- Add in-app language selector
- Fix dark mode on Android 9 #596
- Dependencies updated
- Restore floating button position periodically #562
- Update translations from crowdin
- Work-around for distorted screenshots in assistant mode in Android 10 and 11 #556
- Option to disable floating button when quick settings are pulled down
- Select apps where floating button is automatically shown/hidden
- Remember floating button position separately for landscape and portrait orientation
- Option to disable floating button on lockscreen
- Option to disable floating button in portrait/landscape orientation
- Floating button position on Android 14 improved #462
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Dependencies updated
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Dependencies updated
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Material3 (Material You) contributed by @user0-tb
- Option to disable instantly taking a screenshot when tapping the count down #465
- Allow
to be a string or boolean value for automatic screenshots #473
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Floating button on camera hole for Android 12 and lower #453
- Whole row is clickable in sound selector #431
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Floating button can be placed over camera hole / cutout notch #453
- Only show accessibility toast when accessibility service is inactive
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Play a sound after a successful screenshot #431
- Show a toast message when opening the accessibility settings #359
- Allow hiding the donation links
- Use view binding
- Custom action when long-pressing the quick settings tile #376 #426
- Show an explanation for "restricted settings" in Android 13+ #410
- Add donation links
- Translations improved
- Improvements for Android 14/U
- Translations improved
- Upgrade SDK to 34
- Translations improved
- Vietnamese translation improved
- Arabic translation improved by @Yousefx10
- Update dependencies
- Update translations
- Minor bugfixes for crashes reported by Google's error reports
- Option to move file from "Details" activity
- Update PhotoEditor to [3.0.1]
- Complete language list for setting per-app language
- Minor bugfixes
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Add option to prevent screenshots when phone is locked #301
- Add option to override original file in photo editor #300
- Rotate landscape images in photo editor #280
- Add donation link to about section
- Include new shape "arrow" in PhotoEditor burhanrashid52/PhotoEditor#492
- Update PhotoEditor to 3.0.0
- Bugfix: The settings button in the Android assistant settings opened an empty activity
- Bugfix: On Android 9 and lower lossless WebP is not available #296
- Update Gradle to 8.x
- Fix publishing
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Fix build #286 & 76b57bf4#note_1272968846
- Fix image size in landscape orientation #283
- Fix for shape button appeared twice in photo editor #277
- Label RecognitionService as
[Do not select this]
- Unify keepAppDataMax's defaultValue #262
- Add meta-data for
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Updated screenshots in metadata
- Included PhotoEditor by Burhanuddin Rashid
- Crop image after a screenshot was taken
- Crop any image via "Share" file
- Choose what happens after a screenshot was taken
- Directly open or edit a screenshot (without storing in the gallery)
- Overview of recent screenshots
- Screenshot history (can be turned off)
- New screen to change floating button theme including color
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Fix crash when opening advanced settings #187
- Translations updated from crowdin
- File size in PostActivity
- Custom compression/quality for file format #175 (in advanced settings)
- Android 13: back
- Transparency of floating button #175 (in advanced settings)
- Custom delay time (in advanced settings)
- 🇮🇷 Persian translation improved by MeysamNaghavi
- Don't ask for storage permission on Android 10/Q+
- Android 13: Offer monochrome icon for "Themed icons" in "Material You" https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features?hl=en#themed-app-icons
- Android 13: Restrict exporting of broadcast receiver and activities https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features?hl=en#runtime-receivers
- Android 13: Ask user to add tiles to quick settings on first start https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features?hl=en#quick-settings
- Android 13: Offer per-app language https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features?hl=en#app-languages
- Android 13: Notification permission https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/changes/notification-permission
- 🇮🇷 Persian translation by MeysamNaghavi
- Allow installation on external storage #170
- 🇷🇺 Russian translation improved by Ilyas Khaniev
- 🇯🇵 Japanese translation improved by FrzMtrsprt
- 🇻🇳 Vietnamese translation improved by bruhwut
- Choose which action buttons appear in the notification (configurable in app settings)
- Rename file from notification
- "Details" activity
- Update check (in app settings)
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Added a switch for the floating button in the MainActivity
- Minor UI improvements
- Minor bugfixes
- Restore state in settings on rotation #119
- Translations updated
- Assist app: take screenshot via long press on home button #118
- Partial screenshot: slide edges/corners
- Partial screenshot: select full screen button
- Partial screenshot: back button resets selection
- Advanced settings
- Cloud backup: dataExtractionRules for Android 12
- Added widget to toggle floating button
- Restore state in settings on rotation #119
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Enable native method on new installs from F-Droid and don't show the consent dialog
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Translations updated from crowdin
- Prominent disclosure of the Accessibility Services API's usage according to Google's requirements
- Minor bugfixes
- Unit test for activity links
- Change notification for all versions Notification icons crash app
- Android 12 bugfix: Notification icons crash app
- Polish translation by @gnu-ewm and @chuckmichael
- Select area from floating button #81
- Custom file name #83
- Arabic translation by Rex_sa (rex07) and Yousef Khaled Elsayed Espetan @Yousefx10
- Romanian translation by Simona Iacob
- Various translations improved
- Correctly enable/disable settings according to "use native method" status
- Dutch translation by Hendrik Maryns (@hamaryns)
- Greek translation by fresh
- Close button can be any emoji e.g. ❌ ✅ ❎ ✓ ✔ ⛌ ✖ #56
- Ukrainian translation by @Sensetivity
- French translation by @UncleReaton
- Fix: white font on Android 24-28
- Tile action: screenshot or partial screenshot #55
- Use dedicated foreground service for media projection if tile service is not in foreground
- Fix: partial screenshot rectangle was not correct if there was a cutout or visible status bar
- Switch dark theme in settings #65
- Extra delay for floating buttton #59
- Show a settings button for 2s after drag & drop of floating button
- Hungarian translation by Stefi68
- Russian translation by rikishi0071
- Preference layout moved to the left
- Updated Chinese app store translation. Thanks to @linsui
- Added Italian translation. Thanks to Filippo "Tecnophil" Cervellera
- Improved Arabic translation
- Improved Ukrainian translation
- Android 11: native method with custom storage folder #43
- Icon color changed
- Enable native method on new installs
- Permissions management improved
- Shortcut to toggle floating button
- Square or round shutter for floating button with animations
- Completely translated to Portuguese. Thanks to @mezysinc
- Russian translation improved
- Fix "hide app icon"
- Add dimension metadata to MediaStore
- Hide floating button before taking a screenshot
- Wait longer for quick settings panel to collapse on native method
- Added floating button to take screenshots
- Added initial activity with text explanation of features
- Added Portuguese pt-br translation. Thanks to @mezysinc
- Rename package
- Design improvements
- Added widgets
- Improvements for Android Q and 11. Start foreground service earlier
- Update Kotlin
- Improvements for Android Q and 11
- some phones show the permission dialog in the screenshot. Added a delay to avoid it
- gradle.properties: android.useAndroidX=true
- Bugfix: sdcard error after reboot
- Remove "hide app icon" on Android Q. It's no longer supported since Android 10+
- Bugfix: Edit did not work with custom storage location and Google Photos app
- Added support for a custom storage location
- Updated Chinese translations. Thanks to @linsui
- Several bugfixes
- Simulate Home+Power button press to use native/system screenshot function. Requires enabled accessibility service and Android Pie/9+
- Updated Indonesian translation. Thanks to @alexschenider
- Support night mode on Android Q
- Disable back gesture on viewpager on Android Q
- Updated Indonesian translation. Thanks to @alexschenider
- Updated translations
- Compressed images and removed unused resources
- Updated Indonesian translation. Thanks to @alexschenider
- Added short text to each tutorial screenshot
- Added an option in the long-press menu to select an area before taking a screenshot
- Added a Broadcast receiver for broadcast intents from other apps like MacroDroid
- Fixed: Delete from notification on Android Q
- Enhancements for Android Q
- Bugfix
- Added Polish translation
- Translations improved
- Small bugfix
- Added settings entry for notifications
- Moved Fragments and Preference to androidx/AppCompat
- Translations improved
- Redesigned the notification with a big picture and reordered the buttons
- Added a list of open source projects used to the about section
- Allow installation to internal storage only
- Improved existing translations
- Added incomplete translations for Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Kannada, Malay, Marathi, Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Uighur, Urdu, Vietnamese
- Update gradle
- Removed black borders on screenshots with some devices
- Fix some nullable crashes
- Update Kotlin version
- Added file format: png, jpg, webp
- Moved compressing the bitmap to file in separate thread
- Added "Edit" button
- Added fastlane metadata
- Fix crash (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) in the tutorial
- Update gradle
- Fix crash (java.io.IOException) at java.io.File.createNewFile
- Added tutorial with icon on home screen (Option to hide icon in settings)
- Tile state is now always off
- Fixed crash (java.lang.IllegalStateException at ScreenshotTileService.onTileAdded)
- Added app icon shortcut to take a screenshot
- Fixed bug: countdown/wait before screenshot was creating two screenshots
- Disabled proguard
- Translated about section
- Added Tagalog/filipino translation
- Added "Share" and "Delete" button to the notification
- Fixed crash when permissions were initially denied or canceled
- Fixed bug: countdown/wait before screenshot was creating two screenshots
- Fixed Hebrew translation.
- Added Simplified Chinese translation. Thanks to @linsui
- Added Norwegian translation.
- Added Spanish translation.
- Added Hebrew translation.
- Added French translation.
- Added German translation.