Print every N steps.
--x0_dist Distribution used to sample intial value for CMA-ES
--sigma_init Initial sigma: modulates the amount of noise used to populate each new generation.
--threads Number of threads used to run evolution in parallel: -1 uses all physical cores available.
--seed_type Seed type: single_seed, randomU2: [-1,1]
--NCA_steps NCA steps
--NCA_dimension NCA dimension: 3 uses a single 3D seed and 3DConvs
--size_substrate Size of every fc layer (3D). For 3D: if 0, it takes the smallest size needed.
--NCA_channels NCA channels
--reading_channel Seed channel from which the pattern will be taken to become the NN weigths.
--NCA_bias Whether the NCA has bias
--random_seed If true and seed is type random, the NCA uses a random seed at each episode (default: False)
--random_seed_env If true is uses a random seed to run the gym environments at each episode (default: True)
--normalise Normalise NCA output (default: True)
Once trained, use --id <run_id>
to test the grown network, eg, to evaluate the reported model in the paper for the Lunar Lander:
python --id 1645360631
Use python --id <run_id>
to evaluate reported models:
Id | Enviroment | Substrate |
1645447353 | Lander | Random 5 layers |
1646940683 | Lander | Single 4 layers |
1647084085 | Quadruped | Single 4 layers |
1645360631 | Quadruped | Random 3 layers |
1645605120 | Quadruped | Random 30 layers |
If you want to train the model, you can find the specific parameters on use to train the models o each of the model configuration .yml
files in saved_models
To code to train the Methamorphosis neural networks, can be found in the metamorphosis branch of this repository. The NCA implementations are identical to the one used in this branch, the only code difference is the logic flow to make use of the morphing weights into the RL agent. The id of the reported metamorphosis model is 1644785913 and be evaluated in the metamorphosis branch with python --id 1644785913
The different quadruped morphologies can be found in the folder bullet ants. In order to reproduce the damaged quadruped results, these new morphologies need to be firstly registered as custom environments. The modified files are all included in the folder.
If you use the code for academic or commecial use, please cite the associated paper:
title={HyperNCA: Growing Developmental Networks with Neural Cellular Automata},
author={Najarro, Elias and Sudhakaran, Shyam and Glanois, Claire and Risi, Sebastian},
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2204.11674},
url = {},
booktitle={From Cells to Societies: Collective Learning across Scales},