In this episode we discussed working from home at the stormy times of COVID-19
Allocate a dedicated space. Work only from there. Only work from there.
Do a morning routine: put your pants on.
Make sure your family knows you are working.
Do not get disrtucted to do home chores during working hours (whatever you decide they are).
Beware of snacks and snacking
Take a walk.
Mute working notifications (except of critical channels) after clocking out.
Don’t be tempted to keep working or checking in on emails and slack.
Don’t be embraced asking for help and interrupting people.
Do more video meetings – body language is important.
Over-communicate what you’ve done, what you’re doing, what are the problems, and what are your plans, every day.
Office hours in zoom – open meeting to drop in.
Use reminders on Slack (for yourself to remind to answer and for others to ping in good hours).
Rubber duck debugging.
As a manager - check in on folks, try to create virtual social events.