I just moved the other projects to their own repos, the ones left here are the ones made in playgrounds, that somehow broke in a update from my laptop, maybe (not) I'll re do this views
This is a group of little frontend experiments I'm doing to improve and practice SwiftUI, saw something cool on the internet, BOOM! then try to code it.
Here you will find mostly, playground projects (I believe is a less complex approach rather than xcode) and a couple of xcode projects(its way faster to work in xcode and you have access to the latest versions of SwiftUI, besides the errors are better handled in Xcode), the playground projects comes bundled with the assets, I also leave a link to the a gist of each project, if it's a small enough and isn't a project with a lot of swift files (I'll do this sometimes)
Original: Lekan Menu
Result: Imgur
Original: Clean Bank UI
Result: Imgur