A blogging platform with no interface. Blot turns a folder into a blog. The point of all this — the reason Blot exists — is so you can use your favorite tools to create whatever you publish.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions: support@blot.im
The internet <> NGINX (reverse proxy) <> Blot (express.js node application) <> Redis
You will need Docker.
Once you have Docker installed and running, clone the repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/davidmerfield/blot
Then start the server:
npm start
Before you begin working on the code, you'll need to open up the following URLs in your browser and add an exception for the self-signed SSL certificates which we've generated:
After you've trusted the self-signed certificates, the dashboard will be available at https://localhost and the example site will be available at https://example.localhost. You can edit the folder for the example blog inside the data
├── app/
│ the code for the node.js application which is Blot
├── config/
│ configation for the system utilities which keep redis, NGINX and the node.js processes up
├── scripts/
│ scripts which help the server administrator
├── tests/
│ integration tests and test configuration for blot
├── todo.txt
│ Blot's to-do list