This project replaces color-theme with Emacs 24 theme framework.
Please request by issues if you want me to port your favorite theme from the old colorthemes.
Screenshots are here
All themes are available on MELPA and MELPA stable
You can install color-theme-modern
with the following command.
M-x package-install [RET] color-theme-modern [RET]
NOTE: Package name is different from repository name.
# Download your favorite theme ~/.emacs.d
% cd ~/.emacs.d
% curl -LO
# Download all themes
% git clone /~
And add following code to your configuration file:
;; Please set your themes directory to 'custom-theme-load-path
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-as-directory "your cloned directory path"))
Users of Debian ≥11, or derivatives such as Ubuntu ≥20.04 may simply sudo apt install elpa-color-theme-modern
To use color-theme-modern, a theme must be selected, loaded, and activated. Do this by adding something like the following lines to your Emacs configuration:
(load-theme 'aalto-dark t t)
(enable-theme 'aalto-dark)
- aalto-dark
- aalto-light
- aliceblue
- andreas
- arjen
- beige-diff
- beige-eshell
- bharadwaj-slate
- bharadwaj
- billw
- black-on-gray
- blippblopp
- blue-erc
- blue-eshell
- blue-gnus
- blue-mood
- blue-sea
- calm-forest
- charcoal-black
- clarity
- classic
- cobalt
- comidia
- dark-blue
- dark-blue2
- dark-erc
- dark-font-lock
- dark-gnus
- dark-green
- dark-info
- dark-laptop
- deep-blue
- desert
- digital-ofs1
- emacs-21
- emacs-nw
- euphoria
- feng-shui
- fischmeister
- gnome
- gnome2
- goldenrod
- gray1
- gray30
- greiner
- gtk-ide
- high-contrast
- hober
- infodoc
- jb-simple
- jedit-grey
- jonadabian-slate
- jonadabian
- jsc-dark
- jsc-light
- jsc-light2
- katester
- kingsajz
- late-night
- lawrence
- ld-dark
- lethe
- marine
- marquardt
- matrix
- midnight
- mistyday
- montz
- oswald
- parus
- pierson
- pok-wob
- pok-wog
- ramangalahy
- raspopovic
- renegade
- resolve
- retro-green
- retro-orange
- robin-hood
- rotor
- ryerson
- salmon-diff
- salmon-font-lock
- scintilla
- shaman
- simple-1
- sitaramv-nt
- sitaramv-solaris
- snow
- snowish
- standard-ediff
- standard
- subtle-blue
- subtle-hacker
- taming-mr-arneson
- taylor
- tty-dark
- vim-colors
- whateveryouwant
- wheat
- word-perfect
- xemacs
- xp