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Parameterized Rules

PhilippeSigaud edited this page Sep 9, 2012 · 6 revisions

Parameterized Rules

Pegged piggybacks on D nice template syntax to get parameterized rules: rules that take other parsing expressions as arguments. The syntax is quite simple, just put a comma-separated list right after the rule name (no space):

List(Elem, Sep) <  Elem (Sep Elem)*

Which, as you might gather, means List(Elem, Sep) is a parser recognizing an Elem possibly followed by more Sep-separated Elems (it also skips the spacing).

To use a parameterized rule, invoke it with parsing expressions, putting arguments inside parenthesis:

ArgList <- '(' List(Identifier, ',') ')'

So, an ArgList is a comma-separated list of identifiers enclosed between parenthesis. Pegged is smart enough to produce the correct code for parsing expressions used as argument, which can be as complicated as you want (any parsing expression will do). In the previous example, ',' is correctly transformed into the comma-matching parser.

What Parameterized Rules Can Do For You

That means any repetitive pattern you see in your grammar can be extracted and abstracted away as a parameterized rule. For example, it's common in PEG to see:

Rule <~ (!Expr .)*

Which means 'any char, as long as it's not an Expr'. To get text up to an end-of-line marker, for example:

Line <~ (!EOL .)* (EOL / EOI)

(EOL and EOI are Predefined Parsers).

Let's call this pattern AllUntil:

AllUntil(Pred) <~ (!Pred .)*

This can be generalized further:

Until(Expr, Pred) <- (!Pred Expr)*
AllUntil(Pred)    <~ Until(., Pred)

Pegged parsers are classes (see Behind the Curtain: How Pegged Works). As you may gather, parameterized rules are just class templates:

class Until(Expr, Pred) : ZeroOrMore!(Seq!(NegLookAhead!(Pred), Expr)) { ... }

Which means they can be directly invoked by the user, like this:

auto p = AllUntil!(EOL).parse("Hello

assert(p.capture[0] == "Hello");

That also means it's possible to define parameterized rules with different arities (number of args):

List(Elem, Sep) <- Elem (Sep Elem)*
List(Elem)      <- List(Elem, :',') # Comma-sep, drop the commas

Default Values

Parameters can have default values, standard Pegged expressions. Here is for example a List rule which defaults to comma-separated when given only one argument:

List(Elem, Sep = ',') < Elem (:Sep Elem)*

The default value is internally converted into a standard Pegged parser, and then the D engine for template default parameters does the rest of the job.

parameterized Grammars

Entire grammars can be parameterized and can use the passed expressions. The syntax is the same than for rules: put a comma-separated list right after the rule name, before the colon:

Arithmetic(Atom) :
    Expr     <  Factor  (('+'/'-') Factor)*
    Factor   <  Primary (('*'/'/') Primary)*
    Primary  <  '(' Expr ')' / '-' Primary / Atom

To use the parameterized grammar directly, call it with parsing expressions as arguments:

alias Or!(Identifier, Fuse!(OneOrMore!(Digit))) Atom; // more or less equivalent to Atom <- Identifier / ~Digit+
auto tree = Arithmetic!(Atom).parse("(x-1)*(x+1)");

The previously defined Atom matches both identifiers and simple numbers. That way, Arithmetic is now a grammar template (well, duh!) that provides a 'skeleton': it recognizes expressions of the form [] + ([] - [])*[], for any expression filling the slots.

This opens a new genericity in grammars: Arithmetic can now be used in different contexts and by different grammars. To use it in another grammar, just call it with an argument. Say we have a grammar for relations (e == f, e <= f, and so on). The compared expression can be arithmetic expressions:

Relation <  ^Arithmetic(Atom) RelOp ^Arithmetic(Atom)
RelOp    <- "==" / "!=" / "<=" / ">=" / "<" / ">"
Atom     <- Identifier / ~Digit+

void main()
    writeln(Relation.parse("(x-1)*(x+1) == x*x -1"));

Note the ^ (promote aka 'keep') operator before the Arithmetic(Atom) call, to keep the resulting parse node, external to the grammar.

We can continue this matrioshka construction even further: Relation itself can be parameterized and used into a Boolean grammar, recognizing sentences like (x < 1) || (x+y == 0):

Arithmetic(Atom) :
    Expr     <  Factor  (^('+'/'-') Factor)*
    Factor   <  Primary (^('*'/'/') Primary)*
    Primary  <  '(' Expr ')' / '-' Primary / Atom

Expr     <  ^Arithmetic(Atom) RelOp ^Arithmetic(Atom)
RelOp    <- "==" / "!=" / "<=" / ">=" / "<" / ">"

Boolean < AndExpr ("||" AndExpr)*
AndExpr < NotExpr ("&&" NotExpr)*
NotExpr < "!"? Primary
Primary <  '(' Boolean ')' / Relation(Atom)
Atom    <- Identifier / Number
Number  <~ [0-9]+

void main()
    auto tree = Boolean.parse("x < 0 || x+y == 1");

So, Boolean calls Relation, which in turn calls Arithmetic. Isn't that cool?

Parameterized First Rules for Anonymous Grammars

parameterized rules are inner class templates in the bigger class (the grammar itself). This means that, according to the D grammar, these definitions must be placed first in the class code else there is a forward reference error. Pegged does this automatically for you: it scans the grammar definitions and reorders them accordingly. You do not have to worry about it: just define your grammar in the order you wish.

But there is a catch: Pegged considers that the root rule of a grammar (the one that's called when you just use the grammar name in the .parse() call) is the very first rule. In case this first rule is parameterized, Pegged cleans it up somewhat: it recognized the rule as parameterized and makes the entire grammar parameterized, with an non-parameterized internal first rule.

A(B) <- B*

Is transformed in the equivalent of:

    A <- B

Which was what I wanted all the time I used anonymous grammars with a parameterized first rule. It can be dangerous, though:

// This creates the 'List' grammar, with one rule called 'List' also.
List(E, Sep) <- E (Sep E)*

void main()
    List.parse("A BC D"); // Uh? What are E and Sep?

In the previous example, that may seem obvious. But sometimes, while adding rules to an already existing grammar, you may forget it.

Other Examples

There is a module presenting different parameterized rules: here.

As it contains only parameterized rules, do not use it 'raw'.

Future Extensions

Todo: For now, Pegged does not recognize template tuple parameters. You cannot do:

# For example
Rule(Exprs...) <- Exprs[0] !(Exprs[1]) Exprs[$-1]

That would also mean giving a user access to D syntax for calling parameters, $ calls or even slices. I'm not up to it right now, because it'll add another level of complexity to the Pegged grammar.

Another very interesting thing would be to allow numerical arguments (2, as opposed to the literal '2'). For example: Repeat(e, 2,4). But it's a Pandora box: to define Repeat I'd need to add if expressions. It's doable, but I'm leery of transforming the Pegged syntax into a full-fledged programming language syntax. It won't be far from Turing-completeness and that's definitely something I do not want. I mean, I already have D for that.

Repeat(Expr, n) <- Expr  if(n > 1)(Repeat(Expr, n-1))

Also, associated to that, guards/constraints on parameterized rules:

Repeat(Expr,n) if (n> 0) <- Expr   if(n > 1)(Repeat(Expr, n-1))

Next Lesson: Semantic Actions

Pegged Tutorial

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