I'm committed to providing an accurate, unbiased viewpoint on every article. If you have a suggestion, constructive criticism, or just useful feedback in general, you can file an issue here and I'll try my best to get back to you about it. If I end up changing an article, I'll mention you by username or anonymously (your choice) in the article, with an (appropriate, non-political) message of your choosing (if you would like).
If you would like to talk to me privately about something, additional contact info can be found below.
If you have concerns relating to an open-source project I maintain, please file an issue on the corresponding GitHub repository. Do not send spam here. (click me)
Discord: dunnousername#8672
Email: henrymatthewl (at) outlook.com
If you'd like to sell me something or provide extremely unconstructive criticism, you can send an email here.