TypoChecker is a tool for scanning source code files for common typographical errors. The tool checks through text-based files in a given repository to identify and suggest corrections for any matches found.
- Automatic typo detection: Scan through files in a repository for known typos.
- Support for multiple file types: It checks various source code and text file extensions.
- Colorized output: Provides color-coded feedback for easier identification of typos.
- Customization: Allows you to exclude certain files or skip specific typos.
To install the TypoChecker gem, you can install it directly using gem install
Run the following command in your terminal to install the gem globally:
gem install typo_checker
Once installed, you can use TypoChecker in your Ruby project to scan a directory (or the current directory by default) for typos.
# typo_checker scan /path/repo
typo_checker scan . # current repo
typo_checker scan . --excludes node_modules .git # or typo_checker scan . -e node_modules .git
typo_checker scan . --excludes node_modules .git --skips rspec defs # or typo_checker scan . -e node_modules .git -s rspec defs
When a typo is found, the tool prints out the following information in a colorized format:
- File path and line number in light blue.
- Incorrect word in red.
- Suggested correction in green.
Example output:
Typo found in /path/to/file.rb:10:15: myFuncton -> myFunction
TypoChecker supports the following file types by default:
- .rb (Ruby)
- .txt (Text)
- .md (Markdown)
- .html (HTML)
- .css (CSS)
- .js (JavaScript)
- .py (Python)
- .java (Java)
- .php (PHP)
- .go (Go)
- .swift (Swift)
- .ts (TypeScript)
- .scala (Scala)
- .c (C)
- .cpp (C++)
- .csharp (C#)
- .h (C Header)
- .lua (Lua)
- .pl (Perl)
- .rs (Rust)
- .kt (Kotlin)
- .sh, .bash, .bat (Shell Scripts)
- .json (JSON)
- .yaml (YAML)
- .xml (XML)
- .scss (Sass/SCSS)
- .tsv (Tab-separated values)
- .ps1 (PowerShell)
- .clj (Clojure)
- .elixir (Elixir)
- .f# (F#)
- .vhdl, .verilog (Hardware description languages)
- .ada (Ada)
- .ml (OCaml)
- .lisp (Lisp)
- .prolog (Prolog)
- .tcl (Tcl)
- .rexx (Rexx)
- .awk (AWK)
- .sed (Sed)
- .coffee (CoffeeScript)
- .groovy (Groovy)
- .dart (Dart)
- .haxe (Haxe)
- .zig (Zig)
- .nim (Nim)
- .crystal (Crystal)
- .reason (Reason)
- .ocaml (OCaml)
- .forth (Forth)
- .v (V)
- .xhtml (XHTML)
- .julia (Julia)
- .racket (Racket)
- .scheme (Scheme)
- .rust (Rust)
- .graphql (GraphQL)
We welcome contributions to this project! To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new feature branch (git checkout -b your-feature).
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
- Push the changes to your fork (git push origin your-feature).
- Open a pull request.
- Tran Dang Duc Dat (datpmt)
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.