The interfaces are simple marker interfaces.
/** @method void __invoke(Command $command) */
interface CommandHandlerInterface
/** @method void __invoke(Query $query) */
interface QueryHandlerInterface
A command handler implementation to create a new user account might look like this:
final class CreateUserAccountCommandHandler implements CommandHandlerInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly PasswordHasherFactoryInterface $passwordHasherFactory,
private readonly EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
private readonly UserRepository $userRepository,
) {
public function __invoke(CreateUserAccountCommand $command): void
The query handler always returns a value (if there is no exception). This return value can be anything from an object
, array
or even a callable
. When it returns data, it must not return entities, but always custom read models instead. This is an example where the query handler would return a user read model.
final readonly class GetUserQueryHandler implements QueryHandlerInterface
public function __construct(
private UserRepository $userRepository,
) {
public function __invoke(GetUserQuery $query): ReadModel\User
return $this->getTargetUser($query);
private function getTargetUser(GetUserQuery $query): ReadModel\User
$targetUser = $this->userRepository->findOneById($query->targetUserId);
if ($targetUser === null) {
throw new TargetUserNotFound();
return new ReadModel\User(
Whatever is returned is not send to the client but rather transformed to a response object through the configured response constructor.