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314 lines (233 loc) · 14 KB

File metadata and controls

314 lines (233 loc) · 14 KB

A2J - Digitale Rechtsantragstelle

First draft of implementing a platform to create requests to the Rechtsantragstelle.

interactive code map



  • Node.js >= 20.0.0
  • Docker (Redis dependency)
  • npm 7 or greater
  • strapi (see below)


Three options:
  1. A local strapi instance:

    • Start strapi locally,
    • configure .env with CMS=STRAPI and STRAPI_API pointing to your local strapi instance (cp .env.example .env should do the trick)
  2. Using the the deployed staging strapi instance:

    • Set STRAPI_API=<STRAPI_STAGING_URL>/api and set STRAPI_ACCESS_KEY to your token (create a new key in the strapi GUI at "Settings" > "API Tokens" > "Create new API Token")
  3. Use a local content file:

    • Set STRAPI_API and STRAPI_ACCESS_KEY to point to staging like in option 2.
    • Set CMS=FILE
    • Run npm run build:localContent (should have generated a content.json file)

For each Strapi page, there are two locales: Staging (sg) and Production (de). This is because while we're able to feature flag code changes in PostHog, we aren't able to feature flag content changes in the CMS. E.g. If we want to test out content changes, like different components on the same page, we must use Strapi's Locale feature, as Multi-Environments is only supported by Strapi Cloud.

The App first checks to see if valid staging data exists, and if not, pull the requested data from the production environment. By default, we develop features in the Production environment.

Run Server in Development Mode

npm install
docker compose up -d
npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes. Open the app in localhost:3000


Unit tests

  • run: npm run test
  • run in watch mode: npm run test:watch
  • run with coverage: npm run test:coverage
  • run subset: npm run test -- -t "STRING_TO_MATCH"

E2E tests

  • run: npm run test:e2e
  • UI: npm run test:e2e:ui
  • debug (F10 to step over): npx playwright test --debug


Remember to install playwright cli and set the environment variable GERICHTSFINDER_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

Write E2E tests

Debug E2E tests in CI

  1. download artifact from GitHub action summary page (only present on e2e failure for 30 days)
  2. unzip
  3. npx playwright show-trace <DOWNLOAD_PATH>/data/<HASH>.zip

Git Hooks

We use lefthook for running several pre-commit hooks,install them using npm run init.

The git hooks check formatting, linting, unit tests, typecheck (see lefthook.yaml for more details). You may execute them before commiting using lefthook run pre-commit.

How to add a new "Antrag" or form pdf to services/pdf/

  1. Create a new folder for example: prozesskostenhilfe
  2. Store the antrag or form pdf there: prozesskostenhilfe/Erklaerung_Verhaeltnisse_Prozess_oder_Verfahrenskostenhilfe.pdf
  3. Run npm run build:pdf

After running the command, a new file named prozesskostenhilfe.generated.ts will be generated in the specified directory. You can use this file to fill out the PDF based on the input fields defined within it.

How to generate TypeScript type declarations from xJustiz XSD's

In order to have type safety when generating an xJustiz XML at the end of an Antrag, we need to occasionally generate TypeScript type declarations from xJustiz XSD files. NOTE: the XSD files can be found at, and are not checked into the repository. You will need to download them and place them at data/xml/schemas to run the following script: Simply run npm run build:typesFromXSD. This manual command has you download and run @wikipathways/cxsd. We haven't added it as a dependency to our project, as it's several years out-of-date, and the generation shouldn't happen often.

  • The generated TS files can be found at data/xml/generated, and due to issues with the underlying library, will need to have their imports renamed/fixed.
  • You will also need to remove "junk" files, like din-spec-XXX, which aren't used.

How to add a new Array page to a form flow (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

(This section is still under construction, as there are still open questions about what the generic array case is [or should be] and how to document it) Form flow arrays should, generally speaking, be defined like the following inside of flow.json:

"<Plural name>": {
   "initial": "<Plural name>-frage",
   "states": {
      "<Plural name>-frage": {
            "SUBMIT": [
                  "guard": "hasOther<Plural name>",
                  "target": "uebersicht"
            "BACK": "<Previous step>"
      "uebersicht": {
         "on": {
            "SUBMIT": [
                  "guard": "hasOther<Plural name>AndEmptyArray",
                  "target": "warnung"
            "BACK": "<Plural name>-frage",
            "add-<Plural name>": {
               "guard": "isValid<Plural name>ArrayIndex",
               "target": "<Singular name>"
      "warnung": {
         "on": {
            "BACK": "uebersicht",
            "SUBMIT": "<Next Step>"
      "<Singular name>": {
         "initial": "daten",
         "states": {
            "daten": {
               "on": {
                  "BACK": "#<Plural name>.uebersicht",
                  "SUBMIT": "#<Plural name>.uebersicht"

Note the following:

  • The step begins with a ____-frage step, usually a yes/no radio page, indicating whether or not to show the ArraySummary page at all. E.g. "Do you have any additional income you would like to report?"
  • The uebersicht page is the ArraySummary, which will display all the items the user has added, along with an "Add item" button
  • warnung is necessary as a type of form validation, to ensure that the user has entered >= 1 item (actual form validation would be tricky here, so displaying a warning to the user is the next best thing)
  • Finally, the <Singular name> step is basically a placeholder for the data entered per item (daten), so that the url reads as <Singular name>/<item number>/daten e.g. arbeitsausgabe/0/daten

After these steps have been entered in flow.json, we need to define the matching ArrayConfigServer in index.ts of the respective flow:

config: _.merge(<flow>, {
   meta: {
      arrays: {
         <Plural name>: {
            url: "/<flowId>/<stepId>/<Plural name>/<Singular name>",
            initialInputUrl: "daten",
            event: "add-<Plural name>",
      } satisfies Partial<Record<AllContextKeys, ArrayConfigServer>>,

(If multiple ArrayConfigServers are being added, it might be sensible to add them to an arrayConfigurations.ts file and spread them in)

Data Flow


box Backend
participant Loader
participant CMS
participant Validation

box Frontend
participant PageComponent
participant StrapiComponent
participant AppComponent

Loader->>CMS: Fetch data (REST / JSON file lookup)
CMS-->>Loader: CMS Data (JSON)
Loader->>Validation: zod.validate()
Validation-->>Loader: typed StrapiData
Loader->>PageComponent: Remix (json({content}) -> useLoaderData)
PageComponent->>StrapiComponent: Typed Strapi Data (Prop drilling)
StrapiComponent->>AppComponent: sanatize & map
AppComponent->>StrapiComponent: JSX Element(s)
StrapiComponent->>PageComponent: JSX Element(s)


App and content are deployed seperately from each other. Refer to the following flow chart:

flowchart TD

    classDef e2eTest fill:#f56
    classDef deploy fill:#f96
    classDef artifact fill:#3f6

    subgraph registry
        latest_published_app([App image: a2j-rechtsantragstelle-app]):::artifact
        latest_published_content([Content image: a2j-rechtsantragstelle-content]):::artifact
        latest_published_prod([Production image: a2j-rechtsantragstelle]):::artifact

    subgraph app-release
    commit_to_main[New commit to main] --> app_e2e
    app_e2e{{E2E test: new app and released content}}:::e2eTest --> build_app_container
    build_app_container -.push to registry.-> latest_published_app

    build_app_container[Build & publish app container] --> build_prod_container_with_new_app
    build_prod_container_with_new_app[Build & publish prod container] -.push to registry.-> latest_published_prod

    subgraph content-release
    publish_content['Publish' button on strapi] --> content_e2e
    latest_published_app -.fetch image.-> content_e2e
    content_e2e{{E2E test: new content and released app}}:::e2eTest --> build_content_container
    build_content_container[Build & publish content container] -.push to registry.-> latest_published_content
    build_content_container --> build_prod_container_with_new_content
    build_prod_container_with_new_content[Build & publish prod container] -.push to registry.-> latest_published_prod

    subgraph deployment
    latest_published_prod -.fetch image.-> deploy_to_staging:::deploy
    build_prod_container_with_new_app --> deploy_to_staging[Deploy to staging]
    build_prod_container_with_new_app --> deploy_to_preview:::deploy
    latest_published_content -.fetch image.-> app_e2e
    latest_published_prod -.fetch image.-> deploy_to_preview
    build_prod_container_with_new_content --> deploy_to_preview
    deploy_to_preview[Deploy to preview] --> e2e_against_preview
    e2e_against_preview{{E2E against preview}}:::e2eTest --> deploy_to_production
    latest_published_prod -.fetch image.-> deploy_to_production:::deploy
    deploy_to_production[Deploy to production] --> production_check[Verify production deploy]




We have a storybook instance running. On the Staging and preview environments it can be accessed via /storybook. In development mode, run the npm run start:storybook command.

Data update


npm run build:licenses


npm run build:airports-data


npm run build:airlines-data "AIRLINE_FILE_PATH"

The AIRLINE_FILE_PATH corresponds to the file that contains airlines data that will be transformed into json via the build:airlines-data task. For further details and access to the source, please reach out to the maintainers of this repository.

Known issues

When running S3 LocalStack alongside an AVM FritzBox, you might encounter issues accessing LocalStack due to DNS rebind protection. For more details, you can check this guide and this discussion.

To resolve this, you need to allow in your FritzBox's DNS Rebind Protection settings. You can find step-by-step instructions here, and be sure to select your router model.

Code Language Conventions

This project uses a hybrid approach to language in code, mixing English and German. While technical implementation uses English (e.g., function validateData()), domain-specific terms can be kept in German (e.g., hasRechtsschutzversicherung: boolean). This is crucial because many German administrative terms lack precise English equivalents, leading to inconsistencies and communication overhead when translated. This hybrid approach ensures clear communication with domain experts and maintains code readability within our specific context. While we acknowledge this might pose a barrier for non-German speaking contributors, we believe it's the most effective solution for our project. We encourage contributors to ask questions about any unfamiliar German terms.


Deutsche sprache weiter unten

Everyone is welcome to contribute! You can contribute by giving feedback, adding issues, answering questions, providing documentation or opening pull requests. Please always follow the guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

To contribute code, simply open a pull request with your changes and it will be reviewed by someone from the team. By submitting a pull request you declare that you have the right to license your contribution to the DigitalService and the community under the MIT License.


Jede:r ist herzlich eingeladen, die Entwicklung der Project mitzugestalten. Du kannst einen Beitrag leisten, indem du Feedback gibst, Probleme beschreibst, Fragen beantwortest, die Dokumentation erweiterst, oder Pull-Requests eröffnest. Bitte befolge immer die Richtlinien und unseren Verhaltenskodex.

Um Code beizutragen erstelle einfach einen Pull Requests mit deinen Änderungen, dieser wird dann von einer Person aus dem Team überprüft. Durch das Eröffnen eines Pull-Request erklärst du ausdrücklich, dass du das Recht hast deine Beitrag an den DigitalService und die Community unter der MIT License zu lizenzieren.