Adventure Game Studio (AGS) - is the IDE and the engine meant for creating and running videogames of adventure (aka "quest") genre. Created by Chris Jones back in 1999, AGS was open-sourced in 2011. Since then continues to be developed by contributors. Both Editor and Engine are licensed under the Artistic License 2.0; for more details see License.txt.
For community forums, games and more, go to the website:
This repository is an attempt to port the Engine to the Commodore Amiga. At the time being this is a one man project in experimental status.
- A working Adventure game engine for Amiga to be able to easily create Adventure games for Amiga classic
- It's a welcome side effect if existing AGS Game work on Amiga. As not all features can be ported this is not a main objective.
- IDE port is NOT planned. Game development can happen with the existing tools on Windows.
- Target Platform is an Amiga with some extra Mem and 68020/68030 and OCS or AGA. So more or less the system the average Amiga User of 2024 has at home.
- Removing all the SDL and Audio stuff we should end up with a "headless" engine that can perfectly handle an adventure game. Unfortunately it has no means of input and output and is useless
- This version of the engine can then be ported to Amiga. Except some memory allocations everything should be standard C++ that runs on every platform.
- Now input and output gets added again and handled natively by Amiga calls.
Atm the whole source code compiles on Linux and it's just a maimed version of the Original AGS source where a lot of the SDL Library calls were removed already (Part 1d afs described above)