Lightweight solution to ProtocolBuffers message validation.
is a protoc
plugin that generates Go code.
- expressions with Google/CEL
- both message and field checks
- nested messages
- repeated, oneof and map fields
- syntax validation of CEL expressions at generation time
- supports proto3 and edition 2023
go install
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --protocheck_out=.
package hr;
import "check.proto";
message Person {
// message cross-field checks
option (check.message) = {
cel:"size( + this.surname) > 0" // cel is required
fail:"name and surname cannot be empty" // fail is optional
id:"person_invariant" }; // id is optional
// with per field state checks
string name = 1 [(check.field) = {
cel:"size( > 1"
fail:"name must be longer than 1" }];
optional string middle_name = 2 [(check.field) = {
cel:"size(this.middle_name) > 0"
fail:"middle name (if set) cannot be empty" }];
string surname = 3 [(check.field) = {
cel:"size(this.surname) > 1"
fail:"surname must be longer than 1" }];
google.protobuf.Timestamp birth_date = 4 [(check.field) = {
cel:"this.birth_date.getFullYear() > 2000"
id:"check_birth_date" }];
is one of the supported CEL macros.
See CEL language definition for creating CEL expressions.
p := &Person{
Name: "",
BirthDate: ×tamppb.Timestamp{Seconds:1}
if err := p.Validate() ; err != nil {
verr := protocheck.AsValidationError(err)
for _ , each := range verr {
The protocheck
package is inspired by bufbuild/protovalidate
which also uses the powerful CEL expression language. However, it differs by:
always refers to the message- minimal dependencies (cel and protobuf)
- syntax is more compact