English | 简体中文
- 1. Quick Start
- 2. Key Information Extraction Deploy
- 3. Document Question Answering Deploy
- 4. Document Image Classification Deploy
- 5. Parameter Description
- Dependency Installation
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Dowload the sample images and put in
wget https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/datasets/document_intelligence/images.zip && unzip images.zip
- Run
python infer.py \
--model_path_prefix ../../ner_export/inference \
--task_type ner \
--lang "en" \
--batch_size 8
- Output sample
[{'doc': './images/ner_sample.jpg',
'result': [{'text': 'ATT . GEN . ADMIN . OFFICE',
'label': 'QUESTION',
'start': 0,
'end': 12,
'probability': 0.8961102192651806},
{'text': 'Fax :',
'label': 'QUESTION',
'start': 13,
'end': 14,
'probability': 0.8005126895801068},
{'text': '614',
'label': 'ANSWER',
'start': 15,
'end': 16,
'probability': 0.5063673730110718},
{'text': 'Dec 10',
'label': 'ANSWER',
'start': 23,
'end': 24,
'probability': 0.6265156606943465},
{'text': 'NOTE',
'label': 'QUESTION',
'start': 179,
'end': 179,
'probability': 0.9810855421041412}]}]
- Run
python infer.py \
--model_path_prefix ../../mrc_export/inference \
--task_type mrc \
--lang "ch" \
--batch_size 8
- Output sample
[{'doc': './images/mrc_sample.jpg',
'result': [{'question': '杨小峰是什么身份?', 'answer': ['法定代表人']},
{'question': '花了多少钱进行注册的这个公司?', 'answer': ['壹仟壹佰万元']},
{'question': '公司的类型属于什么?', 'answer': ['有限责任公司']},
{'question': '杨小峰的住所是在哪里?',
'answer': ['成都市武侯区佳灵路20号九峰国际1栋16楼62号']},
{'question': '这个公司的法定代表人叫什么?', 'answer': ['杨小峰']},
{'question': '91510107749745776R代表的是什么?', 'answer': ['统一社会信用代码']},
{'question': '公司在什么时候成立的?',
'answer': ['2003年7月22日营业期限2003年7月22日']}]}]
- Run
python infer.py \
--model_path_prefix ../../cls_export/inference \
--lang "en" \
--task_type cls \
--batch_size 8
- Output sample
[{'doc': './images/cls_sample.jpg', 'result': 'email'}]
: The file path of the Paddle model for inference, with the file prefix name。For example, the inference model file path is./export/inference.pdiparams
, then pass./export/inference
: number of input of each batch, default to 1.max_seq_length
: If the OCR result exceeds the set maximum length, the OCR result will be sliced. The default is 512.task_type
: choose the task type,the options arener
: select the task language,the options areen
: choose the device,the options arecpu