- BUG #33 Elipses used when NA should replace on unquoted string missingness #33
This problem was caused by all of the columns being width 1. When width is 1 the length of the string "NA" is 2. Since 2 was greater
than 1 NA was converted to elipses. To fix this problem I added a min width of 2 and while I was at it I includeed a new option
- BUG #32 Column with integer 1 and 0 returns NaN for 0. This bug was caused by logging 0s. I added a condition on the sigfig decision tree to fix.
- Feature 1
:The lower (minimum) width of columns. Must be 2 or larger. Default 2.
- Feature 2
:The upper (maxiumum) width of columns. Default 20.
- Feature 2
:Print object details to make it easier for the maintainer to find and resolve bugs.
This is to save me time in the futre 😄
- BUG #29 Turns out the column count was correct.
was not printing the last column
Minor Mistakes:
- Added color format to additional footer data.
- BUG #29: Column count was wrong.
- BUG #28: Accidental extra info printed from debug.
Feature Enhancement: