- decoupling + more dynamic imports
- migrated ninetyNine store storage
- property migration
- migrated schema for property and saved + logger overhaul
- account: agent registration option
- account: added reset password
- redis: added checks for cache decay
- account: fleshed out update fields
- prisma: revert back to psql due to oauth breaking
- added redis cache
- prisma: migrate to mysql
- explore: added new launches preview
- user delete + update (partial)
- user password auth
- wip: explore
- base nav overhaul
- migrated to es6 map
- dynamic routing for property types, id
- account: added reset password (69f67ef)
- account: agent registration option (d600d65)
- account: fleshed out update fields (3eea5c5)
- account: update profile image (406920e)
- add wip banner (62d8c72)
- added auth page tests (600f7e4)
- added custom logo loader (0e0861d)
- added footer (f352b1a)
- added info pages (a76d998)
- added join cta in explore submenu (9d47447)
- added listing cta + cleanup (7fac32a)
- added listing type fallback (efd3bec)
- added listing view modes (a3064ed)
- added map listing backlink (c23ec48)
- added pagination (7dfb8da)
- added redis cache (8a59e64)
- added soon badge (4ace58b)
- added static error pages for deployment (23d6118)
- added unavailability removal (ddc3b0a)
- auth requirement for saved listing (6f79f26)
- auth: added credentials provider (75dd17b)
- auth: shifted cfm password (273fa7a)
- auto redirection countdown for unknown states (207cada)
- base nav overhaul (36eb2d0)
- beta: updated beta tag (0eb62be)
- drafted neighbourhood info into listing (38d18c6)
- drafted posted (77d784b)
- drafted price range (ca91f44)
- dynamic routing for property types, id (b05ba23)
- explore: added new launches preview (be1946a)
- explore: fleshed out area info (1a1f17f)
- explore: view new launches (0d39c4d)
- fallback listing state + offloaded nav placeholders (207f5d6)
- fleshed out auth forms tests (628f9d2)
- generated sitemap (75c808d)
- initialized w/ t2/3 stack (99f5f4e)
- integrated pwa (e4a4440)
- listing: added faq section (9ab5de0)
- listings: added filters (c36a046)
- listing: semi-fleshed out details (9dcb01d)
- listing: similar listings preview (657b4e1)
- listings: store mutator to invoke trpc proxy (ded967e)
- migrated ninetyNine store storage (fa469b2)
- migrated schema for property and saved + logger overhaul (20a81b7)
- migrated to es6 map (8cf8fa7)
- minor tweaks (2633e5c)
- nav: updated navbar mobile responsiveness (3e087b8)
- omitted beta tag (c52fbab)
- prisma: migrate to mysql (84c8240)
- property: fetch specific listing w/ clusterId (5c6cc17)
- redis: added checks for cache decay (1f2b6ac)
- revamp + embedded maps (8c046ff)
- revamped footer (90c98f2)
- saved: added user saved listings (809fd5d)
- search: area search + page states assets (07d327d)
- serialize property when saved (85a8ede)
- tweaked save btn (d816273)
- update-account: dynamic profile image action (7a6302e)
- updated agent verification (a8e08f4)
- updated config + added security headers (4697d80)
- updated datasource (c663f2c)
- updated footer links (0dab702)
- updated nav cta (74f03a7)
- user delete + update (partial) (33a3d0a)
- user password auth (76b3429)
- wip: explore (00bb47d)
- account: patched hook depths (24c6110)
- auth: failed signIn infinite loader (8a6f03b)
- auth: findFirst deadblock (17b43d9)
- auth: patched state persistance (9615a94)
- auth: permisstic shadowing of authErrorState (696cccf)
- cea validation (6bbcd06)
- close drawer when redirected (afb5141)
- docs: specified res headers (b45faf3)
- gov: patch validation switch (a02a3d3)
- listing: patch cluster listing state (93f0786)
- neighbourhood: patched prisma migration (78d3059)
- oauth: updated schema for cascading deletion (f2b5d66)
- omitted pagination cache (b38633c)
- patched copy link (bd74a5a)
- patched direct listing search (6d5e330)
- prisma: revert back to psql due to oauth breaking (cd9576a)
- property migration (96a5439)
- search: tweaked location multiselect styles (4abb7a6)
- update imports (c4a7046)
- updated beta flag (1fd8f05)
- decoupling + more dynamic imports (b76cfe1)