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164 lines (118 loc) · 6.35 KB

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Node module for delimiting and parsing delimited fields...

    ___       ___       ___     ___       ___       ___       ___       ___      ___       ___       ___   
   /\  \     /\  \     /\__\   /\  \     /\__\     /\  \     /\__\     /\  \    /\  \     /\  \     /\  \  
  /::\  \   /::\  \   /:/  /  _\:\  \   /::L_L_   _\:\  \   /:| _|_   /::\  \   \:\  \   /::\  \   /::\  \ 
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  \::/  /   \:\/  /   \:\__\  \:\__\     /:/  /   \:\__\     |:/  /    /:/  /  \/__/     \::/  /   |:\/__/ 
   \/__/     \/__/     \/__/   \/__/     \/__/     \/__/     \/__/     \/__/              \/__/     \|__|  

Features 🔥

  • Zero dependencies
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous options
  • Builds for Node.js 6,8,9,10,11 and beyond

Installation 🔧

npm install deliminator

Usage 📦

Functionality Examples

const deliminator = require('deliminator');

const d = deliminator.create(';;;');  // Create a delimiter

let received = '';

received += d.delimit('Hello, ');     // 'Hello, ;;;'
received += d.delimit('World!');      // 'Hello, ;;;World!;;;'

d.dice(received);                     // ['Hello, ', 'World!', '']

received += 'incomplete data';        // Un-delimited data

d.dice(received);                     // ['Hello, ', 'World!', 'incomplete data']

let leftOver = '';

d.diceAndTrim(received, leftOver);    /* 
                                          complete: ['Hello, ', 'World!'], 
                                          pending: 'incomplete data'

Socket Callbacks 🔌

const topology = require('fully-connected-topology');
const deliminator = require('deliminator');

const t = topology(/* ... */);
const delim = deliminator.create(';');

/* ... */

let waitingOn = '';

t.on('connection', socket => {
  socket.on('data', data => {
    const dataStr = data.toString();

    // Separate completed data from pending data
    const { complete, pending } = delim.diceAndTrim(dataStr, waitingOn);
    // Save pending data to be concatenated with future incoming data
    waitingOn = pending;

    // Process completed data;

The example above shows how Deliminator can simplify handling communication between peers using packages like fully-connected-topology. You could also do this in an asynchronous manner using createAsync like in the example below.

const topology = require('fully-connected-topology');
const deliminator = require('deliminator');

const t = topology(/* ... */);
const delim = deliminator.createAsync(';');

/* ... */

let waitingOn = '';

t.on('connection', socket => {
  socket.on('data', async data => {
    const dataStr = data.toString();

    // Separate completed data from pending data
    const { complete, pending } = await delim.diceAndTrim(dataStr, waitingOn);
    // Save pending data to be concatenated with future incoming data
    waitingOn = pending;

    // Process completed data;


const d = deliminator.create(str);

Creates and returns a new delimiter object. The string used as a delimiter is specified by the parameter str.

const d = deliminator.createAsync(str);

Creates and returns a new asynchronous delimiter object. Both dice() and diceAndTrim() will return non-blocking promises for their results. The string used as a delimiter is specified by the parameter str.


Returns delimited result of given string str.


Parses given string str based on the defined delimit string of the delimiter d and returns the results in the form of an array. The last element of the returned array contains any pending data that is still incomplete. If the last element is an empty string then all preceding elements are complete packets.

In the case that you created an asynchronous delimiter object, the results described above will come wrapped in a promise.

d.diceAndTrim(str, waitingOn);

Parses in the same way that .dice() does but returns an object instead of an array. This object contains two properties: complete and pending. The complete property contains an array of all completed (delimited) data from the given strings waitingOn and str when concatenated, respectively. The pending property contains a string of any incomplete (un-delimited) data.

In the case that you created an asynchronous delimiter object, the results described above will come wrapped in a promise.

Author ☕️

License 🔑

Copyright © 2020, Ericsson Schroeter. Released under the MIT License.