In this example we assume 7.0.19.
- Check beforehand that this version does NOT exist in staging else bump the version
- Go to GlassFish CI
- Log in
- Open 1_glassfish-build-and-stage
- Click Build with parameters in menu
(uncheck)- click [Build] button
- Wait for it to finish successfully
- Drill down into this build e.g. build 79
- Click Console Output in menu
- Ctrl+F 'orgglassfish', to find release ID, e.g.
Created staging repository with ID "orgglassfish-1230"
, remember this forSTAGING_RELEASE_ID
in a later step In case the release ID is not in the log (sometimes it just isn't, we don't know why), use go to 1_jsftemplating-build-and-stageLIST_FIRST
(check)- click [Build] button In the output, look for a line like the following:
[INFO] orgglassfish-1352 CLOSED org.glassfish.main:glassfish-main-aggregator:7.0.19
- Verify that 7.0.19 is present in staging
- Verify that a new 7.0.19 branch is created
- Run the TCKs against the staged build at
- Run the platform TCK
- Run the standalone TCK
- Wait for it to finish successfully
- Open 3_staging-to-release
- Click Build with parameters in menu
- click [Build] button
- Wait for it to finish successfully
- Verify that it's present in Maven Central (usually takes few minutes now)
- If everything is OK, then merge 7.0.19 branch into master via PR
- Delete the 7.0.19 branch after merge
- Upload the new release to the Eclipse download folder.
Go to glassfish_copy-staging-to-downloads
- Enter the version to copy; 7.0.19
- click [Build] button
- Create the release on Github: /~ click "draft a new release"
- Create the release on Eclipse: click "create a new release"
- Create the release on Do a PR for the master branch with:
- an update for the website in
:- in
, create a section for the new version at the top, based on the previous version. Update the info based on the release notes in github, e.g. /~ - in
, replace information in the "Eclipse GlassFish 7.x" section at the top with info for the new version
- in
, add a new piece into "Latest News", with the date of the release in Github, based on the info
- in
- with an update for the docs:
- Update the property
with the released version in docs/pom.xml
- Update the property
- an update for the website in
- Create a new Eclipse GlassFish Docker Image - follow Eclipse GlassFish Docker Image Wiki