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Remote Debugging On Linux Arm

Pierson Lee (PIE) edited this page Nov 30, 2017 · 22 revisions

This is a beta release feature

The extension supports remote debugging netcoreapp 2.1 on linux-arm. Debugging does not support netcoreapp 2.0. The extension has been tested against Raspbian 8 and 9.

If you run into any problems, please file an issue and note in the text that this is related to linux-arm.

Choose one of the following deployment methods:

  • Framework Dependent Deployment: Compile the application locally. Deploy the binary to linux-arm. Requires the .NET Core Runtime to be installed on linux-arm.

  • Self Contained Deployment: Compile and publish the application locally. Deploy the standalone application to linux-arm.


Install .NET Core SDK v2.2.0 preview locally

  • Install a daily build of dotnet SDK 2.2.0 beta locally.
  • Ensure that .NET Command Line Tools v2.2 or higher is installed
    • Run dotnet --info to verify.


       $ dotnet --info
      .NET Command Line Tools (2.2.0-preview1-007582)
      Product Information:
      Version:            2.2.0-preview1-007582

Install the debugger on linux-arm

Run the following command on linux-arm (installs to ~/vsdbg):

curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin -r linux-arm -v latest -l ~/vsdbg

Framework Dependent Deployment

Install prerequisites

  • General prerequisites

  • Install on linux-arm a daily build of .NET Core Runtime v2.1 preview.

    Example (installs to ~/dotnet):

    mkdir ~/dotnet & curl -sSL | 
    tar xvzf /dev/stdin -C ~/dotnet

Create a new console project

  • Run dotnet new console -n MyConsoleApp. This will create a new netcoreapp v2.1 console application called MyConsoleApp.
    • The restoring of the NuGet packages may fail with an error. To download the NuGet packages that match the daily build, you can choose either option below:
      • Create a nuget.config file with the following block:
      	    <add key="dotnet-myget" value="" />
      • Run dotnet restore --source

Build and Deploy

  • In your application's root folder, run dotnet build
  • Copy all the files under bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/ to your linux-arm device.
    • To test run your application, on linux-arm, run the entrypoint MyConsoleApp.dll with dotnet.
      $ ~/dotnet/dotnet MyConsoleApp.dll

Remotely debug your application

Reference the sample launch.json below.

  • The "program" field is set to the dotnet executable and the first "args" item is the application .dll relative to the current working directory ("cwd") on linux-arm.
  • Update the fields under "pipeArgs" to include the IP address of the linux-arm device and the ssh keyfile.
  • The "debuggerPath" points to the location where you installed the debugger to on linux-arm.

Sample launch.json

        "name": ".NET Core Remote Launch - Framework Dependent (console)",
        "type": "coreclr",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "~/dotnet/dotnet",
        "args": [
        "cwd": "~/MyConsoleApp",
        "stopAtEntry": false,
        "console": "internalConsole",
        "pipeTransport": {
            "pipeCwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "pipeProgram": "/usr/bin/ssh",
            "pipeArgs": [
                "-i", "mysshkeyfile",
            "debuggerPath": "~/vsdbg/vsdbg"

Self Contained Deployment

Install prerequisites

Create a new console project

  • Run dotnet new console -n MyConsoleApp. This will create a new netcoreapp v2.1 console application called MyConsoleApp.
    • The NuGet package restoral may fail to get the necessary packages. To download the NuGet packages that match the daily build, you can choose either option below:
      • Create a nuget.config file with the following block:
      	    <add key="dotnet-myget" value="" />
      • Run dotnet restore --source

Build and Deploy

  • Run dotnet publish -r linux-arm
  • Copy all the files under bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/linux-arm/publish/ to linux-arm.
  • Test your application by running the standalone executable MyConsoleApp.
    $ ./MyConsoleApp

Remotely debug your standalone application executable

Reference the sample launch.json below.

  • The "program" field is the standalone executable relative to the current working directory ("cwd") on linux-arm.
  • Update the fields under "pipeArgs" to include the IP address of the linux-arm device and the ssh keyfile.
  • The "debuggerPath" points to the location where you installed the debugger to on linux-arm.

Sample launch.json

        "name": ".NET Core Remote Launch - Standalone Application (console)",
        "type": "coreclr",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "MyConsoleApp",
        "args": [],
        "cwd": "~/MyConsoleApp",
        "stopAtEntry": false,
        "console": "internalConsole",
        "pipeTransport": {
            "pipeCwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "pipeProgram": "/usr/bin/ssh",
            "pipeArgs": [
                "-i", "mysshkeyfile",
            "debuggerPath": "~/vsdbg/vsdbg"
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