- A GCP project which can be created here
- An authorized gcloud which can be downloaded here
- docker-engine which can be downloaded here
Clone the kubernetes-anywhere repository.
$ git clone /~
$ cd kubernetes-anywhere
Setup a GCP service account for kubernetes-anywhere to use to deploy your cluster. First export the name of your project.
$ export PROJECT_ID="<replace with the name of your project>"
then run:
$ export SERVICE_ACCOUNT="kubernetes-anywhere@${PROJECT_ID}"
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create kubernetes-anywhere \
--display-name kubernetes-anywhere
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create phase1/gce/account.json \
--iam-account "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}"
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \
--member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" --role roles/editor
Now hop into your deployment shell with all the tools you need to deploy a kubernetes-anywhere cluster. Run:
$ make docker-dev
Once in your dev shell run:
$ make deploy
and fill complete the config wizard to deploy a kubernetes-anywhere cluster. Eventually, you will see a set of nodes when you run:
$ kubectl --kubeconfig phase1/gce/kubeconfig.json get nodes
It may take a couple minutes for the Kubernetes API to start responding to requests. Once all the nodes in your cluster is ready, you can deploy cluster addons by running:
$ ./phase3/do gen
$ kubectl --kubeconfig phase1/gce/kubeconfig.json apply -f ./phase3/.tmp/
After you've had a great experience with Kubernetes, run:
$ make destroy
to tear down your cluster.