We will generate and setup spring cloud config server to hold maximum and minimum configuration properties and will run on port 8888. This service will serve limits-service with properties.
- Create a folder anywhere on your machine and do git init
- Add this folder as external resource (optional step)
- Create a properties file inside this folder, this is configuration server, but file name has to be be same as application name for which we are creating configuration i.e limits-service.properties
- Move below entries from application.properties of limits-service to this new config project, now on limits-service will get configuration from spring cloud config.
- Run git init inside new folder and add newly created file
- Commit this file locally, no need to push.
- Setup
- Create a new project from https://start.spring.io/ and add config server in dependency as shown below
- Generate project and open with IDE
- Make below entries to application.properties
- Change git-localconfig-repo-path with full path on your machine, you can also use github file
- add @EnableConfigServer to com.optum.microservices.springcloudconfigserver.SpringCloudConfigServerApplication
Run spring cloud config server and hit URL http://localhost:8888/limits-service/default
- Rename application.properties inside limits-service to bootstrap.properties
- Add spring.cloud.config.uri=http://localhost:8888 to bootstrap.properties
- Run application and now limit service will read property from spring-cloud-config-server running on port 8888.