This document is to highlight some notes and plugin usage for Tmux
Useful Links:
is set to <C-B>
Some of my general go to key bindings I use a lot, that also probably don't need to be documented.
Some key bindings are mappings provided by plugins. These will be highlighted
- Move left/up/down/right panes. Vim mappings to interact with vim windows nicely<prefix> %
- split vertically<prefix> "
- split horizontally<prefix> q
- show pane numbers. Add the number to also switch.<prefix> {
- move pane right<prefix> }
- move pane left<prefix> <M-LEFT>
- increase pane size with arrow keys
<prefix> .
- move window<prefix> ,
- rename window<prefix> c
- create window
<prefix> $
- rename session
Some extended functionality provided by tmux-sessionist
prefix + C
- prompt for creating a new session by nameprefix + X
- kill current session without detaching tmuxprefix + S
- switches to the last sessionprefix + @
- promote current pane into a new session
<prefix> <space>
- Search with tmux-thumbs<prefix> /
- Regex search with tmux-copycat
<previx> t
- show time<prefix> d
- detach session
Plugins are managed by TPM.
New plugins added to the ~/.tmux.conf
file can be installed with <prefix> I
, and uninstalled with <prefix> <M-u>
the list of all plugins are viewable here and a select few are documented here
Search with regex and copy to clipboard by using <prefix> /
- jump to next match (remapped to keep similar to vim)t
- jump to previous match (remapped to keep similar to vim)
Helpful tmux menu. Triggeed with <prefix> \
<prefix> <
displays some windows handling options<prefix> >
displays some pane handling options
Easily copy common patterns (such as hashes, emails) with <prefix> <space>
Use <prefix> ]
to paste from tmux buffer