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Developed by
Alexey Buzdin
Maxims Ahadovs
Anders Bruun
Andrea Cuttone
Rodrigo Martinez Vazquez
Ethiel Figueira Diaz
Igor Golyanov
Ilja Zegars
Vojtech Rinik
Michal Puheim
Silke Ostermann
Seyed Ehsan Farshpour Rezaie

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Briefly about the project:

With iCubes platform you can add different properties and features to real objects and interact with them in virtual space. You can "write" characters, numbers, words or even chemical elements on a simple colored cube, and with help of a simple web-camera, platform tracks its location. Based on a set of rules and input information the cube is being transformed into an object in virtual space.

The platform id design in a way that any user can add their own plug-in without modifying the source code of the platform

At program launch, ICUBES instance is created. in ICUBES class constructor there is all module initialization. Recognition module routines are started by invoking BEGIN_READ () which launches separate thread on which to read from video stream. This is made so to separate GUI and processing routines. Signals (Events) are used to notify other classes about quadrilaterals recognized/processed. It is strongly recommended to make conversation with colleagues before extending basic interface.

Simple process scheme:

App. launch:

  1. Main window created
  2. Logic/Recognition modules initialized

Frames processing routines:

  1. Reading video stream on separate thread
  2. After quadrilaterls recognized, according signal must be invoked (passing to it recognized quadrilaterals), to notify other classes.

Object processing routines:

  1. After being notified about recognized quadrilaterals, start to process them according described logic.
  2. Compute realtive size, coordinates, link object with required image to show.
  3. Notify GUI module about processed quadrilaterals, which are now replaced with virtual objects, representing physical objects.

Object display routines:

  1. After being notified, start to display virtua objects one by one