Toolset to extract and decrypt metamask vaults (wallets)
- Contact me at if you need help recovering your Metamask wallet password or seed phrase
Tool to extract metamask vaults to JSON and hashcat compatible formats
- Metamask JSON vaults can be decrypted with /~
- Previous Metamask hashes can be cracked using hashcat -m 26600
- New Metamask hashes can be cracked with hashcat using the custom -m 26620 kernel below
- Linux:
/home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local\ Extension\ Settings/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/
- Mac:
Library>Application Support>Google>Chrome>Default>Local Extension Settings>nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
- Windows
C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
- Linux:
./metamask_extractor.bin {metamask_vault_dir}
- Windows:
metamask_extractor.exe {metamask_vault_dir}
- If you want the latest features, compiling from source is the best option since the release version may run several revisions behind the source code.
- This assumes you have Go and Git installed
git clone /~
cd metamask_pwn
cd metamask_extractor
go mod init metamask_extractor
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-s -w" metamask_extractor.go
- Compile from source code how-to:
This tool is proudly the first publicly released Metamask Vault decryptor / cracker to support the new Metamask wallet vaults which have a dynamic iteration.
./metamask_decryptor_amd64.bin -h metamask_json.txt -w wordlist.txt
| Cyclone's Metamask Vault Decryptor |
Vault file: metamask_json.txt
Valid Vaults: 1
CPU Threads: 16
Wordlist: wordlist.txt
Decrypted: 0/1 5430.89 h/s 00h:01m:00s
- Supports previous Metamask vaults as well as new vaults with "KeyMetadata" which have dynamic iterations
- If you need help extracting Metamask vaults, use
Metamask Extractor
/~ Metamask Vault Decryptor
is superseded by hashcat, however,Metamask Vault Decryptor
also displays the seed phrase alongside the vault password, which hashcat does not currently support
- Old vault format:
{"data": "","iv": "","salt": ""}
- New vault format:
{"data": "","iv": "","keyMetadata": {"algorithm": "PBKDF2","params": {"iterations": }},"salt": ""}
./metamask_decryptor.bin -h {wallet_json} -w {wordlist}
If the tool successfully decrypts the vault, tool will print the vault json, seed phrase and vault password
Decrypted Vault: '{}'
Seed Phrase: ''
Vault Password: ''
- If you want the latest features, compiling from source is the best option since the release version may run several revisions behind the source code.
- This assumes you have Go and Git installed
git clone /~
cd metamask_pwn
cd metamask_decryptor
go mod init metamask_decryptor
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-s -w" metamask_decryptor.go
- Compile from source code how-to: