By Thiadmer Riemersma,
After seeing the demo source for the Pro Motion plugin interface, I regret that I do not develop in Delphi. It looks like I should reconsider my tools.
Anyway, for the mere mortals amongst us, I tried to get the essentials of the DDE conversation into a C snippet.
The low level interface to DDE has always been fairly complex from Windows 2.0 to Windows95 when using C.
In my code, I assume that you can use DDEML.DLL
This interface was introduced with Windows 3.1.
It is still fairly low level, but it handles some of the more complex allocation/freeing issues.
This is not (by a far cry) a DDE tutorial!
I once developed a set of general purpose DDE functions. In these functions, I assumed that the server name and the topic name were constant for a comversation. In the applications that I have previously used, this was the case.
I also assumed that the item name changed from item to item.
In the case of Pro Motion, the item is always "ImageServerItem"
I have not adapted my source to this special case.
The general idea is that you execute a macro in Pro Motion, and then query the result.
Here is an example of use:
/* do this only once, for example when starting your program */
if (!DDEopen("PMOTION","ImageServer")) {
MessageBox(hwnd, "Pro Motion server is inactive", NULL, MB_OK);
char str[128];
if (DDEexec("ImageServerItem", "GetCurrentDelay"))
DDErequest("ImageServerItem", str, sizeof str, FALSE);
int framecount;
if (DDEexec("ImageServerItem", "GetFrameCount")) {
DDErequest("ImageServerItem", str, sizeof str, FALSE);
framecount = atoi(str);
} /* if */
/* many more calls to DDEexec() and DDErequest() */
/* do this before terminating your program (or when you no longer
* need to talk to Pro Motion)
My implementation of a DDE “execute” is asynchronous. I do not know whether Pro Motion requires this. A few other applications for which I implemented DDE conversations required asynchronous execution, so I left it that way. Note that the Delphi implementation also does an asynchronous execution.
An asynchronous DDE transaction requires a callback and, for convenience, a loop to wait for the result. I have built in a timeout (this is a constant of 10 seconds, which is far longer than Pro Motion ever needs).
This code has some 16-bit roots, which is visible in the call to MakeProcInstance()
In 32-bit, this call in unnecessary.
In the code below, I have handled this special case with a #if defined __WIN32__
, but you may need to change the __WIN32__
constant to _Win32
or something else to please you compiler.
When compiling in 16-bit, I am assuming that you have a global variable called hInst
that holds the current instance handle (the hInstace
value passed to WinMain()
Below is the (general purpose) DDE code. You should be able to copy-and-paste it in your C/C++ program.
/* add the DDEML.H file to your #include files list */
#include <ddeml.h>
static FARPROC DDEcallback = NULL;
static DWORD DDEinst = 0L; /* DDE instance id */
static HCONV DDEconv = 0; /* DDE conversation id */
static HSZ hszServer, hszTopic; /* usually constant for a conversation */
static BOOL DDEready;
#define DDE_RETRIES 5
#define DDE_TIMEOUT 10000
#pragma argsused
HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hData,
DWORD dwData1, DWORD dwData2)
switch (wType) {
case XTYP_DISCONNECT: /* Disconnect, handle no longer valid */
DDEconv = 0;
if (hszServer != 0 && hszTopic != 0) {
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszServer);
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszTopic);
hszServer = NULL;
hszTopic = NULL;
} /* if */
DDEready = TRUE;
} /* switch */
return NULL;
BOOL DDEopen(LPSTR lpServer, LPSTR lpTopic)
#if defined __WIN32__
DDEcallback = (FARPROC)DDECallBack;
DDEcallback = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)DDECallBack, hInst);
return FALSE;
hszServer = DdeCreateStringHandle(DDEinst, lpServer, CP_WINANSI);
hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandle(DDEinst, lpTopic, CP_WINANSI);
DDEconv = DdeConnect(DDEinst, hszServer, hszTopic, NULL);
if (DDEconv != 0)
return TRUE;
/* failure, clean up */
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszServer);
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszTopic);
hszServer = NULL;
hszTopic = NULL;
return FALSE;
void DDEclose(void)
if (DDEconv != 0) {
DDEconv = 0;
} /* if */
if (hszServer != 0 && hszTopic != 0) {
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszServer);
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszTopic);
hszServer = 0;
hszTopic = 0;
} /* if */
#if !defined __WIN32__
BOOL DDErequest(LPSTR lpItem, LPSTR lpValue, DWORD dwMax, BOOL CRLF)
HSZ hszItem;
DWORD dwSize;
short retry=0;
*lpValue = '\0';
hszItem = DdeCreateStringHandle(DDEinst, lpItem, CP_WINANSI);
do {
hData = DdeClientTransaction(NULL, 0, DDEconv, hszItem, CF_TEXT, XTYP_REQUEST, 1000, NULL);
if (!hData)
Err = DdeGetLastError(DDEinst);
} while (Err!=DMLERR_NO_ERROR && retry < DDE_RETRIES);
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszItem);
if (Err)
return FALSE;
dwSize = DdeGetData(hData,NULL,0,0);
if (dwSize > dwMax)
dwSize = dwMax;
DdeGetData(hData, (LPBYTE)lpValue, dwSize, 0L);
lpValue[(int)dwSize] = '\0'; /* make sure it is zero terminated */
if (!CRLF) {
int length = lstrlen(lpValue);
if (lpValue[length - 2] == '\r')
lpValue[length - 2] = '\0';
} /* if */
return TRUE;
DDEexec(LPSTR lpItem, LPSTR lpCommand)
HSZ hszItem;
DWORD time;
MSG msg;
hszItem = DdeCreateStringHandle(DDEinst, lpItem, CP_WINANSI);
DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)lpCommand,strlen(lpCommand)+1 , DDEconv, hszItem, CF_TEXT,
DDEready = FALSE;
time = GetTickCount();
while (!DDEready) {
if (GetTickCount() > time + DDE_TIMEOUT)
break; /* wait 10 seconds, fail otherwise */
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
} /* if */
} /* while */
DdeFreeStringHandle(DDEinst, hszItem);
return DDEready;
Thiadmer Riemersma
This document was ported to AsciiDoc by
Tristano Ajmone
and republished with Jan Zimmermann’s permission under the
Apache License v2.0 terms.
Beside formatting, aesthetic tweaks and some marginal text changes, this document is a faithful reproduction of the dde_c.txt
document found inside the
downloadable from Cosmigo website.