Releases: egovernments/configs
v2.9-beta: DIGIT 2.9 (19.04.2023) Release
Functional updates :
Citizen Consent Form
Citizen Feedback Rating
KPI List (National Dashboard)
1. Citizen Feedback Score 2. Citizen Service Delivery Index 3. Aggregated SLA 4. Pendancy
mCollect Pdf -QR Code Bug Fix/alignment issues.
OBPS, TL, PT, Finance- bug fixes
FSM 1.3 (31.03.2023) Release
FSM v1.3 enhancements for statewide rollout:
Enhancement of FSM Receipt
Modification on FSM Persister for Advance balance and Update Trips
core_v2.9: Standalone CORE 2.9 Release
DIGIT CORE 2.9 release includes 2 new services, 1 new module, several technical, security features and bug fixes. The highlight of this release is the separation(unbundling) of CORE from DIGIT.
New Services and Modules: Signed Audit, Internal Gateway, Service Request.
Technical Enhancements and Fixes:
- Filestore Service:
- Fixed flow to store and retrieve files from Azure blob storage.
- PDF Service:
- Fixed bug where _create API creates duplicate PDF for each request.
- SMS Notification Service:
- Added API for sms bounce back tracking.
- Mail Notification Service:
Added support for attachments.
Disabled consumer listening on sms topic.
- User OTP Service:
Added support for sending OTP via email by emitting email events.
Removed DB timezone dependency.
- User Service:
Added fallback to default message if user email update localization messages are not configured.
Fixed bug where updating citizen profile causes server error.
Fixed bug where employee details are updateable via citizen profile update API.
- Workflow Service:
Introduced state level business service fallback as part of v2 business service search API.
Separated out v1 and v2 APIs to maintain backward compatibility.
Enhanced workflow service to send descriptive errors for bad requests.
- Inbox Service:
Introduced event based inbox and deprecated dependency on searcher-service for fetching inbox items.
Separated out v1 and v2 APIs to maintain backward compatibility.
Introduced a new API to get records based on the provided search criteria(analogous to searcher service).
- Dashboard Analytics:
- Introduced feature to perform DIVISION operation on metric chart responses.
- Location Service:
- Fixed bug where search on root level boundary type yields empty search response.
- Privacy Exemplar:
- Data privacy changes for masking/unmasking PII data were introduced as part of this exemplar. Steps to enable data privacy at module level can be referred to as part of WS exemplar here - Detailed Steps to configure privacy in W&S module
- Encryption Client Library:
- As part of privacy changes, enc-client library was introduced to support encryption-related functionalities so that every service does not need to call the encryption service.
- National Dashboard Ingest:
- Added support to allow user with national dashboard adaptor role to ingest data regardless of the tenant the user belongs to.
- Codegen:
- Enhanced codegen utility to support openAPI 3.0 specifications.
- Persister:
- Enhanced persister to make it compatible with Signed Audit Service.
- Human Resource Management Service:
- Fixed bug where employee search causes server error in single instance clusters.
- DIGIT Developer Guide:
Backend Guide - This guide provides detailed steps for developers to create a new microservice on top of DIGIT and deploy it on DIGIT cluster. A sample birth registration spring-boot module was developed as part of this guide.
Frontend Guide - This guide offers a systematic view of how to create the application screens on DIGIT. Both citizen and employee frontend modules were developed as part of this guide.
- Dashboard Analytics Service:
- Load tested dashboard analytics and documented improvement in performance.
- PDF Service:
- Performance testing of bulk PDF generation.
- Billing Service:
- Performance testing of bulk bill generation.
v2.8: DIGIT 2.8 (20.02.2023) Release
Functional updates :
DSS: Enhancement on DSS, Finance Module State DSS, NSS Adaptor, Enhancements in National Dashboard- FAQ & About, National Dashboard Adaptor Integration Testing,
B&D: B&D Tabular Reports - in old UI/UX
W&S: W&S UI/UX Revamp, Bill amendment workflow update & UI/UX revamp, W&S disconnection
W&S Privacy Exemplar, Standard Reports for WnS - Receipt Register, Collection Register, Defaulters Report - in old UI/UX
Bill Genie UI/UX revamp
Help/FAQ section in Citizen UI - common framework - integration with all the modules
Notification based on channels - PGR and collect
OBPS Tabular Reports in old UI/UX, TL Tabular Reports in old UI/UX
New Module: Citizen engagement - Survey service
Non-functional: Navigation re-direction from New UI to OLD UI
Bulk Bill PDF Generation and Performance Testing
W&S Bulk Bill Generation and Performance Testing
FSM 1.2.1 (04.08.2022) Release
FSM v1.2.1 enhancements for statewide rollout:
- Unrestricted service request assignment in ULB employee flow
- Unrestricted service request assignment in DSO flow
- Vehicle logging at FSTP decoupled from FSM module | FSM decoupled from FSTPO UI desktop view
- FSM decoupled from FSTPO UI mobile view
- Other | Photo and attachment view in the application of the ULB employee UI
DIGIT 2.7 (20.05.2022) Release
- National Dashboard Ingest API
- National Dashboard for PT, TL, OBPS, PGR, W&S, mCollect, and Fire NOC
- State level DSS of OBPS, W&S, Fire NOC and mCollect.
- NUGP STQC Security fixes
- PT UI/UX Audit Feedbacks
- TL UI/UX Audit Feedbacks
- PGR UI/UX Enhancements Audit Feedbacks
- PT common Search, PT lightweight create and integrate with TL.
- Notification for different channels - W&S, PT, and TL.
- Common UI/UX - Citizen Profile, Employee Profile, and Multi Tenancy Selection
- Birth and Death module, State DSS and National Dashboard for Birth and Death.
FSM 1.1 (31.03.2022) Release
- Pre pay and Post pay service
- Multi Trip
- Capturing Gender Information
- Desludging request flow enhancements
- FSTPO Vehicle log flow enhancements
- DSO flow enhancements
- FSM generic enhancements
DIGIT 2.6 (13.01.2022) Release
- OBPS UI/UX Revamp
- Common UI/UX Revamp
- Citizen Engagement: Documents
- Property Tax Enhancements
- WhatsApp Enhancements
- Provision to have different content for notifications based on a channel
- FSM Enhancements
- TL Enhancements and a few UI/UX gaps
- PGR Enhancements
- W&S Enhancements.
DIGIT 2.5 (06.08.2021) Release
DIGIT 2.5 Release:
Functional: Property Tax Citizen Open search flow UI/UX revamp, Property Tax Employee flow UI/UX revamp, Property Tax Mutation flow UI/UX revamp, HRMS UI/UX revamp, mCollect v2 (eChallan) UI/UX revamp, Trade License Citizen & Employee UI/UX revamp, Receipt Cancellation UI/UX Revamp, WhatsApp v2 (Pay and Enhanced PGR), Workflow Auto Escalation with reference implementations in PGR, W&S Enhancements, FSM DSS, and Standardized Reports for FSM/PT/mCollect.
Non-functional: Product Standard Ontologies and Technical improvements.
DIGIT 2.4 (04.06.2021) Release
eChallan module
WhatsApp Bill Payment and PGR v2 integration with redesigned Chatbot (State)
Property Tax Citizen flow UI/UX revamp
Send back to Citizen in Fire NOC
Platform Security Audit fixes